In our present EXPONENTIAL technological day, when our global world and society are moving at light speed; demonic deception, lawlessness, and godlessness are totally super-abounding! If you cannot see that then you are living in a total subjective delusion. Here in America, literally "ALL hell is breaking loose" and our Republic and rule of law are EXPONENTIALLY disintegrating right before our eyes!
RBG's war against her ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS CREATOR is now FOREVER over and has been ETERNALLY crushed in her death (Heb. 9:27)!
Now with the passing of RBG (Ruth Bader Ginsburg), prepare for the demonic rage to even more greatly to intensify as the demonic Left does all with in their demonic power to stop a conservative appointee to the Supreme Court! Dear friends, it is all heading to one destination and the Satanic swamp (which reigns over the DC swamp) knows no depths and bounds and has absolutely saturated every nook and cranny of our "American" post-Judeo/Christian society! One has to objectively see that we wrestle NOT with flesh and blood but demonic powers in high places, as they war against ALL that is ALMIGHTY GOD; and that fallen humanity and planet earth are their battlefields (Eph. 2:1-2, 6:10-12, Rev. 13; 16:13-16). Hear me, my dear friends, if you have not been born again as Almighty God's Word so clearly and simply teaches then you will be blind to the ETERNAL REALITIES at present, you will remain in your fallen humanity and you ARE INDEED under the demonic spell of unbelief and the fallen course of the god of this world (John 3:3-7, 16-17, 36; Acts 17:24-32, 1 Cor. 2:14, 2 Cor. 4:2-4, Eph. 2:1-2)!
(The Vanity of Ruth Bader Ginsburg - link )
Demonic activity in America has never been greater because unbelief, lawlessness, godlessness, confusion, delusion, wrath, violence and licentiousness are EXPONENTIALLY abounding! If you have eyes to see, you can now see more than ever how the march of hell is coming out of its hiding and is now materializing into the mainstream! Destroying demonic dominance is now found today in every facet of our nation's psyche, political system, commerce, municipalities, private sectors, education, etc... etc... yet today a saving relationship to one's ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS CREATOR is the heart of foolishness to a doomed world and the enemy of an unrepentant lawless America (Rom. 1:16-32, Eph. 2:1-2)!
Dear friends, the Satanic swamp (which reigns over the DC swamp) knows no depths and bounds and has absolutely saturated every nook and cranny of our "American" post-Judeo/Christian society!
Demonic activity in America has never been greater because unbelief, lawlessness, godlessness, confusion, delusion, wrath, violence and licentiousness are EXPONENTIALLY abounding! If you have eyes to see, you can now see more than ever how the march of hell is coming out of its hiding and is now materializing into the mainstream! Destroying demonic dominance is now found today in every facet of our nation's psyche, political system, commerce, municipalities, private sectors, education, etc... etc... yet today a saving relationship to one's ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS CREATOR is the heart of foolishness to a doomed world and the enemy of an unrepentant lawless America (Rom. 1:16-32, Eph. 2:1-2)!
Demonic activity in America has never been greater because unbelief, lawlessness, godlessness, confusion, delusion, wrath, violence and licentiousness are EXPONENTIALLY abounding!

We are as a nation in a total freefall as that of the falling Twin towers with no time to repair, replace, reboot, and rebuild! The Day of the Lord is at hand and who can stop it from making the scene!

Hear the heart of the matter; Men absolutely LOVE... darkness, I mean THEY LOVE... DARKNESS... whether they be unregenerate conservatives, progressives, liberals or moderates, etc!
Friends, I truly believe that President Trump will be the last American President and was put in place by Almighty God as a temporal restraint to awake Americans and reveal their hearts before the Rapture of the Body of Jesus Christ and the EXPONENTIALLY HORRIFIC Day of the Lord (Matt. 24; 1 Thess. 4:14-18; 5:1-3; 2 Thess. 2:3-12; Rev, 6-19). Since President Trump's time in office, we have seen the demonic curtain removed and the Demonic American Alinsky Left's masquerade and deception totally exposed (John 8:44)! In this time also we have seen the harbinger of the EXPONENTIAL spread of irreversible lawlessness and its horrific consequences EXPONENTIALLY abounding in America which no one man can stop! Civil war is indeed at the door and if you eat, drink and sleep this stuff as I and many others do; and include the EXPONENTIAL equation and a Biblical perspective; then you will indeed also have to come to this very same conclusion. Little passed laws in an EXPONENTIALLY fatal day which can be overturned on a dime, American delusional optimism with ZERO REALITY, an unstable and vulnerable economy, EXPONENTIAL global tensions and instabilities, and moral ideals in light of our nation's EXPONENTIAL depravity and freefalling are beyond a little too late and infinitesimally powerless. It is in this time (under President Trump) that Almighty God calls out to this imploding nation, REPENT, and be DELIVERED; for the Day of the Lord is at hand and WOE to any who remain after the Rapture of His Bride! The bottom line of our pre-end times American hour is for one to have an ETERNAL saving relationship to ETERNAL Son of Almighty God who is the ETERNAL Savior and Propitiation of the doomed imploding world (John 3:16-17; 11:25-27; Acts 4:12; 17:24-32; Rom. 5:12-21; 1 Tim. 2:1-6; Heb. 1:1-3)!
Dear friends, in light of our EXPONENTIAL day, in light of our RAPIDLY FADING hour, in light of the EXPONENTIAL flux of global events and nations, in light of an EXPONENTIAL high-tech day, in light of EXPONENTIAL Media capacity and outlets, etc; in light of what the RIGHTEOUS ETERNAL Word of Almighty God (the Bible) so clearly teaches about the end times, in light of diligently following, observing, proving, testing current events along with years of deep Biblical study and prayer led by the Holy Ghost I truly believe that the Rapture can easily happen at any moment especially during the presidency of President Trump! The Trump sounding during Trump! Everything is lined up and in place for Christ's Trump to blow and the Day of the Lord to begin! Dear friends, and if it does... what will America do and be then when all of Almighty God's blood brought ambassadors are REMOVED along with their godly restraint, light, witness, warning, revelation, and soundness? You can use your godly imagination to think about that! When ALL LIGHT is removed only darkness will remain and what will godless and unregenerate men do then? When ALL RIGHTNESS is removed what will a lawless world do then? When ALL RESTRAINT is removed what will hold back the EXPONENTIAL unbridled passions of fallen men? When ALL TRUE PEACEMAKERS are removed what will hold back the Four Horsemen and their introductional ride to the EXPONENTIAL HORRIFIC Day of the Lord (Rev. 6-19)!
Dear friends, in such GROSS DARKNESS, Almighty God is still ETERNALLY MERCIFUL in His WRATH and will provide Two BURNING LIGHTS in Jerusalem (Rev. 11:3-7) when the scattered Lights of the Bride of Christ are removed at the Rapture throughout the earth (John 14:6, 1 Cor. 15:20-23, 51-57; Eph. 4:10-13; Phil.3:21, 1 Thess. 4:15-18; 1 John 3:1-3, Rev. 3:10-11, 4:1; 19:7-9), Almighty God will provide Two Lamp Stands burning bright as witnesses to the saving grace of the Lamb of God; and from them will come forth 144,000 redeemed Israelites who will go forth into all the world as Messiah's lights (Matt. 24:14, Rev. 7; 14:1-5) and by them will multitudes from ALL nations be saved (Zech. 14:16, Matt. 8:10-13; 13:36-43; 47-48, 25:31-40; Rev. 14:9-17; 20:1-4)!!
Dear friends, in such an EXPONENTIAL lawless and godless day - which is heading straight into the Day of the Lord - there is ETERNAL HOPE, GRACE, and LOVE for any who will call upon the Name of the Lord and be delivered from their personal transgressions against their ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator; and from ETERNAL separation from Him in Hell's ETERNAL prison (Matt. 6:33; 7:13-14; John 1:12; 3:16-17; 36; 11:25-26; Acts 4:12; 16:30-34; Eph. 2:8-9; 1 John 5:13; Rev. 20:10-15; 22:11)! Jesus is Adam's fallen race's ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS PROPITIATION and RIGHTEOUS ATONING SAVIOR and our GREAT DESIRE for you is to KNOW Him in a RIGHTEOUS saving relationship (John 1:29, Rom. 5:12-21, 2 Cor. 5:21, Heb. 1:2-3; 7:25; 9:12;10:11-15; 1 Peter 1:18-25; 2:24, John 4:10, Rev. 1:5)! That indeed is what this life, our personal existence, and this temporal lawless demonic world is all about! This world will not go on FOREVER, Almighty God's Kingdom is at hand and then ETERNITY! What will you choose? Be NOT fearful but believing in Almighty God and in His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS LOVE for you! Indeed my friends, The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
What MUST I Do to be Saved?
A Message for Those Left Behind at the Rapture!
The Rapture of the Church
The Two Witnesses of Revelation
The 144,000 Jewish Witnesses of Revelation
Little passed laws in an EXPONENTIALLY fatal day which can be overturned on a dime, American delusional optimism with zero REALITY, an unstable and vulnerable economy, EXPONENTIAL global tensions and instabilities, and moral ideals in light of our nation's EXPONENTIAL depravity and freefalling are beyond a little too late and infinitesimally powerless!
Dear friends, in light of our EXPONENTIAL day, in light of our RAPIDLY FADING hour, in light of the EXPONENTIAL flux of global events and nations, in light of an EXPONENTIAL high-tech day, in light of EXPONENTIAL Media capacity and outlets, etc; in light of what the RIGHTEOUS ETERNAL Word of Almighty God (the Bible) so clearly teaches about the end times, in light of diligently following, observing, proving, testing current events along with years of deep Biblical study and prayer led by the Holy Ghost I truly believe that the Rapture can easily happen at any moment especially during the presidency of President Trump! The Trump sounding during Trump! Everything is lined up and in place for Christ's Trump to blow and the Day of the Lord to begin! Dear friends, and if it does... what will America do and be then when all of Almighty God's blood brought ambassadors are REMOVED along with their godly restraint, light, witness, warning, revelation, and soundness? You can use your godly imagination to think about that! When ALL LIGHT is removed only darkness will remain and what will godless and unregenerate men do then? When ALL RIGHTNESS is removed what will a lawless world do then? When ALL RESTRAINT is removed what will hold back the EXPONENTIAL unbridled passions of fallen men? When ALL TRUE PEACEMAKERS are removed what will hold back the Four Horsemen and their introductional ride to the EXPONENTIAL HORRIFIC Day of the Lord (Rev. 6-19)!
When ALL LIGHT is removed only darkness will remain and what will godless and unregenerate men do then? When ALL RIGHTNESS is removed what will a lawless world do then? When ALL RESTRAINT is removed what will hold back the EXPONENTIAL unbridled passions of fallen men?

Almighty God will provide Two Lamp Stands burning bright as witnesses to the saving grace of the Lamb of God, and from them will come forth 144,000 redeemed Israelites who will go forth into all the world as Messiah's lights and by them will multitudes from ALL nations be saved!
Dear friends, in such an EXPONENTIAL lawless and godless day - which is heading straight into the Day of the Lord - there is ETERNAL HOPE, GRACE, and LOVE for any who will call upon the Name of the Lord and be delivered from their personal transgressions against their ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator; and from ETERNAL separation from Him in Hell's ETERNAL prison (Matt. 6:33; 7:13-14; John 1:12; 3:16-17; 36; 11:25-26; Acts 4:12; 16:30-34; Eph. 2:8-9; 1 John 5:13; Rev. 20:10-15; 22:11)! Jesus is Adam's fallen race's ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS PROPITIATION and RIGHTEOUS ATONING SAVIOR and our GREAT DESIRE for you is to KNOW Him in a RIGHTEOUS saving relationship (John 1:29, Rom. 5:12-21, 2 Cor. 5:21, Heb. 1:2-3; 7:25; 9:12;10:11-15; 1 Peter 1:18-25; 2:24, John 4:10, Rev. 1:5)! That indeed is what this life, our personal existence, and this temporal lawless demonic world is all about! This world will not go on FOREVER, Almighty God's Kingdom is at hand and then ETERNITY! What will you choose? Be NOT fearful but believing in Almighty God and in His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS LOVE for you! Indeed my friends, The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
What MUST I Do to be Saved?
A Message for Those Left Behind at the Rapture!
The Rapture of the Church
The Two Witnesses of Revelation
The 144,000 Jewish Witnesses of Revelation
Global Events That Will Lead to 666!
What America Once Was
Prophetic Warnings From Our Founding Fathers
What America Once Was
Prophetic Warnings From Our Founding Fathers
Can you document where the Bible supports a rapture. The word rapture is not in His Word.
RPN... Sure! We get this all.. the time.
Here are a Bible study link and a post on it. Be objective and ask the Good Lord to help you and you will see it clear as a whistle! It dominates the New Testament!
2nd Thesselonians Chapter 2 makes it clear that Christ returns AFTER the false Christ appears in Jerusalem claiming to be the Messiah. Which he wrote as a follow up to 1st Thesselonians so they wouldn't get the wrong impression about when we gather back to the true Christ.
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