My friends, in this "new post-Obama age" of President Trump, Take America Back, Drudge Report, Breitbart and Fake News does anyone TRULY know what time it is? Does anyone TRULY even care today? Well... not really... for many are EXPONENTIALLY distracted by the Devil's 24/7 straw men of this hour. The REALITY is that America is OVER! It has been since 2006. It takes individuals with GREAT GRIT and hearts of faith to objectively look at America and the EXPONENTIAL supporting evidence to see what we have been saying since 2006.
Fixing the lights in a few cabins aboard a sinking Titanic isn't going to save the Titanic! There is not enough time in the hourglass to put Humpy Dumpty back together again! This evaluation is NOT a defeatist attitude but one rooted in REALITY and TRUTH.! In that last few sentences, I can guarantee that we will have lost about 80% of the readers on this post and they will make foolish comments of oblivious optimism and subjective ignorance!
It takes individuals with grit and hearts of faith to objectively look at America and the EXPONENTIAL supporting evidence to see what we have been saying since 2006. Fixing the lights in a few cabins aboard a sinking Titanic isn't going to save the Titanic!
Now my friend... do YOU personally TRULY know what time it is and do YOU TRULY even care? As children of Almighty God, we as His blood brought children better care and we better know what time it is on the prophetic calendar; for we are His wise man for the calling Almighty God has given us in Christ today. Are we a fool and tool for the god of this world or are we Almighty God's wise men? We indeed are ever closer today to the Day of the Lord and that is how we as children of light should view and comprehend our day here on planet earth (Matt. 5:13-15, Phil. 2:15, 1 Thess. 5:5-8). Our world in every facet today is chomping at the bit and ready globally to wage war against Almighty God their Creator and His Lamb (Rev. 6-19). As Almighty God cried out to those of Noah's day for 120 years before the GREAT global flood (Gen. 6-7, Matt 24:37-39), so also does He cry out to us in our present EXPONENTIAL technological lawless age! Repent and be SAVED is the cry from the throne of Almighty God and be delivered from the wrath which is to come upon the whole earth (Isa. 24, John 3:16-17, Acts 16:2-31, 17:29-31)! My dear friends, there is always a cause and effect to every action and we must always be discerning and knowing the "why and the what" of our day from Heaven's ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS perspective (Col 3:1-4).
As Almighty God cried out to those of Noah's days for 120 years before the GREAT global flood, so also does He cry out to us in our present EXPONENTIAL technological lawless age!
The challenge for us today is that we need to be STRONG in the Lord and of GOOD COURAGE to face the very sobering realities of our day; and to rest in our Savior's ETERNAL presence (Josh. 1:9, Eph. 6:10-19, Phil. 4:13). Dear friend, be sure that you have on the FULL armor of Almighty God, never let your guard down and be His wise men and vessel of ETERNAL TRUTH and REALITY (Mark 11:22, 1 Cor. 1:18-31, Eph. 6:10-18).
The challenge is that we need to be STRONG and of GOOD COURAGE to face the realities of our day and to rest in our Savior's ETERNAL presence.
There are many deceivers that have gone out into the world (2 Tim. 3:13, 1 John 2:22, 2 John 1:7), and in our day they have the EXPONENTIAL technological resources and media to reach billions 24/7! In this world they have the power and might to keep the “demonic kool-aid” flowing as they seek to deceive and promote the very godless rebellion which will finally lead the world’s masses to receive the “Mark of the Beast” (Matt. 24:4, 2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 13)!
As our days become EXPONENTIALLY darker and lawless, may you be sure that you are rooted and grounded in faith and application in His NEVER changing Person and Word (John 17:17)! It is the only way to survive our day! Even so come Lord Jesus!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
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