Friday, May 31, 2024

Joe Biden and the Demonic Leftist Gaslighting State

Dear friends, I probably already lost many readers with the title alone, but if you can hang in there and objectively read on you will see that what we share is true and indeed the Day of the Lord is at hand! For our day is EXPONENTIAL growth in every facet of godlessness and lawlessness and how long can an unrepentant nation survive in light of Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS CHARACTER and judgments! 

the demonic American Left actively seeks to destroy America in every facet they can!

Do not be deceived; the demonic American Left actively seeks to destroy America in every facet they can; desiring to show themselves as loving caring smiley faces. Dear friends, the wolves now reign over the sick and wounded sheep of America and they with all their demonic being are racing to devour and bring America to an end!

It is my personal opinion as well as many others; that our nation and its republic officially died as of 4:00 AM January 7th, 2021, and no optimistic appraisals and well wishes can overturn that; and as of January 20, 2021, with the coop and installation of president-elect Joe Biden, a new tyrannical demonic America was born with only oppressive demonic lawless means and ruin for its inhabitants; as we have fully have seen to manifest themselves just in this last 2021 year. The godless and lawless Leftist Marxist parasites, which have fed on America's freedom to promote their Marxism, woke, lawlessness, and godlessness have now taken over the near entire body, soul, and mind of our nation and WOE! WOE! WOE! to our national inhabitants (Psalm 11:3)! For unregenerate conservatism has fallen and in so many ways has been neutered to just a powerless social media voice, while the godless demonic Left destroyers continue to EXPONENTIALLY destroy and do EXPONENTIAL irrevocable damage! Civil war if anything is at our door and the American Left is more than willing to commit national suicide in inciting one in their absolute demonic hatred and demonic passions to destroy America (Psalm 14, Isa. 5:20, John 8:44, Eph. 2:1-3)!

For unregenerate conservatism has fallen and in so many ways has been neutered to just a powerless social media voice, while the godless demonic Left destroyers EXPONENTIALLY destroy and do EXPONENTIAL irrevocable damage! 

It is absolutely beyond tragic today that there are so many unregenerate conservatives deceived by Satan himself in the false optimistic pursuit of an American conservative utopia that excludes ALMIGHTY GOD and His required RIGHTEOUSNESS. Watered down and relativistic RIGHTEOUSNESS will not ever work in a fallen world. Neo Trump's relativistic unregenerate conservatism as well can NEVER save America, only Divine national repentance in RIGHTEOUSNESS to ALMIGHTY GOD; but really, what are the chances of that happening today! Millions of believers have prayed for national revival in RIGHTEOUSNESS these last 15 years to near non-avail. Dear friends, the Rapture of the redeemed bride is at hand and then the Day of the Lord, but who really today believes God's account of the last days of EXPONENTIAL growing godlessness and lawlessness (Isa. 6; 53; Matt. 24:4; 1 Thess. 5:1-4)?  

Watered down and relativistic RIGHTEOUSNESS will not ever work in a fallen world. Neo Trump's relativistic unregenerate conservatism as well can NEVER save America, only Divine national repentance in RIGHTEOUSNESS to ALMIGHTY GOD! 

Now, my friends, we are almost three and a half years out from last January 7th 2021 and America has totally expressed that we are a nation that has become the dwelling place of dominating demonic powers and political dirty demonic birds! We have now become the land of demonic oppression and lawless aggression and no unregenerate unrepenting conservative movement is gonna stop it without absolute repentance as a nation in sackcloth and ashes to Almighty God in RIGHTEOUSNESS (Psalm 66:16, Jer. 11:14, John 8:34)! there will be no stopping our destruction into the abyss of time as we head as a nation straight into the Day of the Lord (Psalm 11:3, Rev. 6-19). These demonic minions fill all facets of power, media, government, entertainment, academia, and society at present and have one common denominator; No God but lawlessness and self-interest (2 Tim. 3:1-7)
Unregenerate Democratic Marxist and unregenerate Conservative Republicans are fighting over the leftover chicken bones in the political garbage can on a sinking and doomed Titanic!

Unregenerate Democratic Marxist and unregenerate Conservative Republicans are fighting over the chicken bones in the political garbage can on a sinking and doomed Titanic!

Just look at what Biden's super woke and swamper cabinet looks like! All that is godless, all that is demonic, all that is lawless, all that is immoral, all that is woke, all that is oppressive, all that is anti-American, all that is anti-Israel is now in total control of America! America has FALLEN! has FALLEN indeed! and has now indeed become the abode of Satan's throne! 
Praise Almighty God that HE is FOREVER on His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Throne and that He ETERNALLY reigns (Dan. 4:17; Rev. 4-5)! In such days our focus must now solely be directed to this ETERNAL place of grace and safety, for this world's ONLY hope is found in the ETERNAL Son of God (our RIGHTEOUS Lamb), Jesus Christ, who shed His blood for the sins of the world (John 3:16-17; 1 John 4:10)! 

America now has totally become the dwelling place of demonic powers and dirty birds! They fill all facets of power, media, government, entertainment, academia, and society. Just look at what Biden's agenda and cabinet will look like! All that is godless, all that is lawless, all that is oppressive all that is anti-American is now in total control of America!

Dear friends, just go back these last twenty years and see how EXPONENTIALLY we have fallen socially, morally, and godlessly as a nation! It will astound you! That is what people miss today. They truly don't see how EXPONENTIALLY far we have fallen and are seeking to save a sinking Titanic without faith in Almighty God and RIGHTEOUSNESS 
(Psalm 11:3)! This fall of our nation has taken people by total surprise and we weep for what it once was! NEVER again will America be the great nation under God, for the Day of the Lord is at hand and who can stop the dreaded Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse from riding (Rev. 6)!

Beloved, wake up to Almighty God America! Wake up to ALL of Almighty God's WONDERFUL ETERNAL promises and RIGHTEOUSNESS, which is found in Jesus Christ!

Today is the day not to despair, but to place your ETERNAL trust in Jesus Christ (Prov. 3:5-6, John 3:16-17)! We as a post-American nation need to make Almighty God and His Word our treasure and our possessive reality today (Gen. 15:1, Prov. 3:5-6)! We need to fully receive and believe His Word with all our hearts and seek His perfect will for us in such days until He comes!


Beloved, wake up to Almighty God America! Wake up to ALL of Almighty God's WONDERFUL ETERNAL promises and RIGHTEOUSNESS, which is found in Jesus Christ! Not a popular message but one ETERNALLY filled with ETERNAL hope! No King but the Lord Jesus is my cry till He comes! Maranatha!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Just a note; America is not Babylon of Rev. 17-18 but the parallels are quite sobering! Also, Bible verses relating to Israel have been used to parallel America godly founding

A Great Read! The Devil and Karl Marx!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

If They Hate President Trump, What If The Lord Jesus Came To America Today?

Dear friends, say whatever you want about President Donald Trump, love him or hate him; however, if you are objective and real; you will have to admit that Donald Trump seeks much of our Founding Father's vision in our EXPONENTIALLY technological/ post Judeo/Christian culture here in America! It is absolutely amazing how the demonic legions here in America absolutely hate and despise him (Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:10)! They are indeed the children and offspring of Alinsky's master! Their EXPONENTIAL evil zeal and lawless moral relativistic thinking and rage have been on full parade since 2015! If these absolutely hate President Trump who is just a man, how much more do you think that they would hate the ETERNAL Lord of Glory and the RIGHTEOUS OF GOD, the Lord Jesus Christ! 

If these hate President Trump who is just a man, how much more do you think that they would hate the ETERNAL Lord of Glory; the Lord Jesus Christ! 

Now by observing today's American lawless and godless Left's hatred for our President, now let"s transfer that same demonic spirit to the Lord Jesus' day and greatly magnify it! My dear friends, let's now - after this thought kick it up ETERNALLY, PERFECTLY and RIGHTEOUSLY! Let's say... that the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the ETERNAL WORD of Almighty God (John 1:1-14), The FATHER of ETERNITY (Isa. 9:6, Rev. 1:11; 22:13), The Alpha and Omega/ First and Last (Isa. 9:6; 44:6, Rev. 1:11; 22:13), the Risen Savior and sin-bearer of ALL humanity (Psalm 110:1, Matt. 28:6, John 11:25, Rev. 1:17-18; 21:22-23; 22:3-5), the ETERNAL LORD and possessor of the "Keys of Death and Sheol (Psalm 110:1, John 11:25, Phil. 2:5-11, Rev. 1:17-18; Rev. 19:21) came to the "land of the free" today? What do you believe the majority of Americans would do with Him? Would the "Word made Flesh" be received and welcomed as the Savior of the world? Would "church" goers receive Him with open arms? Would the socially dependent so-called "poor", rich and government/educational elites welcome Him with open arms? Would the conservative and leftist media outlets have good things to say about Him? Would His countless miracles of healing the lame, blind, sick and demon-possessed win over the masses from sea to shining sea? Well... Tragically the heart of a man is NOT changed by witnessing signs and wonders (Matt. 13, Rom. 10:17). Man will just about justify, excuse and do anything rather than changing and repenting to Almighty God's saving grace (John 3:19-21, Rom. 1:18-32). The history of mankind is full of such godless testimonies (Psalm 106:7, John 5:1-18, Acts 2:22-23, Rev. 11:3-13, Rev. 20:6-15). I guarantee you that the majority of Americans; who would have seen Jesus; would in like manner (Liberals and Conservatives); by the end of His 3 1/2 year "American" ministry; would have had enough of Him, His ETERNAL realities, His cries of repentance to a lost and dying world, and would in national unison shout; CRUCIFY Him and put Him to death! The country we live in today has absolutely NO PLACE for Almighty God, RIGHTEOUSNESS, REPENTANCE, the Bible or the Lord Jesus Christ! So when push comes to shove and the chips are down, when one's back is up against the wall; the true nature of an individual is then revealed and it "ain't" pretty! Such was the heart in Jesus' day and such is the heart of our day.

Man will just about justify, excuse and do anything rather than changing and repenting to Almighty God's saving grace.

As it were, Jesus (at His visitation) had absolutely dominated the “news cycle” of His day for 3 ½ years! Jesus would have been constantly talked about in all of the newspapers and on all of the radio talk shows, blogs and mainstream media outlets. The Sadducee and Pharisee talk show hosts of that day would ignorantly miss represent Him to the kool-aid drinking Israeli masses of conservatives and liberal Jews of Jesus day. His enemies would have be on 24/7 slandering campaigns to change and curb public opinion against Him. His WONDERFUL WORDS OF LIFE and ETERNAL REDEMPTION to a doomed and fallen world would have been called intolerant, hate speech, bigoted and satanic-phobia. There would have been constant polls questioning and asking, “Is Jesus the Messiah?” “Is He good for Israel?” “Do you believe that Jesus is God? etc. Religious and political hacks would have followed Him around Israel protesting, misrepresenting and misquoting His words, miracles and wonders to their godless doom! Those in opposition along with government bureaucrats would have sought to limit where Jesus was to speak and sent their spies out to follow Him to gather incriminating evidence against Him. The unbelieving Israeli socialists would have wanted Jesus to run for leadership as a socialist “cradle to grave” provider of the people without ever addressing their ETERNAL needs. Conservatives would have wanted Jesus to run for office to instill a conservative utopia (in this fallen world) where the people can honor God according to their “OWN” conservative mindset while REJECTING Almighty God’s ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS provision for ETERNITY (Rom. 10:2-4). The poor would have wanted something for nothing and the rich low taxes to grow the economy and their “worldly” business.

Unbelief, is unbelief, is unbelief, is unbelief! If it quacks like an unbelieving duck and walks like an unbelieving duck it is an unbelieving duck! It was so in Jesus Day and it is so in our day!

My friends NOTHING is EVER new under the sun! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (Eccl. 1)! Whether conservative unbelief or liberal unbelief (politically or religiously), Unbelief, is unbelief, is unbelief, is unbelief! If it quacks like an unbelieving duck, and walks like an unbelieving duck, it is an unbelieving duck! It was so in Jesus' day and it is so in our day! Lucifer has - then and today - the same playbook and countless unbelieving godless demonic kool-aid drinkers to do his will (1 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph 2:2-3); who (conservative, moderate and liberal) REJECT Almighty God’s saving grace; which comes ONLY by His dear Son Jesus Messiah (John 3:16-21, 14:6, Acts 4:12). Conservative, Moderate, Liberal, Progressive etc… ALL are lost and ALL are fallen (Rom. 3:23, 5:12-21). Whatever part of the spectrum one might fall in, we are ALL equally a broken egg who desperately needs redemption and Almighty God's PERFECT atoning propitiation (Rom. 3:23, 5:12-21, 1 John 4:10)! That my dear friend is the bottom line and is our greatest need for our temporal existence here in time for today (Rom. 6:23).

A "Christian" ideology will not save you. A moral life will not save you. ONLY faith in the Person and Work of Jesus Christ will SAVE you from the wrath to come!

May I ask YOU this very simple question? If the Lord Jesus came today to America, would YOU receive Him as your Savior? The test to see for yourself is will YOU receive God's Word witness to Who He was? That is always the crossroad for an individual. A "Christian" ideology will not save you. A moral life will not save you. ONLY faith in the Person and Work of Jesus Christ will SAVE you from the wrath to come (John 3:16-17,36,  1 Thess. 1:10). My dear friend, see for yourself and take this simple challenge from Almighty God's Book. It will be then and there that YOU will see if - in the end - you would have yelled with the multitudes 2000 years ago "CRUCIFY HIM!!" or SAVE ME, Lord Jesus! In the end, the choice is ALL yours. would will it be? May you choose life, my dear friend!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

