Dear friends, on the very day that Jesus Christ rose again from the dead, our risen Savior and Lord clearly defined to all what a fool truly is. A fool as defined by the Word of God Himself (the Lord Jesus - John 1:1-3,14), is anyone who will not properly reason with themselves with the overwhelming biblical facts of TRUTH and REALITY of who Jesus is! The fool absolutely refuses to believe ALL that the Word of God (the Lord Jesus) has to say about the written Word of God - Matt. 5:17, Luke 24:27, 44, John 1:1-3;14 5:39,46, Acts 3:18; 28:23, Heb. 10:7).
“O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken...and beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself” (Luke 24:25-27).
One particular fool is the one who refuses to consider the overwhelming evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most verified event in ancient history and in our present day. After the horrific crucifixion of Jesus, over 500 witnesses - including His disciples, His earthly mother, and other women - personally and publicly testified to the REALITY that they had seen the Lord Jesus ALIVE from the dead (Matt. 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20-21, Acts 1, 1 Cor. 15:6)! The resurrection REALITY of Jesus Christ absolutely changed these individuals lives and was the cornerstone of the apostle"s ministry and preaching (Psalm 110:1, Acts 2; 4:2; 9, Romans 7:24-25, 8:34, 1 Cor. 6:15; 15, Gal 2:20, Phil. 3:10, Rev. 19:11-21). Those who witnessed Jesus' resurrection were more than willing to give their lives completely over to Almighty God's will and to the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:28-39, 1 Cor. 15:2-8, Gal. 2:20). These individuals were more than willing to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ even to the point of death for this undeniable TRUTH and REALITY in which they possessed! To see the resurrected Son of God ALIVE after such a horrific scourge, crucifixion and death absolutely transformed these dear men and women's lives FOREVER; and from this witness, they turned upside the world (The Book of Acts)!
To see the resurrected Son of God alive after such a horrific scourge, crucifixion and death absolutely transformed these dear men and women's lives; and from this witness, they turned upside the world!
Another particular group of fools is anyone who is willing to receive and accept as "Gospel" any alternate theories designed to explain away the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This first great lie against the resurrection of the Son of God was established by the chief priests and elders of Israel which were the engine and vehicle for Messiah's execution (Psalm 22, Isa. 53, Dan. 9:26, Matt. 12:14, 21:38, 26:59, 27:20, Mark 14:1, 55, Luke 22:2, John 5:18, 7:1, 11:53, 19:7, Acts 2:22-24). The demonic spin these evil fools used to explain away the REALITY of the Lord Jesus Christ's glorious resurrection was the narrative, “His disciples came by night, and stole Him away while 50 to 100 mighty men of war slept on guard duty (Matt. 28:11-15)". How absolutely absurd and preposterous is this lie but many kool-aid drinkers have lapped it up throughout the centuries! The very men (Chief Priests and Elders), who saw the overwhelming evidence of who Jesus was; His WONDERS, His MIRACLES, and His MINISTRY, were the very ones who REJECTED Him, CRUCIFIED Him and came up with the post-resurrection lie and spin that His disciples stole His body from the sepulcher; thus there was no resurrection (Matt. 28:15, Acts 2:22-24)
This first great lie against the resurrection of the Son of God was by the chief priest and elders of Israel, which were the engine and vehicle for His execution.
This lie has been passed on throughout the centuries and countless fools have received it and believed it! Such demonic spin and theories are very easily disproved by careful examination and by the basic rules of logic. For Roman soldiers of war to say, “His disciples came by night, and stole Him away while we slept,” is absolutely absurd and laughable!; but many have received this lie as truth in their unbelief and darkness (John 3:19-21, 1 Cor. 1:18-31, 2:14). If these soldiers of war fell asleep, then how did they know what had happened? How did these soldiers not hear the mighty gravestone being moved out of its place? How did they not hear the disciples of Jesus grunting and groaning as they sought to move a very huge and heavy gravestone? Soldiers sound asleep are usually NOT good witnesses and the biblical account explains quite clearly that they knew exactly what happened, as well as the chief priest and scribes did (Matt. 27:62-66; 28:11-15). These destroying fools lied firstly to themselves and helped spread that lie to others all in the name of unbelief and darkness (Psalm 14, John 3:19-21, Rom. 1:18-32,1 Cor. 1:18-31). Tragically, too many today have become fools, receiving the lie that, Jesus' body was stolen or that HE did not rise from the grave; ever seeking to excuse themselves in the darkness from the GREAT DAY of ETERNAL JUDGMENT by the RIGHTEOUS ETERNAL Savior and Creator, Jesus Christ (Eccl. 12:13-14, John 3:16-21, 8:24, Acts 17:30-32, Rev. 20:11-15).
The very men (Chief Priests and Elders), who saw the overwhelming evidence of who Jesus was; His wonders, miracles, and ministry, are the very ones who rejected Him, crucified Him and came up with the post-resurrection lie and spin that His disciples stole His body from the sepulcher and there is no resurrection.
Some other foolish "Fake News" alternate theories of the resurrection never took place have been suggested by godless and lawless fools and unbelievers throughout the centuries. Some, in particular, are: The women went to the wrong tomb, The people who thought they saw Christ actually had hallucinations, and Jesus did not really die on the cross and somehow managed to escape the tomb (so that when people later saw Him alive, it was because He had never died. Dear friends, all such explanations are absolutely absurd and can be very easily answered by the overwhelming facts of this case. It takes more faith to reject and dismiss the resurrection of Jesus Christ than it does to believe it for one's self.
It takes more faith to reject and dismiss the resurrection of Jesus Christ than it does to believe it for one's self.
Anyone who accuses the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Son of God, who is come in the flesh; of the very sin which they themselves are guilty of is a fool. Dear friends, remember the lawless, unbelieving and godless Chief Priests and Pharisees of Jesus' day, who slandered and blasphemously Him and called the RIGHTEOUS ETERNAL TRUTH of Almighty God a “deceiver” (Matt. 5:17; 27:6, Luke 24:27, 44, John 1:1-3;14; 5:39,46; 14:6, Acts 3:18; 28:23, Heb. 10:7)! Yet, in the end, these tools of Satan and godless hypocrites were the very ones who were determined to deceive the masses by lying and hiding the truth of the resurrection of the RIGHTEOUS Savior of the world (Matt. 28:11-15, John 8:44). These evil fools and deceivers in their saturated darkness hated the Light of the world and delighted in the darkness of unrighteousness, Satan and ETERNAL death (Psalm 1; 14, Isa. 5:20, Matt. 23, John 3:19-21, Rom. 1:18-32. 2 Thess. 2:10, Rev. 20:10-15, 21:8, 22:11).
These evil fools and deceivers in their darkness hated the Light of the world and delighted in the darkness of unrighteousness, Satan and ETERNAL death.
In the end, my dear friends, the height of ALL foolishness is found in anyone who refuses to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (the RIGHTEOUSNESS of ALMIGHTY God) as personal Savior and be delivered from the wrath which is to come upon all the fallen offspring of Adam (John 3:16-17; 36, Acts 16:31; 17:30-32, Gal. 1:4, Rev. 20:11-15; 21:8). Dear friends, what more could anyone ask for and what more proof could anyone need then the resurrection of Jesus Christ? If the Lord Jesus Christ rose again from the dead, then the resurrection of Jesus Christ proves and confirms everything that Jesus claimed to be!; The ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Son of the living God, the PERFECT Lamb, and Propitiation for sinful man, the very One who came to this earth as the prophets spoke of to provide a FULL and FREE salvation for lost lawless sinners (Isa. 53, Luke 19:10; John 3:16-17, Rom. 5:11-21; 10:2-4).
In the end, my dear friends, the height of ALL foolishness is found in anyone who refuses to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (the RIGHTEOUSNESS of ALMIGHTY God) as personal Savior and be delivered from the wrath which is to come upon all the fallen offspring of Adam.
Finally one last thought. Remember doubting Thomas, who was foolish Thomas until he repented and believed when he saw the resurrected Christ (John 20:24-29)? Thomas upon repenting and believing went from doubting Thomas to convinced Thomas and was a mighty witness of the resurrection of His Lord and God in India and was martyred because of that witness!
Remembered what Jesus stated to Thomas? "Thomas because thou has seen Me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed (John 20:29)."
Thomas upon repenting and believing went from doubting Thomas to convinced Thomas and was a mighty witness of the resurrection of His Lord and God in India and was martyred because of that witness!
The greatest witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the testimony and witness of the early church (Acts). Why would the disciples of Jesus Christ go forth and preach what they knew to be a lie at a great cost of persecution, prison, and even death? There was no money to be gain nor fame to be had, there was no earthly kingdom to create nor gratifications of the flesh to be received. So why would these put it all on the line for a BIG FAT LIE? My friends, they wouldn't! The resurrection of Jesus Christ is still a POWERFUL witness to our world of today! Even in our Laodicean age of EXPONENTIAL technological advances, media of unbelief, there are multitudes of believers in Jesus Christ, who by faith preach and testify to the risen Savior of the world; many even have given their lives for Christ's name (Rev. 3:14-22).What about you my dear friend? Will you choose to remain a fool of unbelief or a wise man of belief? Because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, ALL who place their trust in Him will NEVER die and will have the forgiveness of sin and ETERNAL LIFE (John 11:25, 14:6, Rev. 1:5, 17-18)!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
What MUST I Do To Be Saved
The Opening quote about FOOLS not beleiving all of Jesus testimony concerning this death and resurrection Is a Laugh and a Half
How many times does John the Baptist and Jesus declare NO MAN hears receives his words his testimony his sayings?
The Evil Fools in the church all say we KNOW we Beleive all Jesus words and commandments
Yet Jesus and the Apostles repeat almost a dozen times of Isaiah prophesying of self declared beleivers being BLINDED and Made Deaf to the the Gospel
John records Jesus speaking just one more time about God blinding religious men
and is recorded and many of the disciples of the rabbis believed and a verse later they as ARE WE BLIND ALSO
And Jesus said because ye say "WE SEE" the cry and declaration of all "bible believing christians" "Because ye say we see YOUR SINS REMAIN."
Just as these were blinded so their hearts were never converted though they confessed with lying lips. And a froward heart So Jesus said time after time YE SHALL DIE IN YOUR SINS.
Because none not one of these have obeyed Jesus words and commandments
These instead teach that one can be saved without obeying keeping or doing any of Jesus words and commandments
This is the strong dellusion paul the apostle prophesied God would send to overthrow the whole of the church made with hands
That ALL that believe not and do not Jesus words words and commandments shall perish that Jesus repeats also over and over.
John 14 and John 15 repeat these demands and commmandments over and over but NONE Believe Jesus Testimony as Jesus said that follow, run after every man and ministry dead and alive and every church and denomination THAT COME IN THEIR OWN NAME
That take and give honor for their words and their saying NOT taking the Honor that cometh from God alone for those who obey Jesus words and commandments ALONE
after all all men teach is Churchianity not Christianity.
Right IGNORANT FISHERMAN and disciples?
Can't really figure out what your trying to say, but that your upset is pretty evident. Unbelief is a willful act of the heart, soul and mind. That's the bottom line. Are you believing or unbelieving? That is what you need to ask yourself.
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