The REALITY of this hour is that since Adam’s fall and Babel, ALL political and spiritual ideologies (secular and conservative) and their utopian philosophies have FAILED miserably. All these utopian ideals which have dominated fallen mankind’s quest for peace IN A FALLEN WORLD will finally climax to the pinnacle of their failures during a time called the Day of the Lord. It will be under the LAWLESS despot called the Anti Christ, that tyranny and oppression will reach its zenith. The final utopian’s ideal and vision for this fallen world will be horrific and EXPONENTIALLY lawless (2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 13). It will be at the end of this seven year period called the Day of Wrath that Almighty God the Son, Creator and King will come out of Heaven’s glory and crush this global state rebellion and then the Messiah himself will establish His 1000 year reign on earth in RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE (Dan. 7:13-14, Rev. 19:11-21). It will be under this reign of the Creator that a fallen world will prosper as never before (Isa.11:1-10, 35). Jesus Messiah - the Designer and Creator - will enforce the adherence to the Laws of Nature and will rule with a rod of iron (Rev. 19:15).
It will be at the end of this seven year period called the Day of Wrath that Almighty God the Son, Creator and King will come out of Heaven’s glory and crush this global state rebellion and then the Messiah himself will establish His 1000 year reign on earth in RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE.
It will be during this 1000 year period - that those who survive the seven year tribulation and remain after Messiah’s judgment of nations - will thrive (they and their offspring) and enjoy Almighty God’s creation and freedom as NEVER before (Matt. 13:30,38-43, 49-50)! This is the TRUE utopian vision that all of Adam’s fallen race should embrace for this is Almighty God’s utopian REALITY which is to come upon the earth!
What is EXPONENTIALLY amazing is at the end of Messiah’s 1000 year reign, Almighty God will let out the Mastermind of delusion and lawlessness (i.e., Lucifer) to test the hearts of men. It will be at the end of this 1000 year reign of unimaginable prosperity, health, freedom and RIGHTEOUSNESS that unsaved men of this time will abandon REALITY and follow Lucifer in the world’s final rebellion (Rev. 20:7-10). These rebels - which are as the sand of the sea - who have experienced the Fruit of Righteousness will long to be free from it! These rebellious masses - in the end – will follow Satan in his perpetual delusion to live a godless existence without the ETERNAL Creator of Heaven and Earth (Rev. 20:7-10). This final rebellion will be crushed and Almighty God will then institute the ETERNAL estate (Rev. 20:10-15, 21-22:1-5). This ETERNAL estate will consist of a NEW Heavens and Earth (Isa. 65:17, Rev. 21, 22:1-5) and the ETERNAL prison called the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:11-15). In the end the personal choices of an individual will cement their ETERNAL destinies. For one, the ETERNAL fellowship in PEACE and RIGHTEOUSNESS with their Creator and Savior (Rev. 21, 22:1-5) and for the other, an ETERNITY of suffering the RIGHTEOUS judgment of Almighty God in ETERNITY’S ETERNAL prison (Rev. 20:11-15).
The utopian dream my dear friend is ONLY to be found in the reality of Almighty God’s solution for fallen man. Almighty God has made provision in His dear Son for all to enjoy His ETERNAL utopia in RIGHTEOUSNESS and PEACE.
There are NO utopias here in this fallen world (conservative or secular). The utopian dream my dear friend is ONLY to be found in the reality of Almighty God’s solution for fallen man. Almighty God has made provision in His dear Son for all to enjoy His ETERNAL utopia in RIGHTEOUSNESS and PEACE but it is up to the individual to personally choose it or not.What will you choose? Will you follow the voices and delusional theories of fallen men or will you believe your Creator and Redeemer and enter into to the joy that He has so prepared for all (1 Cor. 2:9, Rev. 22:1-5). It is Almighty God’s pure desire that all would come to the saving knowledge of His dear Son Jesus Christ for that is what this life is all about (John 3:16-17, 1 Tim 2:4, 2 Peter 3:9).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Must I do to be saved?
The King of Kings Has Arrived! Almighty God's Utopia

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