In the death of the lost, one is instantly transported into the ETERNAL and whatever manner of life one has lived here in time on planet earth will rapidly dissipate to the REALITY of the ETERNAL. No matter the manner of Almighty God's death summons in a human's life, whether by peaceful, calm or tranquil means or by tragic, violent or monstrous means; the means (the execution thereof) of one's death will infinitesimally pale to the ETERNAL REALITY in which one has been now placed in. For then ALL delusion is exposed and ALL fantasy and make-believe is shattered and all the lies of one's past existence are revealed and openly made known to the transgressor in FULL LIGHT and ETERNAL REALITY. Nothing that is exposed in ETERNITY'S RIGHTEOUS LIGHT will ever come as any shock to the summoned one. Deep in the heart of all human beings, they have always known the godless manner of their existence, whether it was outworked in a moral, moderate or vile manner (Rom. 1:18-32). The exclusion of Almighty God's RIGHTEOUSNESS in one's rebellion against Almighty God now is FULLY manifest to the individual and they are FULLY aware that there is indeed no place for them in Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS Heaven but only in the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:11-15, 21:8, 22:11). The transgressor (at physical death) is placed on ETERNITY'S death row in Sheol Hades to await the final sentence in that must sobering of all days; the Great White Judgment (Rev. 20:11-15). Then the lawless transgressor is cast in the Second Death the Lake of Fire FOREVER and EVER (Rev. 20:11-15, 21:8, 22:11). Oh, my dear friends, how ETERNALLY sobering is that! For indeed in that most sobering hour, ALL hope will be abandoned for a godless existence as one's delusion and fantasy is FOREVER consumed (Rom. 1:18-32, 2 Thess. 2:10-12, Rev. 21:8, 22:11).
For then ALL delusion is exposed and ALL fantasy and make-believe is shattered and all the lies of one's past existence are revealed and openly made known to the transgressor in FULL LIGHT and ETERNAL REALITY.
In ETERNITY, the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God is without compromise and saturates its ETERNAL state. When a man or woman dies in an unregenerate state they do not stop from transgressing against the RIGHTEOUS laws and absolutes of Almighty God. They FOREVER remain in an unregenerate fallen lawless state and must be put in a place which consumes their godless and lawless thoughts, which transgress continually the ETERNAL absolutes and laws of FOREVER (Rom. 7:7-24, 25, Rev. 22:8). The purifying holiness of Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS fire FOREVER consumes the lawless imaginations and thoughts that arise against Almighty God's ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS and thus the flame always burns and the worm NEVER dies (Matt. 25:41, Mark 9:43-44, Rev. 20:11, 21:8, 22:11). WOE! WOE! WOE!
The purifying holiness of Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS fire FOREVER consumes the lawless imaginations and thoughts that arise against Almighty God's ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS and thus the flame always burns and the worm never dies. WOE! WOE! WOE!
For the redeemed, this ETERNAL destiny is not so, for they by placing their trust in Almighty God's ETERNAL Son have been delivered from their fallen nature and have been given the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Christ which is for ALL ETERNITY (Rom. 10:2-4, 1 Cor. 1:30, 2 Cor. 5:21, 1 John 3:1-3, Rev. 1:5, 22:11). In the death of the redeemed, there is great joy for we know that our loved one is in the presence of Almighty God and safe in His ETERNAL loving arms (2 Cor. 5:8). The one who dies in Christ will be finally liberated from the bondage of this fallen world, Satan's oppression and their fallen nature (Gal. 1:4, Rom. 7:24-25, 8:18-23). In the death of the saints is indeed ETERNAL liberation and the joy of ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS (2 Cor. 2:9, Rev. 21-22:1-5). We will, at last, see our Savior and Heavenly Father face to face and be able to enjoy them in the beauty of RIGHTEOUSNESS (John 17:24, Rev. 22:1-5).
The one who dies in Christ will be finally liberated from the bondage of this fallen world, Satan's oppression, and their fallen nature.
My dear friends, it is Almighty God's great desire for ALL to turn to Him and be delivered from the wrath which is to come against all lawlessness and ungodliness (John 3:16-17). To rebel against Almighty God's command to repent and be saved and to reject His GRACE, MERCY and LOVE is to seek to bring this world's unrighteous rebellion into ETERNITY and this world's lawless consequence with it (Isa. 5:20, 32:17, 57:21, Rom. 1:18-32, Gal.6:7, Rev. 21:8). O dear friends, that can NEVER be nor will it EVER be! There is no ETERNAL peace in lawlessness, only the fruits of oppression and violence.
My dear friends, Almighty God cries out to you today to repent and be saved (Ezek. 18:32, John 3:17, 1 Tim. 2:4)! Will you hear His voice? The days are getting short and ETERNITY is EVER before us. Please be sure to contact us if you have any questions on how you can know where you will spend your ETERNITY. ONLY in Jesus Christ is found Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS provision for ETERNITY.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand!
Reality's ETERNAL Prison
The Righteous One Who GAVE Himself For You!