"Then shall they deliver you up (Israel) to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because lawlessness shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." Matt. 24:9-12
There is a Greek word ἀγαπάω (agapaó) used three different ways, which is used to speak of the love of Almighty God. The LOVE of Almighty God seeks only the ETERNAL highest and best for His creation. The depot and sum of all the love of Almighty God the Father is found in the person of His Son the Lord Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17). Almighty God's love for fallen mankind is outworked in the sending and giving of His Son (1 John 4:9).
The first use of this Greek word is ἀγαπάω (agapaó) which denotes the love of the will, reason and esteem. This word seeks only the highest and best for an individual in light of Almighty God's person and RIGHTEOUSNESS (John 3:16-17). This word is used only once in Revelation 6-19 referring to the new believer in the Messiah during this period who is absolutely sold out to Almighty God's will and "loves" not their life unto death! These are more than willing to make the supreme sacrifice for the testimony of God knowing full well that in their death they will see their Savior and will be risen again at His return at the first resurrection (Rev. 20:4-6). They love their Savior more than their earthly existence and are more than willing to lay it down that Almighty God and ETERNAL life may be manifested to a godless world.
These are more than willing to make the supreme sacrifice for the
testimony of God knowing full well that in their death they will see
their Savior and will be risen again at His return at the first
The second use of this Greek word ἀγάπη (agapé) denotes the highest and best of Almighty God in action and in outworking. This is the Greek word which is used in Matthew 24:12 which states that this "love or charity" of many will grow cold because of EXPONENTIAL lawlessness and the fruits and effects of it during this time period. The outworking of this love can only be applied by those who have received Almighty God's love (i.e., the Lord Jesus Christ - John 3:16-17, 1 John 4:9). It is a love that the unredeemed cannot use since in their unredeemed estate they are currently rejecting Almighty God's love (John 3:16-17). If they reject God's love, how can they allow it to be outworked in their lives and have it overflow unto others? This Greek word is found nowhere in Revelation 6-19 indicating that the application of it even from the redeemed is very scarce. Imagine a time with all of the EXPONENTIAL global catastrophic events, wars, famines, pestilences and oppression void of Almighty God's love? Thus it will be in this time and no wonder for when a world rejects Almighty God's love which is found in His Son (John 3:16-17), how can they love or want the ETERNAL highest and best for their fellow man?
Imagine a time with all of the EXPONENTIAL global catastrophic events, wars, famines, pestilences and oppression void of God's love.
The third use of this word is agapétos which has two special applications: the Beloved, a title of the Messiah (Christ), as beloved beyond all others by the God who sent Him; of Christians, as beloved by God, Christ, and one another (the nation Israel). It is used for the object of Almighty God's ETERNAL highest and best with the benefits of being in the Son of God (the body of Almighty God's Well-Beloved).
This word is nowhere to be found at all in the book of Revelation let alone in Revelation 6-19. That this Greek word is missing speaks volumes and is further proof and evidence that the Body of Christ (i.e., the Church) is not here during this time and have been Raptured out before this HORRIFIC seven-year tribulation begins. If the body of Christ was to go through this Day of Wrath, of a truth we would find the beloved of Almighty God, the Bride of the Messiah mentioned. It is only in the Beloved Son of the Father that a transgressor can be redeemed and placed in the Body of Christ and be called beloved. Oh the WONDERS of His grace and mercy and the wonders of our position in Christ (Eph. 1:3, 2:6, Col. 3:1-4)!!!
If the body of Christ was to go through this Day of Wrath, of a truth we
would find the beloved of Almighty God, the Bride of the Messiah
Today will you be one who enters into this time period without the love of Almighty God? Dear friend we are at the door to this time period and even a blind man can see it! Now is the day of salvation! Now is the time! May you truly want to know the Lord in Spirit and TRUTH and receive the Father's love which is ONLY found in Jesus Christ (John 3:16-17, 1 John 4:9)! May it be so!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
The Gospel of John Challenge