My dear friends, if lawless and godless Americans, Media, elected leaders and fifth column demonic constitutional apostates absolutely despise Brett Kavanaugh because he stands for a TRUE interpretation of the Constitution, what then after the Rapture of the body of Christ when the Two Witnesses of Revelation arrive; who will preach global REPENTANCE and faith in Jesus Messiah in ABSOLUTE RIGHTEOUSNESS (Rev. 11:1-7)?
Dear friends, Trump and Kavanaugh are just bringing to the forefront the full-blown lawlessness and defiance of the American people which have grown up under 75 years of critical theory and lawless progressivism. America is at its crossroads and is being sifted and exposed! Her nakedness and lawlessness have been revealed by Almighty God in His RIGHTEOUS purge and she has been found wanting and lacking! The battle for the Supreme Court is a battle the Left will die for; for in their evil hearts and darkened imaginations they do not EVER want to close Pandora's Box, but seek to FOREVER keep it open to satisfy their lawless bent, unbridled passions, godless utopian aspirations and serve their base mind (Rom. 1:18-32). Dear friends, NOTHING is new under the sun! From the Garden of Eden, to the Genisis flood; to the Tower of Babel to the future Day of the Lord and its climax (Gen. 3-11; Rom. 1:18-32, Rev. 6-19); fallen mankind will NOT submit themselves to their ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS CREATOR and His RIGHTEOUS spiritual and moral ABSOLUTES (Psalm 2, Isa. 53, Luke 19:14, Acts 2-4, Heb. 1:2-3). These would rather spend ETERNITY in the Lake of fire in FULL DEFIANCE then in subjection to ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS and the ETERNAL reward and fruit thereof (Rev. 20:10-15, 1 Cor. 2:9, Rev. 21; 22:1-5)! Remember my beloved, we DO NOT wrestle with flesh and blood (vain fallen mankind) in this world of ours, but with the fallen demonic angelic spiritual world of Satan and his lawless host. (John 8:44, 2 Cor. 4:2-4, Eph. 2:1-2; 6:10-18, 1 John 5:19). America must fall in Satan's eyes and when it does, the Four Horsemen will begin their HORRIFIC ride introducing the Day of the Lord (Rev. 6-19)!
If lawless and godless Americans, Media, elected leaders and fifth column demonic constitutional apostates absolutely despise Brett Kavanaugh because he stands for a TRUE interpretation of the Constitution, what then after the Rapture of the body of Christ when the Two Witnesses of Revelation arrive?

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Israel will then secured “her peace” through Moses and Elijah who will make the scene and provide supernatural protection for Israel while they execute their Divine assignments from Almighty God!
At that time Israel will then secured “her peace” through the arrival of the Two Witnesses (Moses and Elijah), who will make the scene and will provide supernatural protection for Israel while they (the Two Witnesses) execute their Divine assignments from Almighty God (Ezek 38, 39:26, Rev. 11:2-7). Moses and Elijah with miracles, signs and wonders will powerfully complete their Divine assignment from Almighty God during their 3 1/2 year ministry. (Dan 9:24, Mal 4:4-6, Matt. 17:11). They will begin to re-establish the altar and sacrificial offerings and begin to rebuild the temple in Israel (which will point back to the Lamb of God - Lev. 1-8. Isa. 53, Dan. 9:26-27, 12:11, Rev. 7; 11:1-2). They will also re-establish the Levitical priesthood, begin training 144,000 Jewish male virgins for their future ministry (Dan. 9:27, 12:11, Mal. 3:1-3, Matt. 24: 14. Rev.7, 11:1) and preach the glorious Gospel message of Jesus Messiah to Israel and the entire world (Isa. 53, 1 Cor. 15:1-4, Rev. 11:2-6). They will preach in RIGHTEOUSNESS and TRUTH that the Kingdom of Heaven and Messiah’s return and reign are at hand! These Two will be equipped with ALL DIVINE and SUPERNATURAL powers and authority in RIGHTEOUSNESS to protect Almighty God’s and Israel’s interest during this time; and will EXPONENTIALLY plague ALL opposing and hostile nations that seek their and Israel’s utter destruction; including Gog’s confederate invasion from the north (Ezek. 38-39, Rev. 11:3-7).
So POWERFUL will these two patriarchs of old be during this first 3 ½ years of the tribulation that their authority from Almighty God, their burning light of RIGHTEOUSNESS and call to Divine repentance will absolutely terrorize and torment the godless world in the throws of the Four Horsemen, Trumpet Judgments including the Quad Demonic War.

The godless Messiah rejecting world seeing what the Beast has done unto the Two Witnesses will be so absolutely amazed that they will say, “Who can make war with the Beast?
For 3 ½ days (Rev. 11:9) the remaining godless world in their demonic drunken stupor will be absolutely ecstatic and jubilant that this man has destroyed these two invincible messengers of Almighty God and has removed their RIGHTEOUS torment and godly tyranny from them (Isa. 5:20, Matt.6:22-23, John 3:19-21, Rom. 1:18-32)! So depraved are these unbelieving Jews and Gentiles that they will celebrate in Jerusalem (spiritual Sodom and Egypt) Almighty God’s chosen city – 2 Kings 21:4Rev. 11:8 and give gifts to each other and rejoice and celebrate the Beast and exalt him and receive him as god (Dan. 7:25, 11:35-39, Matt. 24:15, Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 11:9-10, 13:1-4).
So depraved are these unbelieving Jews and Gentiles that they will celebrate in Jerusalem (spiritual Sodom and Egypt) Almighty God’s chosen city and give gifts to each other and rejoice and celebrate the Beast and exalt him and receive him as god.
As the remaining world’s nations (Rev. 6-9) are at the height of their celebrations there is movement in the square where the two dead brutally disfigured bodies of Moses and Elijah lie. Before the presence of the entire world - 3 ½ days later - the world’s godly tormentors arise and stand up on their feet (Rev. 11:11)! The breath of life has entered back into Almighty God’s Two Witnesses and horror of all horrors strikes the hearts of a demonic world, the world’s RIGHTEOUS speaking tormentors live again (Rev. 11:7-13)! Such horrendous fear re-enters the godless world’s hearts and minds and they now know without a shadow of a doubt that all that these Two Witnesses have stated will come to be and of a truth Almighty God is indeed the Ruler in the affairs of men and the Sovereign King of all ETERNITY (Dan. 4:17, Rev. 11:12-18). It is at this moment that a voice from Heaven speaks before the world and commands the Two Witnesses to come up to Almighty God’s presence and they ascend in a cloud out of their enemies’ site into glory (Rev. 11:12)! As their enemies once rejoiced greatly at Moses and Elijah’s murder they now are completely horrified by their ascension; FOR THEY NOW KNOW without a doubt that Almighty God is TRUE and His messengers are TRUE! In their unregenerate state, hardness of heart and godless demonically controlled minds these have fully set themselves against Almighty God’s saving grace and have become completely unrepentant (2 Thess. 2:8-12)! They will now openly and very publicly enter into a covenant with Death and Hell in which there is absolutely no deliverance. In their hatred and hardness of heart, they will willingly align themselves with the Beast, make war with the saints and take his mark fully comprehending what they are doing (2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev 14:9-11). These have fully doubled down on ETERNAL damnation, lawlessness, Satan, the Beast, godlessness and full-blown rebellion (2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 13:1-4, 14:9-11).
They will now openly and very publicly enter into a covenant with Death and Hell in which there is absolutely no deliverance. In their hatred and hardness of heart, they will willingly align themselves with the Beast, make war with the saints and take his mark fully comprehending what they are doing. These have fully doubled down on ETERNAL damnation, lawlessness, Satan, the Beast, godlessness and full-blown rebellion.
It will be this group of demonically control global rebels that the Beast will use to terrorize the world and seek to destroy Israel and those who follow the Lamb (Rev. 12:8-17, 17:11-14). These slaves of lawlessness will rage and rebel against Almighty God with violent barbarity, cruelty and infamy like none before them. They are completely sold out and fully hardened to make war against Almighty God and His followers all the way to Armageddon (the climax of their vain existence) and then into ETERNAL destruction (Rev.20:10-15).
These slaves of lawlessness will rage and rebel against Almighty God with violent barbarity, cruelty and infamy like none before them.
My friends, the hardness of the unrepentant human heart knows no limits (Jer. 17:9, Rom. 1:18-32). It will continue to rebel against Almighty God and His moral and ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS unto the end. Almighty God loves you and sent His Son to be the propitiation for your soul (John 3:16-17, 1 John 4:10). Harden not your hearts towards Him, but have an ear to hear what wonderful things Almighty God has for you in RIGHTEOUSNESS. When one receives His pardon and salvation, which is found in Jesus Christ the Savior of the world, one will only find Almighty God's ETERNAL LOVE waiting for them and a glorious ETERNAL destiny with Him FOREVER (1 Cor. 2:9, Rev. 21; 22:1-5).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
The Lord gives us a window now to see the absolute evil that is to come to spur the true believers to steadfastness and prayer. The day is dark. The Kavanaugh hearings left me unable to sleep. I saw men and women who looked demon possessed, unable to know the evil they are enslaved to, Lord, at this time, help those who still reject you to know you now. We're seeing the future tribulation and it's horrifying.
Absolutely, wicked shall prevail w the help of Satan!
This is much needed, especially for those who are in the 'lost' time and need to know the truth before late... There is no returning. .
When I look at the level of hate in this country, by all these lawless and godless people, especially exemplified by this disgusting circus around Kavanaugh, I remember that the human body (physically) thrives in love and is destroyed by the negative emotions like anger and hate. Things like ulcers are caused by this kind of emotional tantrum. It's too bad, but these people are going to be making their doctors rich.
Thank you for your article.
Very true!
Thank you all for your insights and comments!
Eph. 5:16-17!
Amen I say Amen! Pray defiantly for those that have not accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior. There will come a time that there could be no more chances to. Pray those lost souls open the door that God is knocking upon. I don't plan on being here during this dark that is about to embark on this earth. My place is in Heaven. I'm praying those reading this that in fact is your place as well. God bless
Amen sister!
Yes! God save not America but Americans!
and all the whosoever who will believe!
John 1:12, 3:16-17!
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