Try to stand back and objectively look at the span of time here on earth; from the Tower of Babel with its global catalyst of godlessness and passion to live an existence without Almighty God, to the worldly brilliance and idolatrous society of Egypt. From the autocratic power of the Babylonians to the strength of the Media Persians Empire. From the conquering speed and philosophy of Greece to the decadent and oppressive Roman Empire. From the genius and barbarity of the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas, to the godless vacuum of the European nations and lust for war. All of these civilizations have been one GODLESS, violent, decadent, and an oppressive cesspool of death and horror to the world's inhabitants (Rom. 1:18-32).
My friend what is most astounding is that we haven’t even peaked as a fallen race until we reached the 20th century.
Almighty God describes some of these global empires as ferocious wild beasts void of ANY Divine RIGHTEOUSNESS to help us better understand them from a heavenly ETERNAL and RIGHTEOUS perspective (Dan 7, Rev 13:1-2). My friend what is most astounding is that we haven’t even peaked as a fallen race until we reached the 20th century. There has NEVER been a more violent, murderous, oppressive, narcissistic, and decadent century in the history of mankind, and yet we have not even entered into the Day of the Lord where the violent works of the flesh and heart will be EXPONENTIALLY EXPONENTIAL (Isa. 24, Rev. 6-19)!! All of our world’s EXPONENTIAL technological advances made in this last century has given the world more power at their fingertips to EXPONENTIALLY show forth the fallen godless passions and violence of the human heart (Jer. 17:9). Of course, we have had some noble occasions and humanitarian exploits throughout this time, but these are but a faded blip and pale EXPONENTIALLY in comparison to mankind’s history of violence, lust, and decadence (Rom 3:3-23). The outworking and horrific consequences from the billions that have inhabited planet earth since Babel has completely ravished and laid waste this world's lands and inhabitants.
All of our world’s EXPONENTIAL technological advances made in this last
century has given the world more power at their fingertips to show
forth the fallen godless passions and violence of the human heart.
The godless Babelology that first raised its head 4200 years ago (Gen 11:1-9), has thoroughly engulfed and saturated the world of today. This fallen world's Babelology has made its billions of inhabitants spiritually stinking drunk to the crucial realities of time and ETERNITY and thus will they be swept away in the Day which fastly approaches (Eph. 2:1-3, Rev 17:1-2, 18:24). Dear friends, now that we are here in the twenty-first century do you think it will get any better for mankind? Oh, what delusion and fantasy the lawless globalist utopians of this hour hold onto! For with the EXPONENTIAL technological advances of this century will bring about the most HORRIFIC TIME of EXPONENTIAL violence, barbarity, casualties of death, geographical devastation, and expression of the fallen heart of man this world has EVER known (Isa. 24, Dan. 12:1, Matt 24:21, Rev. 6-19). Indeed the Day of the Wrath of the Lamb is at hand and who shall abide (Rev. 6:15-17)!
Oh, what delusion and fantasy the lawless globalist utopians of this hour hold onto! For with the EXPONENTIAL technological advances of this century will bring about the most HORRIFIC TIME of EXPONENTIAL violence,
barbarity, casualties of death, geographical devastation, and expression of the fallen heart of man this world has EVER known!
Even America, which was founded during the Philadelphia Church Age (from about 1700 to about 1900 – the church of the “open door” – Rev 3:7-13), was established on the bedrock of natural and moral laws and foremost acknowledged the Person of Almighty God at its founding. America was founded at the end of the world’s timeline which spans about 4200 years. Just in these brief 241 years of our nation's history, we have reached socially and culturally the point of no return. There has been no other nation in the world's history that has sent out the Biblical Gospel light as America has. America has been a beacon of freedom to the world's oppressed and has been a global dam holding back the world’s anti-Semitism, oppressive tyrannies and the unbridled passions of fallen despots, especially in this last century. Let me ask you this very sobering question, “What do you think will become of the world once America restraining influence has been removed from the scene?” The very sobering answer is... GREAT tribulation and global antiSemitism (Zech 14:2, Rev 6-16). America in these last 60 years has given herself full over to lawlessness, lewdness, godless pleasure-seeking, immorality, vice, abortion, anti-family values, godless ambitions, and to the hatred of biblical TRUTH and REALITIES and to the absolute hatred of Jesus Christ the Savior of the world! Dear friends, when the dam (America) which is holding back Satan and this world's evil designs is its self inflicting herself with lawlessness at every level what is to stop the Day of the Lord and ALL its EXPONENTIAL devastation to follow? Dear friends, indeed the Day of the Lord is at hand but there is hope in the Savior of the world!
What do you think will become of the world once America restraining influence has been removed from the scene?
If you personally know the Lord as your Savior, may you pray that He will give you the ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE for our day that you might have eyes to see the reality and truth, not just from your position in Christ (Eph. 2:6, Col. 3:1-4, Rev 4-5), but also to comprehend our day and hour in which we live (Prov. 2:6, Matt. 7:7, James 1:5).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!