Monday, September 30, 2024

Israel’s Present Day Victories Setting the Stage for Gog’s Invasion- Ezek. 36-39

Beloved; for us who eat, drink and consume Biblical prophecy; these days in which we presently live in today are the days we use to talk about and knew would be; Israel is this days last days sign to all the earth that; Almighty God’s Kingdom is coming; with Jesus Messiah’s return; (Dan. 2:43-44; 7:13-14; Dan. 9:27; Zech. 12:10-14; Matt. 24; Rev. 19:11-21).

In the last year; Israel has decimated her border enemies leadership and is presently bringing security into that region; thus setting the stage for the Gog/Magog war against her; Ezek. 38-39.

This video; by Jack Hibbs and Amir Tsarfati is totally cutting edge; and a most watch in light of our day; Are we close to the Gog invasion? You let me know after you watch this message;🇮🇱 

The Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand! Maranatha ☝️


Pastor Jack and Amir Tsarfati discuss how the world is on the brink of a prophetic shift, as Israel's strategic victories against its enemies signal the unfolding of Biblical events.

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