Eros is the Greek name for this being and also the Greek word for love (i.e., LUST), which describes the unbridled sexual passions of fallen man (Rom. 1:24, 28, 29). The sole desire of Eros love is to find self-gratification or self-fulfillment in another individual. Eros love may give the individual a genuine feeling for or attraction to someone, but the bottom line of this “love” is that it is rooted in a narcissistic (self-centered) mindset (Gal. 5:19; Eph. 5:5; James 1:14-15; Jude 1:10).
Eros love NEVER seeks to give for the betterment of another individual. Eros love only asks the question, “What can you give me?” What can I get from you to satisfy my hungry, famished soul and my unbridled sexual passions? The reality is that Eros love can never satisfy the unregenerate soul of fallen man; only Almighty God can in RIGHTEOUSNESS (Matt. 11:28-30; John 6:35; James 3:8). Eros love is a burning fire. Once the object is consumed, desire is left looking for more to feed its unquenchable appetite. The more it devours, the more it wants, until the individual is completely ravished by this monster in its all-consuming addiction. When this Eros monster is left wanting and unfulfilled, anger, resentment, hatred, envy and bitterness begin to manifest themselves in the possessed individual’s heart and life (Rom. 1:24-26). Thus are created - and grow even heavier - the chains of bondage for the captives of this “Eros-erotic despot."
My friends; the absolute polar opposite of mankind's fallen "love" and Eros love is the PERFECT RIGHTEOUS ETERNAL LOVE of Almighty God our ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS CREATOR! Do you know the agape LOVE of Almighty God which is found ONLY in His Son Jesus Christ? God so LOVED you that he sent His Son to pay the price for our transgressions against the RIGHTEOUS standards of Almighty God (Rom. 10:4; 1 Peter 3:18). Almighty God's PERFECT RIGHTEOUS LOVE desires and seeks ONLY that which is PERFECT and RIGHTEOUS for you in Jesus Christ (Matt. 6:33; John 3:16-17; 1 John 4:10)! Almighty God's PERFECT and RIGHTEOUS LOVE only seeks the absolute HIGHEST and BEST in RIGHTEOUSNESS for the object of His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS LOVE; and thus TRUE LOVE is found ONLY in Jesus Christ! For TRUE LOVE is a PERSON; And that Person is the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Triune God!
Eros is the Greek name for this being and also the Greek word for love (i.e., LUST), which describes the unbridled sexual passions of fallen man (Rom. 1:24, 28, 29). The sole desire of Eros love is to find self-gratification or self-fulfillment in another individual. Eros love may give the individual a genuine feeling for or attraction to someone, but the bottom line of this “love” is that it is rooted in a narcissistic (self-centered) mindset (Gal. 5:19; Eph. 5:5; James 1:14-15; Jude 1:10).
Eros love may give the individual a genuine feeling for or attraction to someone, but the bottom line of this “love” is that it is rooted in a narcissistic (self-centered) mindset.
Eros love NEVER seeks to give for the betterment of another individual. Eros love only asks the question, “What can you give me?” What can I get from you to satisfy my hungry, famished soul and my unbridled sexual passions? The reality is that Eros love can never satisfy the unregenerate soul of fallen man; only Almighty God can in RIGHTEOUSNESS (Matt. 11:28-30; John 6:35; James 3:8). Eros love is a burning fire. Once the object is consumed, desire is left looking for more to feed its unquenchable appetite. The more it devours, the more it wants, until the individual is completely ravished by this monster in its all-consuming addiction. When this Eros monster is left wanting and unfulfilled, anger, resentment, hatred, envy and bitterness begin to manifest themselves in the possessed individual’s heart and life (Rom. 1:24-26). Thus are created - and grow even heavier - the chains of bondage for the captives of this “Eros-erotic despot."
The number one American addition is this unbridled beast of Eros-erotic love, i.e., sexual addiction.
The unchecked passions of man are an appetite unsatisfied and unstopped by the gratification of the flesh. Like an addict, the unbridled passions of sexually driven men and women create a tsunami of psychological and social discord and physiological disorders that spill over from the individual into our societies and communities. The number one addiction in America today is not cocaine, it is not alcohol, it is not marijuana, it is not heroin, it is not oxycontin, etc. The number one American addition is this unbridled beast of Eros-erotic love, i.e., sexual addiction (James 1:14-15). This Eros beast is currently reigning supreme and dominant in America in every facet of life, culture and society which has only EXPONENTIALLY devoured our culture and society and has made it a demonic wasteland!
True Love
TRUE LOVE is a PERSON; And that Person is the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Triune God!
My dear friends, I do not know how to say anything more wonderful than that! The one true God and Creator of the universe truly loves you (1 John 4:10)! So my dear friends, don’t be one of the millions of Americans today who are truly foolish and stupid and follow godless cupid; but rather my friend, follow the One who LOVED you and gave Himself to you (Gal. 2:20). Place your trust in Him today. You will NEVER be the same – no, NEVER!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Edited by BEL I.F.
Red Light District America - The Dominating and Oppressing Sexual Culture in America

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Edited by BEL I.F.
Red Light District America - The Dominating and Oppressing Sexual Culture in America