Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Who are the Majority of Anti Trumpers?

Since Donald Trump has taken office he has moved rapidly on many of his campaign promises, which has totally fired up those who have voted for him. One thing that Americans who have backed Trump have been desperately craving for years has been a leader to move conservative fiscal policies, illegal immigration policies and U.S. sovereignty football forward! As President Trump moves his campaign promises forward he is meeting much opposition from many, especially those of the licentious, godless, moral relativist, lawless Left (Psalm 14, Romans 1:18-32). Who exactly are the majority of these Anti-Trumpers and what is their ideology? Well... the majority of these are of the Democratic base whose "reality and belief system" is rooted in the firm rejection of Almighty God, His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS and core moral absolutes (Rom. 1:18-32). This group practices a sensual subjectivity, which views God ordained absolutes through the lawless prism of moral relativism and pluralism. These reprobates possess an absolute fear of moral absolutes and believe that true freedom is to be free from ALL Divinely instituted moral laws and absolutes that suppress their unbridled passions (Psalm 14:1-3, Isa 24:5, 2 Tim 3:1-7, Jude 1:10). They are totally tormented with ALL Divine REALITY and ABSOLUTE TRUTH! They are lawless in ALL their practices and hostile to any that impose a Divine REALITY or an adherence of moral absolutes (Rom. 1:28-32). Just as their father (i.e., the Devil), they follow his godless example to live a godless and lawless existence, always seeking the fruit of RIGHTEOUSNESS by lawless means (Isa. 5:20; 48:22; John 8:44; Gal 5:19-20).
They possess a fear of moral absolutes and believe that true freedom is to be free from any Divine instituted moral absolutes or laws that suppress their unbridled passions.

The Lord Jesus stated that, you shall know men by their fruits and by their actions (Matt. 7:16-20). It is simple enough to see that where ever the “virtues” of secular liberalism are promoted and exercised that poverty, disease, anarchy, crime, social chaos, the break down of the family unit, violence and horrific social devastation are to be found. For example just look at any of the cities they lord over. When one rejects and abandons the core moral building blocks for a health society for a godless delusion of lawlessness, expect ALWAYS to find social devastation and chaos (2 Tim. 3:1-7)

Donald Trump is not even a true conservative on many issues and yet to these lovers of spiritual and moral darkness he is a blinding light of RIGHTEOUSNESS who must be destroyed! So if president Trump is the sum of all evils to these creatures of darkness, what do you think these would think of the ETERNAL Light of the world (the Lord Jesus Christ) when confronted with Him and His Word (John 3:19-21, 8:12, 9:5)? So what does that tell you my friend? It should tell you that we are so far away as a nation from Biblical truths, reality and our founding morally that millions upon millions of Americans are under the dark lord's power and spell (2 Cor. 4:2-4, Eph. 2:1-2).

By applying these lawless solutions, these lawless reprobates excel the rate of today’s social ills  EXPONENTIALLY !

These are the very same people which impose their delusional solutions and remedies upon the American people and seek to fix the ills of society by applying the very same logic that got us to this social catastrophic point in the first place (John 8:44, Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:10). By applying these lawless solutions, these lawless reprobates excel the rate of today’s social ills  EXPONENTIALLY ! Today’s American social culture is at the extreme breaking point. The evidence is every where, yet the majority of American’s live in the apathetic delusion that all is well and that we will remain and prosper as times past. Wake up America these lawless multitudes are not going to concede and will fight tooth and nail to the end for globally the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



  1. I am a senior I saw this somewhere else and would like to discuss it. I have paraphrased the article and my comments are separated by **** *****.

    Donald Trump has moved rapidly on his campaign promises. ***Is there a list?*
    Americans have been desperately craving a leader to move conservative fiscal policies, illegal immigration policies and U.S. sovereignty football forward! **Trump has no experience in the just mentioned…..and WE THE PEOPLE vote representatives to do what you just said. The House & Senate is where our sovereignty comes and the Republicans have been the majority for the 7 past years****

    President Trump is meeting opposition from those licentious, godless, moral relativist, lawless Left (Psalm 14, Romans 1:18-32). *****To lessen or dehumanize in some way is evil since the beginning*****

    Their ideology is rooted in the firm rejection of Almighty God, His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS and (Rom. 1:18-32). ***You just described the angels of Rev 12.9. Living souls don’t have Firm anything; remember Jesus ask his father to forget us because we know not what we do just before he died******

    practices a sensual subjectivity, through prism of moral relativism and pluralism. ****is something a fallen angel would do but they loved Blasphemy the best !!! ****

    These reprobates believe that true freedom is to be free from ALL Divinely moral laws suppress their unbridled passions (Psalm 14:1-3, Isa 24:5, 2 Tim 3:1-7, Jude 1:10). +++true freedom is your word….the bible has true religion. The laws of Moses were moral laws and because of our human nature JESUS fulfilled the moral laws of Moses with his blood**

  2. Anonymous, I believe the post answers your questions and you are confused on how I got my authority to write what I wrote. If you are a moral relativist then you are not going to see God's simple absolutes in a black and white world instituted by the Creator. We will just have to disagree. Do you know the Lord Jesus as the Bible simply and clearly teaches? Take our Gospel of John Challenge objectively and be sure that you do.

    Thanks for your reply.


  3. Sundance, over at The Conservative Treehouse* has some pretty good indications of just who are the major Anti-Trumpers, i.e. The Big Club.
    * Source:https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2017/02/24/to-remove-obamacare-we-must-first-remove-the-uniparty-big-club/

  4. @IF,
    ...or as I like to call the Big party, the U.S. Chamber of Crypto-Fascist, Crony Commerce.

  5. Just a heads up... Why U.S. public school educational materials have a pro-Islamic bias

    The next time a politician, no matter how sanctimonious/righteous he/she APPEARS to be, claims that Common Core is “gone,” please ask him/her the following questions. “Do you mean that the multi-billion dollar worldwide corporation/conglomerate Pearson PLC, no longer provides educational materials for our children?” If that is the case, who is now providing educational materials (books, videos, hand-outs, etc.) for our children?

    The issue is CONTENT and the providers of our children’s educational materials. We have been distracted from the REAL issues regarding education by the dangling carrots of “choice” and “vouchers,” both of which have very serious negative implications. “Choice” has an entirely different meaning to you and I than it does to the bureaucrats controlling the education committee in DC (Lamar Alexander et. al.) and our current slate of “conservative” politicians.

    Here is what every parent and grandparent needs to know about education, but did not know to ask. The multi-BILLION dollar corporation known as Pearson PLC, provides about 90% of the world’s curriculum for children and has bought out nearly every major book publisher in the world, including Thomas-Nelson, Houghton-Mifflin, Scott Foresman, Harper Collins, Prentice-Hall/Simon & Schuster, Addison-Wesley, Penguin Books/Bertelsmann/Random House, and many of the testing groups as well. Their total revenues in 2011 totaled over $5.9 BILLION – that was 6 years ago. Please, please inform your friends as to why their children’s educational materials have a pro-Islamic bias.

    Please share this very important information with every teacher, parent, and grandparent that you know.

    Libyan Investment Authority

    “In June 2010, Pearson Plc received notification that the Libyan Investment Authority (LIA) founded by Muammar Gaddafi’s son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi as a sovereign fund, had acquired 24,431,000 shares within the company via Euroclear. On further investigation, Pearson said the LIA may have acquired an additional 2,141,179 shares, resulting in a total interest of 26,572,179 shares. At the time, this represented a major holding of 3.27% in the company and the investment was worth around £280 million.[56]”*
    *Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson_PLC
