Dear Friends; the demonic and fully orchestrated tactics used against President Trump during the 2024 presidential debate with Harris by the demonic Woke Marxist Left was the height and zenith of Fake News at their best! Deception and deceit at high tech and mass media EXPONENTIAL levels; to mislead, deceive, destroy and lead astray all for a highly demonic Marxist Woke destroying agenda;
My dear friends, right before our Lord's crucifixion and execution, Jesus’ disciples - as they looked upon Herod's Temple from the Mount of Olives - asked Jesus, "when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world (Matt 24:1-3)?" The very first reply given by our Lord to His disciples was the very stern warning, "Take heed that no man deceive you!" (Matt. 24:4)! How amazing that our Lord, with ALL PERFECT understanding and perception, PERFECTLY knew; the spirit and the EXPONENTIAL power of media which would EXPONENTIALLY dominate our present Last Days world! And with that PERFECT understanding and perception warned the Last Day world, "Take heed that no man deceive you (Matt. 24:4)! Today's day; with its millions upon millions of "individual" voices shouting forth from social media, Internet news, TV programming, cable news, the Internet, Twitter, Facebook, Hollywood, Washington and the many different Christian denominations which abound (Left and Right); the spirit of deception, error, lawlessness, and godlessness sounds forth throughout the entire nation and world at EXPONENTIAL decibels! In it all, it is very very rare to hear Almighty God's Word in Satan's global demonic complex of EXPONENTIAL darkness, deception, and error (John 8:44, Eph. 2:1-2, 1 John 5:19). The RISEN Son of God's WARNING to today's inhabitants (believers and unbelievers) of the planet earth, LET NO man (individual) DECEIVE YOU!
In this world, dominated and saturated in full-blown darkness, where reality, moral absolutes, and ETERNAL spiritual absolutes are despised and rejected by all walks of man-made spiritual ideologies (i.e., religion) and political ideologies (i.e., conservatives, liberals, progressives, and moderates, etc); deception is EXPONENTIALLY rampant! Today's EXPONENTIAL lawless output is EXPONENTIALLY compounded by today's highly technological advances in news, secular and social media outlets! No wonder that our Lord Jesus - right before His execution at the hands of godless Jews and Gentiles - gave this very sobering and stern warning about the last days to His disciples; BE NOT DECEIVED (Matt. 24)!
Humanity - because of error, unbelief, and lawlessness - are TOTALLY deceived and enslaved by the god of this world and his minions and are indeed prisoners to his diabolical will (Eph. 2:1-2, 6:12, Heb. 2:14-15). No wonder why it is so easy to lie today in America and to be deceived and bamboozled! The masses of people are drunk with the kool-aid from the CEO of Liars and his taskmasters and because of their abandonment of REALITY, they are ever drinking in the fa3lse promises, dreams, hopes, and aspirations from the Left and… from the Right (less so). These - by the use of LAWLESSNESS are ever seeking to create a utopia in a delusional pursuit for fulfillment, peace and contentment which is leading them straight into the Day of the Lord (2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 13).
This "utopia" delusion NEVER can be found in this world though billions since the dawn of creation have sought to find it in vain (Eccl. 3:11, Isa. 48:22). My dear friends ONLY Almighty God possesses ALL the remedies for our dire sinful estate (John 3:16-17, Rom. 10:2-4). Only Jesus Christ has the solution for our ETERNAL future and may I say that the Left and the Right today in America are absolutely bankrupt for providing our desperate need for RIGHTEOUSNESS (Jer. 17:5). Only Almighty God can do that for a son of Adam in the Person and Work of His dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 10:2-4, 1 John 2:2).
Do you know the Savior today? My dear friend, stop following all the spiritual and immoral liars of the world today and stop deceiving yourself! Christ came to SET YOU FREE and to GIVE you ETERNAL LIFE! The choice is yours my dear friend, Demonic kool-aid (2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph. 2:1-2, Rev. 12:9) or springs of ETERNAL Living Water (John 7:38, 8:32, 36, Rev. 22:17). May you choose LIFE!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!!
Satan's Global Demonic Complex!
Warning to today's inhabitants, LET NO man (individual) DECEIVE YOU!

No wonder that our Lord Jesus - right before His execution at the hands of godless Jews and Gentiles - gave this very sobering and stern warning about the last days to His disciples; BE NOT DECEIVED!
Today's EXPONENTIAL lawless output is EXPONENTIALLY compounded by today's highly technological advances in news, secular, and social media outlets!
This "utopia" delusion NEVER can be found in this world though billions since the dawn of creation have sought to find it in vain (Eccl. 3:11, Isa. 48:22). My dear friends ONLY Almighty God possesses ALL the remedies for our dire sinful estate (John 3:16-17, Rom. 10:2-4). Only Jesus Christ has the solution for our ETERNAL future and may I say that the Left and the Right today in America are absolutely bankrupt for providing our desperate need for RIGHTEOUSNESS (Jer. 17:5). Only Almighty God can do that for a son of Adam in the Person and Work of His dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 10:2-4, 1 John 2:2).
Christ came to SET YOU FREE and to GIVE you ETERNAL LIFE! The choice is yours my dear friend, Demonic kool-aid or springs of ETERNAL Living Water.
Do you know the Savior today? My dear friend, stop following all the spiritual and immoral liars of the world today and stop deceiving yourself! Christ came to SET YOU FREE and to GIVE you ETERNAL LIFE! The choice is yours my dear friend, Demonic kool-aid (2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph. 2:1-2, Rev. 12:9) or springs of ETERNAL Living Water (John 7:38, 8:32, 36, Rev. 22:17). May you choose LIFE!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!!
Satan's Global Demonic Complex!