Prophecy, End Times Biblical perspective of American politics, God glorifing music, Bible studies, the Rapture, Dispensations, biblical teaching, pre -Trib, The Ignorant Fishermen, Unto the Chief Musician Music
Friday, December 10, 2021
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
What of American Conservatism After the Rapture?
The Conservative movement in America - much like those who fought valiantly at the Alamo - will shortly be overrun and butchered at the hand of an EXPONENTIALLY growing godless and lawless world; It will be after the Rapture of the Church that all moral and spiritual restraint will be removed and a global lawless and demonic vacuum will reign (Matt. 24:12, Gal. 1:4; Eph. 6:12, Rev. 13). My friends, these things WILL come to be, not because I think so, but because Almighty God said it would be so (Matt. 24; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 5:1-3; 2 Thess. 2:3-12; Rev. 6-19)! Do you believe what the Lord Jesus said, or have you dismissed Him and His Word as this godless world has (John 11:25-26, Heb. 11:6)? That is truly the question of our hour; What will you DO with Jesus?
When the restraining POWER of the Holy Spirit in believer's lives is finally removed from our growing EXPONENTIAL high-tech and LAWLESS world at the Rapture; what then for the unregenerate conservative and the conservative movement?
Dear friends, these things will come to pass when the restraining presence of the abiding Holy Spirit in believers and their restraining power is removed from America and this world at the Rapture (John 14:3; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 5:1-3, 2 Thess. 2:3-12; Rev. 3:10)! Even now we must step back and see the REALITY of our day; that we are in EXPONENTIAL days of lawlessness, with seventy years of the horrific tsunami effects of EXPONENTIAL lawlessness! When the restraining POWER of the Holy Spirit in believer's lives is finally removed from our growing EXPONENTIAL high-tech and LAWLESS world at the Rapture; what then for the unregenerate conservative and the conservative movement? The unregenerate conservative in America and in the world at that time will be absolutely no match for the EXPONENTIAL HORRIFIC effects of the Four Horsemen, the Seal Judgments, Trumpet Judgments, the Anti- Christ, 666, every POWERFUL demon and Bowls Judgments of Almighty God (Matt. 24; Rev. 6-19)!! Oh, my dear friends! That Day will be HORRIFICALLY EXPONENTIALLY EXPONENTIAL in every facet of the world (Joel 1:15; Matt. 24:21; Rev. 6-19)! Don't believe me? Check out the Bible verse links and BELIEVE!
The Conservative movement in America - much like those who fought valiantly at the Alamo - will shortly be overrun and butchered at the hand of an EXPONENTIALLY growing godless and lawless nation and world after the Rapture of the Church!
I love what President Trump is seeking to do even now for our nation and people, but without him trumping National Divine Repentance there is nowhere near enough to save this nation and stop the coming Day of the Lord (Rev. 6-19)! Remember my dear friends, there is NO MENTION of the USA in the Bible by name or in any prophecy; especially during the Last Days!
Remember my dear friends, there is NO MENTION of the USA in the Bible by name or in any prophecy; especially during the Last Days!
Tragically, these sobering realities are too much for unregenerate American conservatives to think about, and understandably so; they do not want to retain this reality in their thoughts because they are outside of a saving relationship to Jesus Christ in SPIRIT and TRUTH (Matt. 13:15; 15:3-12; John 3:19-21; 8:24; Rom. 10:2-4). These unregenerate individuals have put ALL of their trust in this sound and crucial ideology for fallen humanity, and rightly so! True conservatism is key for a healthy society and beneficial for obtaining human freedoms and liberties in a fallen world ruled by the oppressive and lawless. The ETERNAL fatal error of the unregenerate conservative is in their rejection and willful stupidity of the RIGHTEOUS requirements demanded by Almighty God (John 3:16-17, Rom. 3:23, 6:23, 10:4). As we see our nation EXPONENTIALLY deteriorating right before our eyes and moral relativism, lawlessness and corruption SUPER ABOUNDING, we see the absolute panic in the political realm! Panic and fear to save our nation have caused sound judgment to fall by the wayside and error and confusion to reign as king (Proverbs 1:20-33).
Tragically these sobering realities are too much for unregenerate American conservatives to think about and understandably so!
These have turned to the optimistic unregenerate conservative talking heads of our day for their pep talk and spider web hope. Thank God for them, but they offer zero ETERNAL hope and insight into the ETERNAL matters of Almighty God!
As the great American experiment is coming to a horrific conclusion, what hope is there for any American in this present evil world? Our Founding Fathers warned us of what would be when EXPONENTIAL growth of immorality and godlessness would reign in America's last days. May the unregenerate American conservative look objectivity outside of this world’s limited confines to a place of absolute security and assurance, that place is none other than the ETERNAL Heavenly Throne Room of Almighty God for ALL their answers (Rev. 4, 5). Access is ONLY granted by a saving relationship to Almighty God through His Son, Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17, Gal. 1:4, Eph. 2:8-9). When one places their trust in Almighty God’s saving solution and remedy in Spirit and TRUTH (John 4:24), Almighty God will save (deliver) that one from the limited and temporal confines of this doomed and fallen world (Rom. 5:12-19, Gal. 1:4). (SEE CHART)
As the lawlessness of man reaches its EXPONENTIAL pinnacle in the seven-year tribulation period, which is coming up very shortly (Isa. 24, Rev. 6-19), for us who know the Lord, may we rejoice that the GLORIOUS KINGDOM OF HEAVEN is at hand; in which Christ will reign for a thousand years in ABSOLUTE RIGHTEOUSNESS! It will be so my friend, after His glorious return to earth, that He will destroy Satan and ALL his lawless host and FOREVERMORE reign as the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS King (Isa.11, Zech. 14, Matt. 7:21-23, 25:41,46, 2 Thess. 2:8, Rev. 19:11-21).
The ETERNAL Son of Almighty God has come to set men free from the prison hold of UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, to deliver them in RIGHTEOUSNESS, so they may enjoy Him in RIGHTEOUSNESS FOREVERMORE!
My friend conservative friend, do you know the Lord Jesus as the Bible so clearly, teaches; and do you have His PERFECT RIGHTEOUSNESS to stand before Him in that Day? The ETERNAL Son of Almighty God has come to set men free from the prison hold of UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, to deliver them in RIGHTEOUSNESS, so they may enjoy Him in RIGHTEOUSNESS FOREVERMORE (John 3:16-17, 1 Cor. 2:9; Rev. 21;22:1-5). I do not know how to say anything more wonderful than that! That is what this life is all about! May it be so for you today! You will NEVER be the same!