Deadly wildfires continue to ravish California and have been dominating the national news cycle for the last week. In light of these horrific fires, we wanted to bring everyone's full attention to the realities of what is to come upon the earth in the not so distant future (Rev. 8). Below is an excerpt from the Daily Mail stating the effects of these fires on the California state.
- Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti says Getty wildfire has consumed 600 acres of city's affluent west side
- Flames burned close to the Getty Center museum which is home to works from Rembrandt and Van Gogh
- Mandatory evacuation orders extend southwestward through Pacific Palisades to the ocean, officials say
- Comedian Kathy Griffin filmed the fire getting closer to her property from her driveway
- Students at UCLA were forced to flee in the middle of the night
- Nearly 200,000 people in Northern California are under evacuation orders as crews grapple with wildfires
- In Sonoma County, fire burned 85 square miles, destroyed 94 structures and threaten 80,000 buildings
- Kincade Fire in Northern California grew overnight and now encompasses 103 square miles, officials said
- California's Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a statewide emergency Sunday as winds drove the wildfires on
- Around 2.2 million people are still without power after PG&E shut it off as a precaution
The images of these wildfires when observed on video look apocalyptic and grip our imagination in great awe. It is in such times like these - while these images are fresh in our minds as Americans - that we want to EXPONENTIALLY magnify this event and focus our attention to the very soon coming Day of the Lord!
The first of the seven Trumpet judgments (which follow the Seal Judgments - Rev. 6) in the Day of the Lord is described in horrific EXPONENTIAL detail
"And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound. The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up (Rev. 8:6-7)."
My dear friends, from this Divine first Trumpet Judgment one-third of ALL trees upon the face of the earth will be burnt up!! Dear friend, can you even begin to imagine such a catastrophic event!! Can you even begin to imagine the smoke rising into the earth's atmosphere and its effect on millions upon millions of people from billions of burning trees?!! Oh, my dear friend... it can only be EXPONENTIAL in every facet and yet this is just one of Almighty God's Divine plagues on godless humanity.
There are an estimated 400 billion trees on planet earth and one-third of all those billions of trees which will burn comes to roughly 133 billion trees!

Dear friends this is just one of the many EXPONENTIAL Divine plagues that Almighty God will send on the earth during this time of GREAT wrath upon the wickedness of ungodly men (Rom. 1:18-32, 2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 6-16)!
Indeed all these things will be in the not so distant future and if you know not the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior then you will be left behind in this world.
What is even more mind-blowing then these global raging fires is that the majority of the world's godless unregenerate masses from all nations will STILL continue in their godless and lawless rebellion against Almighty God, His ETERNAL spiritual absolutes and moral absolutes for time (2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 9:20-21). They will not desire to look to Almighty God in a saving way but curse the very One who LOVED the world and gave Himself for its transgressions (Isa. 53, John 3:16-17, 1 John 4:10). Oh, how hard the heart of fallen man can get!!
Dear friend, what about you? Upon hearing this message, will your heart get softer to Almighty God's Divine REALITY and to His saving grace for YOU or will it get hard as Pharaoh's heart did? Will you harden your heart against the ETERNAL LOVE, GRACE, and MERCY of Almighty God? If you cannot look to Him now in the day of peace (as it were) do you think billions will in that Day with EXPONENTIAL plagues abounding (Rev. 6-16)!
Today my dear friend is the day of salvation! Now is the time! For we know not what tomorrow will bring! Dear friends if you know not the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior be sure that you do business with Him today! We have countless resources to help you come to a saving knowledge of the Savior of the world and to grow in the grace and knowledge of Him. Dear friend, may it be so, for you will NEVER EVER be the same!
Indeed! The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
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