The promotion, "legalization" and acceptance of lawlessness and its poisonous and destructive fruits of godless men abound everywhere today in our nation (Isa. 5:20, Rom. 1:18-32, Gal. 6:7). These fatal fruits are the results of the outworking of UNRIGHTEOUSNESS and LAWLESSNESS in an individual's life (Gal. 5: 19-21, 6:7). Yet today the world with great zeal protects, defends, guards and will decimate any who seek to challenge their godless and lawless deeds (John 15:18, 17:14, 1 John 3:13). This world fully embraces and condones all of these destructive actions in its never-ending quest to rid the world of RIGHTNESS and LIGHT in their delusional quest for a world of peace and a Christ-less utopia (John 3:19-21). The world’s inhabitants of today are putting ALL their expectations in this delusional utopian basket with no bottom in it with the goal that "one-day" mankind will enter into a golden age of peace and harmony (Isa. 48:22, 57:21). Oh, fools! No wonder the Bible states so clearly that all are sold under sin and unbelief and they have been and are presently deceived by the god and tyrant of this world, the fallen archangel Lucifer (i.e., Satan) Rom 3, 2 Cor. 4:3-4 Eph. 6:12.
This world fully embraces and condones all of these destructive actions in its never-ending quest to rid the world of RIGHTNESS and LIGHT in their delusional quest for a world of peace and a Christ-less utopia.
My friends, The Day of the Lord is truly at hand and nothing is going to stop that event from happening. All the delusional utopian dreams of mankind to live a lawless life and reap the fruits of RIGHTEOUSNESS is the height of LAWLESSNESS'S delusion (Rom. 1:18-32). TRUE peace and joy are ONLY found by receiving Jesus Christ and applying Almighty God's spiritual and moral absolutes in one's life for time and ETERNITY (Isa. 32:17, Eph. 2:14, Col. 1:20, James 3:18). May Almighty God's Word which is REALITY and TRUTH be our Heavenly guides as we walk in this darkened world and await the Lord's soon return!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!