My dear friends, I and other believers love Rush Limbaugh and have a great burden for his soul. The other day Rush was talking about his mortality so we wanted to share this thought. It is truly our opinion based on Almighty God's Word
(Matt. 7:20) that Rush Limbaugh needs to be saved and someone needs to say it today! Rush needs to come to
a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in SPIRIT and TRUTH; for in Jesus Christ is found the TRUE ETERNAL RIGHTNESS and ETERNAL OPTIMISM that Rush so desperately needs
(John 1:12, Acts 16;29-31).
For in Jesus Christ is found the TRUE ETERNAL RIGHTNESS and OPTIMISM that Rush so desperately needs.

My dear friends... this isn't the
"religious" ranting of some loon or nut case. These ARE the ONLY REALITIES for time and ETERNITY that Almighty God has for Adam's fallen race
(Acts 4:12, Rom. 5:12-21, 10:2-4, 2 Cor 5:21, 1 Peter 3:18). From what I have gathered through the many years of listening to Rush, he is NO believer in Jesus Christ as the Bible (Almighty God's INFALLIBLE Word) clearly defines
(John 1:12, 1 Cor. 2:2, 2 Cor. 5:17-21), for if he was the EIB Network would be the greatest evangelic ministry on earth! There is no way that any believer in Christ would or could ever preach solely politics and the vanities of this godless world without addressing mankind's ETERNAL dire need for the Gospel's ETERNAL saving message and that the Day of the Lord is at hand
(John 3:16-17, 36)!
There is absolutely NO evidence that Rush Limbaugh has a saving relationship to the Jesus Christ or that he even attends a Bible-believing assembly and until he does (receive Christ) he will continue to use his "eternal optimism" to hide behind to try to make his Christ-less future bright.

Many professing believers hide their light under a bushel to run for office or are so consumed with politics that they are shipwrecked for Christ, but at least these would have to say with all their being at one point or another, "I know that Jesus SAVES" and at least these would try to seek to proclaim the ETERNAL saving message of the Gospel when squeezed to do so. But in Rush's case, I see none of that. Rush has a respect for the Creator but not for His Savior, His saving solutions or His RIGHTEOUSNESS
(Rom. 1:18-22, 10:2-4). There is absolutely NO evidence that Rush Limbaugh has a
saving relationship to the Jesus Christ or that he even attends a Bible-believing assembly and until he does (receive Christ) he will continue to use his "eternal optimism" to hide behind to try to make his Christ-less future bright
(Rev. 20:11-15). Rush will continue on his Christ-less path until his soul is required of him and then he will be faced with the ETERNAL realities of a life without a Savior, Propitiation and Redeemer
(Luke 13:20, Heb. 9:27, Rev. 20:11-15, 22:11). In the end Rush's great achievements, success, respect, and fame will be all vanity
(Eccl 1:1-3, Matt. 16:26, Mark 8:36, Rev. 20:11-15). We take nothing with us out of this world
(Psalm 49:17, Eccl 5:15, 1 Tim. 6:7). The future for all awaits us in ETERNITY and one needs the PERFECT RIGHTEOUSNESS of Jesus Christ to make it safely there
(Matt. 7:21-23, Rom. 4:5, 1 Cor. 1:30, 2 Cor. 5:21, 1 Peter 2:24, 3:18, Rev. 1:5).
My dear friends remember... whether one is virtuous, moral or conservative or vile, immoral or liberal
ALL need the Savior and ALL need pardon and forgiveness for all of one's transgressions against the PERFECT RIGHTEOUS LAW of Almighty God
(Matt. 5:18, Rom. 3:23).
Almighty God knows it is our sincere desire and prayer for Rush Limbaugh and all conservatives (and liberals) to come to a saving relationship with the Savior of the World, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Almighty God knows it is our sincere desire and prayer for Rush Limbaugh and all conservatives (and liberals) to come to a saving relationship with the Savior of the World, the Lord Jesus Christ
(John 1:12.Acts 4:12, 16:29-31, Rom. 3:23, 6:23, 10:2-4). May it be so!
May Rush be brave enough to face the Divine TRUTH and REALITY of what Almighty God's Word has to say to him in SPIRIT and TRUTH. The receiving of God's Word and Savior into his life will only open the doors unto ETERNAL LIFE, RIGHTEOUSNESS and glory for Almighty God that can NEVER EVER perish (
Luke 12:34, John 1:12, 1 Cor. 2:9, 1 John 2:15-17, Rev. 21, 22:1-5). Is that not a far greater purpose for one's life! My dearly beloved, that is the TRUE ETERNAL OPTIMISM and REALITY that should flood the hearts and souls of all mankind! Oh the WONDERS, MERCY and GRACE of Almighty God towards the sons of Adam today
(Rom. 5:12-21). May those who have an ear to hear Almighty God's saving message before the Day of the Lord begins. May it be so!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!