Monday, January 4, 2021

What God's Blood Bought Saints are Praying For America


Dear friends. it's pretty safe to say that Almighty God's blood-bought saints are praying for justice and rightness for America in such days of EXPONENTIAL lawlessness and licentiousness! There needs to be national repentance back to Almighty God in RIGHTEOUSNESS to truly spare this nation. True believers in Jesus seek an America to be free and at least somewhat moral to exercise life as the Good Lord intended it to be until He establishes His Kingdom (Isa. 11). As long as America exists (even on life support), we have the great opportunity to continue to reach our nation's inhabitants and the world with the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS saving grace of Jesus Christ and to proclaim to all its inhabitants that His Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand (Matt. 6:9-10, John 3:16-17)

For those of you who truly know the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior be steadfast, redeeming the time and praying always for Almighty God's will and for Almighty God's will for our nation and its inhabitants!

For those of you who truly know the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior, be steadfast, redeeming the time and praying always for Almighty God's perfect will for our lives and for Almighty God's perfect will for our nation and its inhabitants (Matt. 5:13-16; Eph. 5:16-17; 6:10-20). As we pray for Almighty God's intervention on January 6th in RIGHTEOUSNESS, may our eyes be not so much focused on our nation, but on Almighty God's perfect will for our nation, as we look to the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Author of TRUE ETERNAL freedom and liberty (John 8:32-36; Gal. 1:4; Eph. 2:1-14; Col. 3:1-4, Heb. 12:1-3). Dear friends, one last point. Just because you go by the title of "conservative" doesn't mean you are right with Almighty God (Rom. 10:2-4; Eph. 2:8-9). So many American conservatives today trust in their unregenerate "conservatism". Millions of conservatives need to be saved today in America as well as countless millions more Americans. In light of ETERNITY, ETERNAL salvation in RIGHTEOUSNESS is Americans' greatest need (Matt. 5:29-30; 16:26; 1 John 2:15-17)!

In light of ETERNITY, ETERNAL salvation in RIGHTEOUSNESS is Americans' greatest need!

Beloved, the Day of the Lord is indeed at hand and His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Kingdom to follow (Isa. 2;11; 9:6-7; Zech. 14; Matt. 24; 2 Thess. 2:3-12; Heb. 11:8-16; Rev. 6-19)! What is all-important today is to know Jesus in RIGHTEOUSNESS and when we start there the Almighty will outwork all the rest (Matt. 6:33)!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Maranatha!


What Must I Do To Be Saved?

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