It was after the crucifixion of the Messiah of Israel that Satan and godless Israelites rejoiced in their demonic triumph of unrighteousness. They thought that they had done away with “This Man”, this Miracle Worker, this Preacher of
RIGHTEOUSNESS, this violator of the Sabbath, the "messiah", this One who claimed to be Almighty God the Son; and it was exhilarating to their godless mind
(Matt. 27, Luke 23). As the Sabbath day was about to begin these godless men made their preparation to finish “their” Feast of Passover and partake in “their” man-made traditions
(Matt. 15:7-11, 23, John 18:28). Satan the original architect of darkness
(John 8:44) was making plans to further His darkened Kingdom and in the delusion of his mind, rejoicing at the murder of the Messiah at the very hand of unbelieving Israel. How perfect must have this thought been in this fallen angelic madman’s reprobate mind? The very chosen nation of Almighty God
(Deut. 4:13, 7:6, Rom. 9:4-5), the Apple of His eye
(Deut. 32:10, Ps. 17:8, Zech. 2:8), the beholder of all the covenants and promises for the world
(Rom. 9:4-5), and nation which was to bring forth the Seed (Messiah) of Abraham
(Gen. 22:18, Acts 3:25, Gal. 3:16, Rev. 12:1-5) had been Satan’s chief vessel
(Acts 2:22-23, 7:51-54) in the death, violent murder, eradication and violent crucifixion of Almighty God the Son, who abided in human flesh
(Isa. 9:6-7, Micah 5:2, John 1:14, 1 Tim 3:16). As these
haters of reality - in the physical and spiritual world - went about their delusional godless existence after this barbaric slaying; unknown to them in the abode of the dead something else was taking place.
When the Lord Jesus willingly gave up His ghost on the cross in the ninth hour, His Spirit departed into the nether regions of the earth called Sheol or Hades, the abode of the dead.
When the Lord Jesus cried,
"It is finished!" and willingly gave up His ghost on the cross in the ninth hour, His Spirit departed into the nether regions of the earth called Sheol or Hades, the abode of the dead
(Matt 12:40, Luke 16:22-31, Eph. 4:8-10, 1 Peter 3:19). This abode is where the spirits of just and unjust men awaited (some excitedly, while the majority horrifically). The Just for the first resurrection
(Isa. 26:19, Dan. 12:2, Rev. 20:4-6), while the others in EXPONENTIAL fear for the Day of ETERNAL Judgment that would come at the end of time
(Matt. 25:41, Rev. 20:11-15).
This abode is where the spirits of just and unjust men awaited (some excitedly, while the majority horrifically!
Sheol, the abode of the dead, which is in the center of the earth
(Matt. 12:40, 1 Peter 3:19) is made up of two compartments. One called Sheol Hell, the other Sheol Paradise
(Luke 16:22-31). Between these two realms is a great fixed gulf which neither side can cross
(Luke 16:26). These two realms are FOREVER separated by the personal acts of belief and unbelief in the cross-work of Jesus Christ
(John 3:16-21; 36; 8:24, Rev. 22:11). Sheol Hell is where the unredeemed and unregenerate spirits of man from Cain unto the last unsaved individual of time awaits for their
ETERNAL sentence in the Lake of Fire coming up at the end of time
(Rev. 20:11-15). Sheol Paradise is where the redeemed from Adam to the thief on the cross await for the completion of Christ’s redemptive and atoning work on the cross
(Eph. 4:8-10, 1 Peter 3:19, 4:6).
Between these two realms is a great fixed gulf which neither side can cross. These two realms are FOREVER separated by the personal acts of belief and unbelief in the cross-work of Jesus Christ.

When Jesus entered into the realm of the dead both groups saw His glorious entrance as He entered into Sheol Paradise. Oh beloved, what rejoicing to the redeemed prisoners of Death’s undeliverable hand
(Heb. 2:14-15)! The very One; in whom these individuals from who Adam to the thief on the cross had put their trust in times past for their sinful souls. had descended down into their presence to let them know that ETERNAL salvation was complete and deliverance from the grave/Sheol was a mere 3 days away
(Eph. 4:8-10, 1 Peter 3:19, 4:6)! As Jesus Christ abode in Sheol with the redeemed, the once dwellers of time and earth who had now been subject to the nether realms of Paradise rejoiced and fellowshipped with their Savior! Those who had placed their trust in Almighty God's Lamb did not esteem the world's pleasures and godless appetites but looked for a city and Maker who was Almighty God and who hungered and thirsted
for RIGHTEOUSNESS more than decadence
(Heb.11:13). As the third day came, Jesus told those in Sheol Paradise that He would now rise because of His perfect and sinless life and ETERNAL redemption for these from the grave was now FULLY complete
(Matt. 12:40, 1 Cor. 15:55, Phil 2:1-11, Rev. 1:18)!
As the tormented and lost looked across the great fixed gulf and saw Christ arising up into the realms of the physical world three days later, they now fully comprehended that their doom was FOREVER sure!

As the tormented and lost looked across the great fixed gulf saw Christ arising up into the realms of the physical world three days later, they fully comprehended that their doom was FOREVER sure. Horrified and filled with fright; their hearts surged to EXPONENTIAL levels of fear! For these godless and lawless transgressors of time, these now knew that FOREVER their fate was sealed and they would FOREVER give a full account for their deeds in the flesh when they once walked on the earth. For the Savior of the world had paid the FULL price and now would be RIGHTEOUS Judge of ALL
(Rev. 20:11-15)! As Satan saw His ETERNAL Creator arise from the abode of dead, his prison hold for all of Adam's fallen race, he also was filled with absolute EXPONENTIAL dread and knew that his doom was indeed now sealed
(Gen. 3:14-15, John 12:31)! What is absolutely amazing is that Satan is still relentless in seeking to destroy the work of God in light of the horrific dread that is as a battleship chain around his neck
(John 8:44).
As Jesus arose, He made himself known to his disciples and 40 days later when He ascended into Heaven, He took with Him the spirits of the redeemed to be in His and His Father’s presence in Heaven.

As Jesus arose, He made himself known to his disciples
(Matt. 28, John 21) and 40 days later when He ascended into Heaven
(Acts 1:9), He took with Him the spirits of the redeemed to be in His and His Father’s presence in Heaven, to await the first resurrection from the dead in which these redeemed will receive a resurrected body of righteousness, which they will be given to perfectly serve and worship the Triune God for EVERMORE
(Dan. 12:2, Eph. 4:8-10, Rev. 20:5-6, 21, 22:1-5)! This first resurrection will take place some 2000 years later at Christ glorious return to planet earth at the Battle of Armageddon when He is to reign for a 1000 years
(Rev. 19:11-21, 20:4-6).
He has risen indeed!

When Jesus rose from the dead and then was then seated at the Right hand of the Father forty days later
(Psalm 110:1, Luke 22:69, Acts 2:34, 7:55, Heb. 12:1-2), He then ten days later on the Feast of Pentecost established His called-out assembly (i.e., the church -
Acts 2:1-4) made up of Jews and gentile
(1 Cor. 2:13, Gal. 3:28) believers to be an exceedingly wondrous chosen vessel for His glory while Israel is set aside for a season
(Rom. 9-11). This “called out assembly" (i.e., the church) would be -each member - individually given the Holy Spirit of Almighty God
(John 14:16), have the risen Messiah’s and Father’s Personal indwelling, be seated spiritually at the very Right-hand of Almighty God, and blessed with ALL spiritual glory, praise and lauded as sons of the ETERNAL Father! They also would be given diverse gifts to be used for the glory and outworking of Almighty God until the Rapture. My beloved, who can even begin to comprehend the EXCEEDINGLY EXPONENTIAL wonders that the risen Messiah, the ETERNAL Son of Almighty God has done for the redeemed and for those who love Him
(1 Cor. 2:9, Rev. 21, 22:1-5). My beloved, it will take all of ETERNITY to even begin to just taste the WONDERS AND ETERNAL LOVE of the Father.
My beloved, who can even begin to comprehend the EXCEEDINGLY EXPONENTIAL wonders that the risen Messiah, the ETERNAL Son of Almighty God has done for the redeemed and for those who love Him.
As Jesus ascended into the lower regions of the earth and then ascended, He took captive the very captor of the redeemed - DEATH and Sheol - and set the redeemed of Adam's race free FOREVER
(Rom. 5:12-21, Eph 4:8-10).
"O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" (1 Cor. 15:55)
"I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death." (Rev. 1:18)
Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25-26).
My dear friend, Do YOU believe this? Do YOU believe that Jesus IS the resurrection and the life? I pray to Almighty God that you do! For our ETERNAL destinies are based on what one has done with Jesus Christ the Savior of the world
(John 3:16-17, 36). We have two groups of individuals whose destinies are FOREVER settled that testify to the living that we will be in one place or the other in FOREVER'S ETERNAL future. This Easter may you - as the thief on the cross did
(Luke 23:42-43), receive Jesus Christ as your Savior. You will truly FOREVER NEVER be the same!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!