My friend, take a good look into the eyes of the beast of reality if you dare and tell me what hope do you see for America and humanity in the next coming year? You say that you want to be optimistic about our national future next year and all will work it's self out. Well... go ahead my friend - if this is you - if you want to think such delusions... but if we dare to be objective and real with ourselves, what we could see could be the end of America and our Republic. What we could very well see could be the collapse of our national economy and markets, homeland terror attacks on a mass scale, earthquakes, escalation and the continuation of national race riots, civil war, the end of the GOP, the national persecution of Bible believers, the national recognition of sodomy marriage in full force, Russia and China invading their border counties, A national single payer system, the national spreading of ISIS homeland terror, the legalizing of illegal immigrants etc.. etc... only the Good Lord knows, but if any of these things were to take place would it really surprise anyone? The table is set for such things to be. One last thing... how was last year for America based on our founding and RIGHTEOUSNESS? Exactly! Then take heed!
Now I do not want to ruin anyone's 2016 by causing individuals to think outside of their subjective worlds and see today's reality from reality's reality...
The America's Only Solution
My friend, do you know the Savior of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? He alone can deliver you from the devastating consequences of man and from the wrath to come on this ungodly world. Almighty God sent His Son to rescue all who call upon Him (John 3:16-17, Gal.1:4). No one is left out. All are summoned; all are called to the cross to repent of their transgression and sins against Almighty God (Luke, 24:47, John 3:36, Acts 17:30-31,1 Tim. 2:3-4).
He alone can deliver you from the devastating consequences of man and from the wrath to come on this ungodly world.
God so loved you, that He sent His Son to die in YOUR place so that you can live forever with Him and enjoy Him forever (John 3:16-17)!
My friend, I do not know how to say anything more wonderful than that!!
Won’t you place your trust in Almighty God -your Creator - through the
Lord Jesus Christ today? My friend, you will never be the same! Never!
The Kingdom of Heaven is truly at Hand!