Heaven itself is all vanity and desolation if Almighty God and His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Person are absent from it
(Rev. 21, 22:1-5). How the millions and may I say billions of this world’s inhabitants have sought to remake or redefine Almighty God’s RIGHTEOUS Person and His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Heaven with a corrupt fallen one using the
fallen and sinful flesh and mind (Rom. 10:2-4, 1 John 2:15-17, Jude 1:10, Rev. 21:8, 22:15). If one does NOT want to fellowship in SPIRIT and TRUTH
(John 4:24) nor hear or obey Almighty God’s RIGHTEOUS Word and Precepts then why would one ever want to go to Almighty God’s RIGHTEOUS Heaven
(Matt. 6:10)? They would FOREVER despise Almighty God and His RIGHTEOUS Heaven and continue in their godless rebellion. In the end, TRUE Heaven would be an absolute torment to them
(Prov. 29:27, John3:19-21).
If one does NOT want to fellowship in SPIRIT and TRUTH nor hear or obey Almighty God’s RIGHTEOUS Word and Precepts then why would one ever want to go to Almighty God’s RIGHTEOUS Heaven?

These haters of ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS would NEVER want to abide in such a place and so by REJECTING the Savior of the world and His ETERNAL remedies for
their lost fallen estate they have FULLY chosen to reject going to Almighty God’s Heaven in which dwells Almighty God’s RIGHTEOUS Person
(John3:16-17, 36, 1 Cor. 15:24-28, Rev. 21, 22;1-5). I myself and I am sure that you also know many dear conservative moral individuals who are trusting THEIR “good” works and not fully and completely in the PERSON and WORK of God the Son
(John 3:36, 6:28-29, Rom. 5:1-2, 10:2-4, Eph. 2:8-9, Titus 3:4-7, 1 John 2:2). Tragically these though very moral and conservative are trusting in THEIR conservatism. They are just as godless, lawless and wicked because in their heart of hearts they have deceived themselves and have rejected REALITY and the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS demanded by Almighty God
(Rom. 10:2-4).
Oh my dear friends how many have drunk the demonic kool- aid of self righteousness unto ETERNAL damnation and ruin.
Whether you are liberal, moderate or conservative, virtuous, vile, wretched, moral or wherever you might find yourself on the human ideological spectrum;
(Isa. 53:6, Rom. 3:23). As it were, all of Adam’s
fallen race area broken egg (Rom. 5:12-21). TRUE insanity in light of the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Person of Almighty God is the mindset of people who have deceived themselves and believe that they – as fallen individuals for all practical purposes are “good”; and not just”good” but”good” enough and not just good enough but PERFECTLY RIGHTEOUS to stand PERFECTLY before the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Person of Almighty God in the Day of Judgment. Oh my dear friends how many have drunk the demonic kool- aid of self righteousness unto ETERNAL damnation and ruin
(Matt.7:21-23). This mindset is the ultimate position of defiance that one can make to seek to justify ones actions throughout time
(Matt. 7:21-24).
Each human being has conceived and has created in their heart their “own” standard of what “good” is
(Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1)? These have blindly, ignorantly and even consciously rewritten the ETERNAL moral absolutes of Almighty God; they have twisted the Holy Scriptures redefining RIGHTEOUSNESS and have allowed their lawless mind, fallen nature and unbounded emotions to dictate and mandate that which is “good” based on fallen humanities own image and likeness
(Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:10). These (liberal, moderate or conservative) throughout their existence in time (born-die) have made continual comparisons with each other; always lowering the common denominator of “good” to their worse acquaintance seeking to justifying themselves in light of fallen humans and NEVER by the ETERNAL PERFECT STANDARD of Jesus Christ
(Psalm 19:7,Rom. 10:2-4, 2 Cor. 10:2,18). Tragically the “good” in which people are trusting in is ETERNALLY in contrast with the RIGHTEOUS PERFECT ETERNAL ABSOLUTES of Almighty God
(Psalm 19:7, 119:160, Rom. 10:2-4, James 2:10). If we as fallen humanity leave Almighty God and His Word out of the ETERNAL equation of the TRUE definition of “good” then we only deceive ourselves and our willful ignorance will not deliver us in the Day of Judgment
(Rev. 20:11-15). Almighty God has put in the heart of every human being that we ALL are accountable to our Creator and that we all need God’s Savior
(John 1:1-5, Rom. 1;18-32). When we reject this Divine revelation we are left only with ETERNAL EVERLASTING ruin and perdition for our fallen humanity and estate
(Isa. 48:22, Matt. 13:42, Rev.20:11-15, 21:8, 22:11).
If we as fallen humanity leave Almighty God and His Word out of the ETERNAL equation of the TRUE definition of “good” then we only deceive ourselves and our willful ignorance will not deliver us in the Day of Judgment.
My dear friends, contrary to mankind’s zealous self pretensions, disastrous perceptions and illusions “good” people DO NOT go to Heaven but are faced with FULL BLOWN REALITY of how lawless and vile they truly are and have been
(Rom. 7). When one finally stands before the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS PERSON of ALMIGHTY GOD the SON in that dreadful Day of reckoning no one will say boo
(Rev. 20:11-15). All self imposed delusions, and deceptions will be totally EXPOSED and UNMASKED and ETERNAL REALITY and RIGHTEOUSNESS will be ETERNALLY manifested before the eyes of the lost soul. Oh my dear friends how wretched the individual will be in that Day. For all is established ETERNALLY and ETERNITY is EVER before that individual as they live out their ETERNAL EXISTENCE subject to the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God FOREVER
(Mark 9:48, Rev.21:8).
My friend, in Heaven there are NO “good” people but ONLY those who have been redeemed by the Lamb of Almighty God. A TRUE Christian today or believer is one who truly recognizes that they have ZERO of the required PERFECT RIGHTEOUSNESS to stand before a HOLY, PERFECT and RIGHTEOUS God
(Luke 18:13, Rom. 7:25-26) and have placed their complete trust in the Person and Work of Almighty God the Son; the Lord Jesus Christ
(John 3:16-17,Rom. 10:2-4).
My friend, in Heaven there are NO “good” people but ONLY those who have been redeemed by the Lamb of Almighty God. A TRUE Christian today or believer is one who truly recognizes that they have ZERO of the required PERFECT RIGHTEOUSNESS to stand before a HOLY, PERFECT and RIGHTEOUS God.

My dear friend, if you are one of these moral relativist or RIGHTEOUS relativists who is deceiving themselves in to believing that you are “good enough” to inherit ETERNAL LIFE and ETERNAL pardon for your countless transgressions (heart, soul and mind) against the PERFECT LAW of Almighty God; then may you abandon your delusion and come to grips with ETERNAL REALITY. Why hide in a delusion. ALMIGHTY God LOVES you and sent His Son to DIE and be your PROPITIATION for YOU that you may live FOREVER with HIM in ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS bliss and harmony
(John 3:16-17, 1 Cor. 2:9, Rev. 21, 22:1-5).
My dear friend I personally do not know how to say anything more wonderful than that!
THE Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!