"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you (Matt. 6:33)!"
One place for many, which is dear and precious to us as blood brought children is the gathering together each Sunday in the House of the Lord, to hear His precious Word, to sing praises in Spirit and Truth to our beloved God and Savior, to fellowship with the saints in Spirit and Truth, to be challenged and to seek Almighty God's PERFECT WILL and Way for His people and our lives; here in time for His ETERNAL GLORY (Psalm 23; 27:4, 1 John 1:1-4, 2 John 1:6)!
In light of the coronavirus quarantine many churches in godless runned blue states are still not allowed to open and I personally wonder how that sits with many of their people? Many have cried out against such policies while many have been silent on the matter. Beloved, Now is a good time for the blood brought saints of Almighty God to evaluate one's hearts before the Lord and see if this seems a good thing to us or are we longing as soon as possible to be all together again in God's House with the saints in a precious and special way (Psalm 27:4; 139:23-24, John 3:20-21, 2 Cor. 13:5). Sadly, closed church doors is good news to some folk, while it is tragic to others! As churches begin to reopen, are you rejoicing at such things or are you blah... blah... about it?
Dear friends, let us all use this time very wisely to seek the Lord in a special and personal way and not let our very volatile day and quarantines close down God's people from ministering and gathering together in prayer! In some places the Church buildings are closed for a little season, but the body of Christ and Throne of Almighty God's Grace are always open for business!
I love how many of God's people are seeking to overcome this insane political day of EXPONENTIAL madness and all the regulations of blue state government controlled quarantining by personal and individual outreach to one's community by using the mediums of this day and by personal interaction (Eph. 5:16-17)! It is so vitality important to still be lights and to connect with the lost in such days! It is also vitality crucial for God's people to be dilegently praying, studying His Word, worshipping in person or by listening to services on radio, live stream, Youtube, Zoom etc! Dear friends, let us be redeeming this time very wisely to seek the Lord in a special and personal way and not let our very volatile day and any quarantines close down God's people from ministering and gathering together in prayer (Eph. 5:13-21)! In many places churches may be closed for a little season, but the body of Christ and Throne of Almighty God's Grace is always open for business (Heb. 4:14-16)! May we do our part to encourage, strengthen and pray for each other during this time and seek Almighty God's PERFECT WILL in such days! Beloved, use this day to it full potential to redeem the time wisely and get out our Lord's GLORIOUS ETERNAL GOSPEL to all people! Maranatha!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!