We as a
nation - who are at the absolute end of our journey here in time - do not need to tell
people to hope in a lawless agenda, which is offered by both political
parties here in America, which will only bring about our demise as a nation. Lawlessness, moral relativism, immorality and licentiousness will NEVER bring about peace and joy and a global utopia' for it goes against the ESTABLISHED laws of nature and nature's ETERNAL Creator! Donald Trump has been seeking to make America great again but the establishments of both political parties and the lawless media want absolutely nothing to do with it and are at total war with him and his agenda to restore America. It is a national lawless temper tantrum on display for all to see and these will continue to kick and scream and hold their breath until they get their way; which is Marxism, moral relativism and the destruction of all that is good (Isa. 5:20).
The true war of these lawless narcissistic hordes is in ALL REALITY not against Donald Trump, who is just a man seeking to try to stop the EXPONENTIAL hemorrhaging and America's final last breathes in our global hospice unit but against their ETERNAL Creator.
The true war of these lawless narcissistic hordes is in ALL REALITY not against Donald Trump, who is just a man seeking to try to stop the EXPONENTIAL hemorrhaging and America's final last breathes in our global community hospice unit but against their ETERNAL Creator (Psalm 2; 14, Rom. 1:18-32, Eph. 6:12). Sounds crazy right, think it through dear friend. If Donald Trump is seeking to do right on many things being just a fallen man and his person has become a burning blinding light to these regions of darkness which has to be extinguished; what of the ETERNAL Light of the World, whose RIGHTEOUS LIGHT and MIGHT is at the VERY door to establish FOREVERMORE His 1000 year kingdom reign and ETERNAL Kingdom (Isa. 11, Dan. 2:43-44; 7:13-14, Rev. 21-22:15)? Fallen man and their despotic leader Satan will NEVER have their Creator rule over them and that will be the final mood when the 666 mark of the beast will be established in the not so far away future (Matt. 24:15, 2 Thess. 2:10-12, Rev. 13-14).
Fallen man and their despotic leader Satan will NEVER have their Creator rule over them and that will be the final mood when the 666 mark of the beast will be established in the not so far away future.
The political fall out and consequence of America's past and present
have fully saturated and ravished our nation and its inhabitants beyond all repair and nothing is going to stop this nation's implosion and the Four Horsemen's soon coming ride (Rev. 6-19)! The
EXPONENTIAL technology of our day is EXPONENTIALLY accelerating our rot
as a nation and our social wound is absolutely incurable (Rom. 1:18-32, Gal. 6:7, Jude 1:10). The dominant narcissistic lawlessness ideology of our day reigns as despotic ruler as unregenerate Americans (Conservative through Marxism) seek to do which is right in their own eyes as they exclude their ETERNAL Creator from all aspects of their vain existence. Eventually, Conservatives who
seek to hold the line here in America will be wiped out by the fallout of
our nation's implosion and those who survive our implosion will enter into the Day of
the Lord (Matt. 24, Rev. 6-19).
EXPONENTIAL technology of our day is EXPONENTIALLY accelerating our rot
as a people and Satan's "Do as thou wilt" godless philosophy is the
ideology of our land from top to bottom.
started this blog nine years ago and we have seen everything that the
Lord has laid upon our hearts to tell you come to pass here in America.
Our nation's lawless leaders, lawless agendas and lawless plagues have accelerated EXPONENTIALLY and have NOT gotten any better in light of the countless efforts made by the conservative media, the Tea Party, conservative Americans and some political leaders who have fought valiantly for our Founding Father's ideals have all failed. If you have eyes to see and have been following the Spirit's
leading in these trying days
then you will understand what we are trying to convey to you. If you
have not and live in a subjective world with no depth then this message, which we have put before you will sound like
the crazy foolish babblings of a Christian end times zealot and kook.
My dear
friends, Divine REALITY is greatly needed today by all and a saving relationship to Jesus Christ ALL crucial (John 3:16-17, Acts 4:12)! Today, may all who know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior play the man/women that our Savior has called us to
be and do our part as a child of God seeking the Father's will for His
glory, ever redeeming to time for indeed our day is evil (Eph. 5:15-16).
Use our nation's crises and soon demise to cause people to think and
let them know that there is always an ETERNAL wonderful hope in Jesus
Christ. The prophecies which speak of the end times, which are found in Almighty God's Word are all about to become REALITY to this
godless demonically drunken world and when that time does come they
will know that Almighty God's messengers have been sent unto them and that they are TOTALLY without excuse (Rev. 6-19).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!