death will NEVER transpire without Almighty God allowing it to be in
light of His all-knowing wisdom of His ETERNAL omniscient mind. One's
death is the FINAL ETERNAL summons to appear and stand before the
ETERNAL Judge of the world and to give a FULL account for one's deeds done
in the flesh here in time (Heb. 9:27). My friends, no matter how one's death occurs
(peacefully, tragically, unexpectedly, violently etc...), the means
thereof can NEVER be compared to the horrific REALITY of coming face to
face with the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS presence of Almighty God. This "life" or earthly existence here in time is all about Adam's fallen race to individually make an ETERNAL choice; To choose a RIGHTEOUS ETERNAL existence with their Creator in RIGHTEOUSNESS, Peace and HARMONY (Rev. 21-22:1-5) or to follow one's own lawless will and Lucifer's LAWLESS rebellion against Almighty God's ETERNAL PERSON and His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS ABSOLUTES (Matt. 25: 41, John 8:44, Rom. 1:18-32, Rev. 20:11-15).
My friends, no matter how one's death occurs (peacefully, tragically, unexpectedly, violently etc...), the means thereof can NEVER be compared to the horrific REALITY of coming face to face with the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS presence of Almighty God.
Dear friend,
do you know the Lord Jesus Christ?
If you do not,
we would love to show you why you NEED to know Him and how to
know Him. This life here in time is ALL about knowing the ETERNAL LORD
of LIFE. May you sincerely seek to know the One who loved you and gave
Himself for you.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Gospel of John Bible Challenge
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