Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Why Jesus is the Lamb of Revelation!

My beloved; the Lamb (The Risen Lord Jesus/Yeshua Messiah of Psalm 110:1) in the Book of Revelation is the ETERNAL propitiation and Savior of all and this
 is absolutely why the tribulation altar and the Holy of Holies will be Satan the Dragon's primary target for destruction and desolation in the seven-year tribulation period (Dan. 9:27; 12:7;  Rev. 11:1-3). The altar at this time will point the post church world to Jesus’ Person and work!

The Tribulation altar will point back to the RIGHTEOUS Person and finished work of redemption by Messiah!

Firstly, the altar points to Messiah’s (The Lamb of God’s) finished work and propitiation which offers ETERNAL salvation to all by faith in Him; not ETERNAL desolation; and this is why He (Jesus Messiah) is known as the LAMB in the Book of Revelation (Lev. 17:11-14; Isa. 53; John 19:30; Rom. 10:2-4; 1 John 4:10)! Secondly; Satan was ETERNALLY crushed and ETERNALLY defeated on Almighty God's altar and cross (Gen. 3:15; Heb. 2:14-15; Rev. 1:17-18; 20:10)! 

Firstly, the altar points to Messiah’s (The Lamb of God’s) finished work and propitiation which offers ETERNAL salvation to all by faith in Him; not ETERNAL desolation; and this is why He (Jesus Messiah) is known as the LAMB in the Book of Revelation!

Thirdly; Satan absolutely despises any work and promise of Almighty God and will with all his remaining rage and demonic being through his tangible host the antichrist with great fury seek to prevent Israel (and all nations) from coming to faith in Messiah; and will also seek to derail all of Almighty God's remaining promises for them in their ETERNAL Lamb and King (Dan. 9:24-27; 12:1-13; Zech. 13:8-9; 14:1-4; Rev. 12:7-17)! Lastly; Satan is on a total self-preservation mission and bent; knowing that his ETERNAL doom is very nigh and at hand (Rev. 12:7-17). All are expendable and all is on Satan's altar to preserve his demonic delusional dreams of ETERNAL rebellion against His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator (Isa 14:12-17; Ezek. 28:12-19; John 8:44; Rev. 12:12; 20:1-3; 20:10)! With the ETERNAL resurrection of Messiah, Satan was ETERNALLY defeated and nothing in all of ETERNITY can ever override and overturn that established ETERNAL ABSOLUTE and TRUTH (Isa. 45:23; Rom. 14:11; Phil. 2:5-11; Heb. 13:8)!

Beloved; in the end, King Jesus wins BIG, EVERY single time; and we who are in Christ Jesus should rejoice continually and always!

Beloved; at the end of Satan and man's vain little tiny rebellion, King Jesus ETERNALLY WINS and we who are in Christ Jesus should rejoice continually and always in that ETERNAL GLORIOUS TRUTH (Phil. 4:4)! In closing; do you personally know the Lord Jesus as your Lord and Savior? O, my dear friend, it is ALL about Jesus and His RIGHTEOUSNESS; Be sure that you personally know Jesus as the Scriptures so simply and clearly teach.

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


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