Wednesday, November 7, 2018

2018 Midterms Results - An Image of America's Current Estate

Now two years in office, Donald Trump has done much to help slow down the Lefts rapid vindictive dismantling of America but he has a LONG, LONG, LONG way to go with nowhere near enough time left on the clock. Last nights elections results could have been worse but with the Red Democratic party winning the House it will only further slow down any advancements in preserving our very frail nation; and only add furthermore to the deceptions and distractions in the lawless media against president Trump. Friends, the above image is provided to show how much time is left and what our nation looks like at present! Seventy-five years of eroding socialistic and anti-Judeo/Christian policies have decimated our nation morally, socially and financially. Do not deceive yourselves into thinking that America will survive and we will overcome the Left. They have demonstrated that they will not go away and are sold out in transforming and destroying this nation into a lawless wasteland. Dear friends. the hardest thing to make Americans see today is that we are already under Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS judgment and He is just giving this nation a little more time to repent before the Day of the Lord arrives (Ex. 34:6, Matt. 11:28-30, John 3:16-17, Rom. 2:4, Eph. 1:7)!

 My dear friends, the above image is what our nation looks like at present! Do not deceive yourselves into thinking that it does not!

The Left today is far more left today then they were 10 years ago. In the last 10 years they have been able to deceive the youth of America to side with them and have rallied them to their godless cause to fight with them on a lawless moral relativistic platform (1 Tim. 4:1-3, 2 Tim. 3:1-5, 2 Thess. 2:12,  Jude 1:10). The Left today - after their 2016 presidential election loss - are more zealous and crazier than ever about getting back power, advocating lawlessness, advancing moral relativism, promoting social justice, executing critical theory and waging war on any who stand for the slightest of common sense, based on the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God. We are more divided today as a nation, not by people's political parties but rather by ideology based on moral and spiritual relativism (Rom. 1:18-32). How can any society survive when moral absolutes are hated, scoffed at and demonized by both political parties? The answer is, “It will not!” Thus, we now see the final sad state and coming downfall of our once great and highly respected nation (Psalm 11:3, Prov. 14:3).

 We are more divided today as a nation, not by people's political parties but rather by ideology based on moral and spiritual relativism.

Many Conservatives these days are aligning themselves with the fiscal conservative while ignoring their social moral positions. These delusional dreamers are being deceived and are by no means stopping the bleeding of our nation by its abandonment of social-moral conservative absolutes. They are placing ALL their trust in a fallen man, a lawless apostate political party, the wrong lawless ideal and are feeding the fire for the demise of our nation, as prophetically predicted by our Founding Fathers.

Tragically, it will be this complete abandonment of social morals that will be America's final demise.

Tragically, it will be this complete abandonment of social morals that will be America's final demise and my dear friend we are already there! This nation - due to her abandonment of moral absolutes and the soon coming Rapture of the body of Christ - will finally implode on herself, thus opening the door to the entrance of the Four Horsemen and the dreaded Day of the Lord (Rev. 6-19). My dear friends, it is absolutely crucial for all individuals to be sure that they personally know the Savior of this doomed and fallen world (John 1:12, 3:16-17, 1 John 5:10-13). This world is headed into the final showdown between lawlessness and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Between Lucifer the fallen angelic creature and the ETERNAL GOD and CREATOR of ALL that is in the heavens and the earth (Rev. 16:13-16).

My dear friends, the Kingdom of Heaven is TRULY at hand!


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Time to "Wake Up America Again!" - To Almighty God's Saving Grace!

The Lord Jesus stated that, you shall know men and nations by their fruits and by their actions (Matt. 7:16-20). It is simple enough to see that wherever the lawless “virtues” of secular liberalism are promoted and exercised that godlessness, lawlessness, poverty, disease, anarchy, crime, social chaos, the break down of the family unit, violence and horrific social devastation are to be found. What is most astounding is that these American reprobates will fight tooth and nail to promote and protect their godless mindset at any price (Rom. 1:32). When one rejects and abandons the core moral building blocks for a health society in exchange for a godless delusion of lawlessness, expect always to find social devastation and chaos EXPONENTIALLY thriving and abounding (2 Tim. 3:1-7)!

By applying these lawless solutions, these clueless fools excel today’s social ills at EXPONENTIAL rates!

What is most alarming today is how these puppets of Lucifer; the Marxist Democrats, moderate/establishment Republicans, Hollywood, the Drive By Media and the Music Industry are the very people that impose their delusional solutions and euphemistic remedies upon the American people and seek to fix these ills of society by applying the very same demonic logic that got us into this social catastrophic point in the first place! By applying these lawless solutions, these clueless fools excel today’s social ills at EXPONENTIAL rates! Today’s American social culture is at the extreme breaking point and the evidence is to be found every where and yet the majority of Americans live in an apathetic delusion that all is well and that we will prosper as in times past. 

What is most alarming is how these puppets of Lucifer; the Marxist Democrats, moderate/establishment Republicans, Hollywood, the Drive By Media, the Music Industry are very people that impose their delusional solutions and remedies upon the American people and seek also to fix these ills of society by applying the very same logic that got us into this social catastrophic point in the first place!

As we seek to "Make America Great Again" with precious little time left on the play clock, we need to "Wake Up America Again" to the ETERNAL saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ; for that is the calling from on High to every blood brought believer in this hour (2 Cor. 5:17-21). We are to be believers in Jesus Christ first and Americans second and when this Divine order is kept rightly America will prosper as NEVER before! I personally believe that our nation was not spared last November to "Make America Great Again" by national sovereignty, economic growth and prosperity; but for God's people to diligently and prayerfully get out Almighty God's saving message to all of Adam's race (John 3:16-17, Rom. 5:11-21)

I personally believe that our nation was not spared last November to "Make America Great Again" by national sovereignty, economic growth and prosperity; but for God's people to diligently and prayerfully get out Almighty God's saving message to all of Adam's race!


We as believers need to redeem the time given to us from Heaven as never before as that Day approaches (Eph. 5:15-16)! It was the prayers of this nation's saints to Almighty God that has spared this nation in November (Dan. 4:17) and it should be the desire of all these praying saints that a GREAT spiritual revival and turning to Almighty God in Spirit and TRUTH occur before the Day of the Lord arrives! We as American believers need to pray for Almighty God's will in this hour for our nation and not for our nation's desires for a  prosperity that seeks to exclude the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God! May we as believers in Jesus Christ be focused on our Heavenly calling first and for Almighty God's will first in our lives and then the rest for America will fall into place.

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


The Gospel of John Challenge!

Monday, November 5, 2018

A Political Party Cannot Save Your Soul!

Whatever political party or political ideology one adheres to is irrelevant in the light of ETERNITY, but what one does with Almighty God's Savior is the most pertinent decision one will have to make in one's life time because ALL your ETERNITY depends on it. Do you as a progressive, liberal, moderate or conservative have the RIGHTEOUSNESS required to enter into Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS and PERFECT Heaven? That is the bottom line and the great ETERNAL question one must ask themselves. Almighty God the Son knocks on your heart today; will you hear Him and answer Him (Rev. 3:20)?

Do you as a progressive, liberal, moderate or conservative have the RIGHTEOUSNESS required to enter into Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS and PERFECT Heaven?

May you truly consider and make knowing God's TRUTH the most pertinent passion of your life. We have 1000's of Bible studies and a special challenge for you to take if you truly would like to know. May it be so!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

