Prophecy, End Times Biblical perspective of American politics, God glorifing music, Bible studies, the Rapture, Dispensations, biblical teaching, pre -Trib, The Ignorant Fishermen, Unto the Chief Musician Music
as we see the light dwindling out of America’s torch of freedom, may
our hope NOT be found in vain (empty), man-made “solutions of the hour”
and hollow promises of human deliverance. That straw man and delusion can NEVER provide a remedy for the ETERNAL desperate needs and dire ills of humanity (Isa. 53:6; 64:6, Jer. 17:5-7, 9-10; John 3:16-17; Acts 4:12; Rom. 7:24-25; Gal. 1:4).
Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior according to God’s Holy Word?
your attention be focused - as a laser - on Almighty God, His Word and
His saving remedies which are ONLY found in Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 1:30).
What will be, cannot be stopped. All things are driving us to the time called in God’s Word, the Day of the Lord!
What came easy for us in this last day America, will go just as fast. What is crucial for all of us to see is that we need to see the ETERNAL and not get caught up in the passing temporal (1 John 2:15-17).
The Lord Jesus stated, . "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33)
"But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal" (Matt. 6:20)
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."(1 Cor. 2:9) ,
As we are on the brink of a
new day here in America, one full of adversity, violence, lack, want and
despair, there is One who NEVER changes (Heb. 13:8). There is One who wants ALL to come to a saving knowledge of Him for their ETERNAL betterment (John 3:16-17).
Do you personally know the Lord Jesus as your Savior? If not, be sure
that you do today. That is what this vain little life is all about. He
has come to make us RIGHTEOUSLY rich with an ETERNAL inheritance (Eph. 1:7, 14). May you place your trust in Him today! You will NEVER be the same!
Be Sure To Check Out Our "Unto The Chief Musician Music" You Tube Page!
Songs of personal testimony unto the Lord!
What Our EXPONENTIAL Day and Nation Looks Like With Images!
The Absolute Amazing Background to ‘The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11' - By Dr. John Whitcomb
The Rapture! A Message To Those Who Will Be/Are Left Behind
The Ignorant Fishermen Blog Search Engine
IFB Global Visitors Since 2015 - Eph. 3:20-21, Rev. 3:8!
Amir Tsarfati "The Mystery Of the Rapture!"
Stream for FREE our "Unto the Chief Musician Music! "Songs of Personal Testimony!
Devotional Christian Music to Strengthen and Encourage us in the Lord! Psalm 95:2; Acts 16:25; 1 Cor. 14:15; Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16! Songs of Personal Testimony of God's Personal Working!
Accident or Design?
An Amazing Creation Video Which Challenges All to Consider Almighty God, Our ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator and Savior!
Abiding Radio
Great Conservative Christian Music to STREAM and to be encouraged in the Lord!
A Powerful and Incredible Complete 40 Min. Bible Study on the Rapture of the Church!
By Dr. John Barnett
Such Were Some Of You
A powerful testimony of the righteous love of Jesus and His powerful ETERNAL deliverance in rightness from the gay lifestyle!
Jan Markell/Olive Tree Ministries
On the Cutting Edge of Prophetic News!
SBM Ministries
I Read and Believe the Bible; and the Lord Jesus WINS... ETERNALLY BIG TIME! : )
The 28 Principles of Liberty
Coronavirus and the Bible - Don't Be Afraid, Almighty God Cares, Have Faith in Almighty God!
2 Tim.1:7, 1 John 4:4, Rev. 1:17-18!
Why we use CAPITAL LETTERS in our IFB Posts and How to Read It - : )
THE FULLFILLMENT of the DAY of ATONEMENT - When Yeshua Returns to Israel - Music Video!
See For Yourself! Be Sure To Check Out The IFB Bible Verse Links On Each Of Our Posts!
IFB TWEETS! - Follow us on Twitter!
A daily Biblical perspective of our day!! The Kingdom of Heaven is INDEED at hand!
Do You Believe God? Show Me! Tim Tebow
A POWERFUL and CHALLENGING brief thought!
Unto the Chief Musician Music Twitter!
Watch and Listen to our songs of Personal Testimony unto Almighty God and His great working in us for His glory and great Name's sake! Eph. 3:20-21!
Behold Israel Ministries!
A Personal Question for a Beloved Child of Israel - Dear Friend, Where is Your Atonement?
Isaiah 53
How Can I Know Jesus and DO to BE SAVED? Dr. T. Evans
How Can I Sing God Bless America?
The Watchmen's View From The Wall Website
A Great Prophetic Hub Site!
The Word of Life
Dear friends, please be sure to look at the Bible verses we have linked to; that you may see for yourself what the Word of God clearly states! Matt. 24:35
The IFB - Established by the GRACE of Almighty God in 2008!
My Jesus, Tis of Thee (Sung to My Country Tis of Thee)
Prophetic Warnings From Our Founding Fathers
Prophetic Warnings From Our Founding Fathers
The Rapture in the Lord's Table - Until He Comes/Until We Are Changed!
Even So Come Lord Jesus
Dr. Whitcomb's Audio Sermons
What is the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God?
What is the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God?
The Two Witnesses in light of Daniel 9:27 Prophetic Bible Study!
The Two Witnesses of Revelation Blog!
A NEW blog by the Ignorant Fishermen Blog solely on the Two Witnesses of Revelation and their FUTURE ministry!
Seven Years To The Exact Day - The 70th Week of Daniel
A Message for our Jewish Friends!
A Message for our Muslim Friends!
Servants of Christ First - Conservatives Second
If you would like a FREE"Ignorant Fishermen" bumper sticker, please send us your mailing address - via email - and we will get that out to you. We will NEVER share you personal mailing address with any one. That is our promise.
God Bless!
Thru The Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee
My Beloved, Become a student of God's Word. Learn and study the whole Bible on your iPod with Dr. McGee. Free mp3 downloads from TTB.
America's True Tyranny In Light of the Tax Day Tea Parties
There is only One True Liberator
All The Glory Goes to Almighty God!
Many have asked how come we do not post our full names at the end of each post. The reason is quite simple. Our sole desire is to bring glory and honor to Almighty God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ alone. It’s not about us. It’s all about Him!
That is why we just post our initials (to distinguish the different writers) followed by I.F. (Ignorant Fishermen). We want all the Glory and Praise to go to Him in these Last Days!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Contact Us If you have been encouraged or blessed by the I.F. Blog please drop us a line. We would love to hear from you!
The 'Coexist" Delusion
What Is Sin?
How Can We Be Delivered? Now in tract form!
The 5000 Year Leap
A must READ for all to see into the mind and hearts of our American Founding Fathers!
The Ignorant Fishermen
Are You One?
The Wisdom of this World/The Wisdom of Almighty God
If the wisdom of this world in which we are living in is making any sense to you today, then I'll choose the foolishness of God and the foolishness of The Cross!(1 Cor. 1:18-31) Dr. J. Vernon McGee
A Biblical Point Of View In Light Of Todays Politics, Conditions And Crises.
This blog has been set up for the Glory of God; that He may be exalted and known by all in these last days. It is our desire to give a weekly thought about the current events of today in light of God's Word, the Bible, and Christ's second and soon coming. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!! (Rev 22:20)
One only needs to think outside the box of this world system and believe Almighty God and His Word! Then will you find the answers of life and see the reality of what it is all about. DJP I.F. Have Faith in God! (Mark 11:22)