Almighty God's great ETERNAL desire and passion is that all men would repent and be saved from the coming wrath to come (Ezek. 33:11, John 3:16-17, 1 Tim. 1:3-6)! Dear friend, if you know not the Lord Jesus Christ, please humble yourself, cast down your pride and repent of your trespass against your ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator, and be saved from ETERNAL desolation! Place all your faith and trust in Him and He will ETERNALLY deliver you just as He stated (John 6:37)!
Almighty God desires only RIGHTEOUSNESS'S highest and best for you. Don't turn your back on His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS great love for you in Jesus. Why would will you choose to ETERNALLY die in your sins and be made ETERNALLY desolate?
Almighty God desires only RIGHTEOUSNESS'S highest and best for you. Don't turn your back on His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS great love for you in Jesus. Why would will you choose to ETERNALLY die in your sins and be made ETERNALLY desolate? Almighty God has made a wonderful provision for our salvation, which is found only in His ETERNAL Son, Jesus Christ! He is our ETERNAL SALVATION from our ETERNAL ruin and Desolation (Romans 7:24-25, Eph. 2:1-10)! Do you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior? If not, place your trust in Him today! You will never be the same! Jesus is the only Salvation from every type of Desolation.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Rejoice!
What Must I Do to be ETERNALLY Saved?