Today in post Judeo/Christian America we live in the craziest of days. Right is wrong, bitter is sweet, good is evil, immoral is moral, godly is godless, holy is unholy, pure is impure, just is unjust and Almighty God is the devil
(Isa. 5:20). This is the
bizzaro world mind set of those who are void of reality, dominated by their unbridled passions and are intensely pushing to recreate the natural and moral laws of Almighty God’s creation
(Isa. 24:5-6, Dan. 7:25, 2 Thess 2:8-12, Rev. 13). Today’s godless haters are at present unknowingly and sheepishly following their master’s will, setting the “global” stage for the Anti Christ and his 666 totalitarian global state
(John 8:44, 2 Cor. 4:3-4, Rev. 13).
Today’s godless haters are at present unknowingly and sheepishly following their master’s will, setting the “global” stage for the Anti Christ and his 666 totalitarian global state.
Any individual today who holds to any form of moral absolutes is destroyed, slandered, trashed, vilified and demonized by those who hate any adherence to any form of moral absolutes, which were instilled into the creation by Almighty God from the foundation of the world
(Gen. 1:31, Psalm 19:1-7, Rom 1:20-21). These
haters of Almighty God’s creational order outright despise, abhor, hate, abominate, scorn, disdain, eschew, loathe and revile any who adhere to these moral absolutes
(Psalm 81:15). Have you ever seen the rage that comes out of the Left, who are controlled and dominated by their unbridled passions, fallen nature and destructive consequences of their evil deeds? When sound social conservative values are promoted and adhered to, these - in their darkened delusional pluralistic relativistic minds - lash out as a vampire when exposed to a crucifix
(John 3:19-21). Any absolutes that confront the base mind are labeled fascist, tyrannical, despotic and Nazi…etc... Sound familiar? These turn vindictive, spiteful, nasty, violent, destructive and cruel all in a self preserving effort to hold on to their godless ideology
(Rom. 3:10-23, Gal. 5:19-21). As little spoiled children, these cry and wail in an uncontrollable rage because they do not want to yield to and obey these absolutes and yield to the moral and ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS laws and absolutes of Almighty god their Creator
(Rom. 1:18-32).
What is the Left's Repelling Cross?
Riddle me this… What drives the secular godless base leftist mind to an even more hyper state of insanity and brings all of these godless works of rage to an absolute fever pitch of hatred even more so than Sarah Palin, George “W” Bush, Ronald Reagan and Rush Limbaugh?
The answer is quite simple, but it is one that many conservatives might not comprehend either. What drives the secular godless leftist mind to an even more hyper state of insanity and brings these to an absolute fever pitch of hatred and a foaming of the mouth? It is those who are fundamental Biblical Christians. It is those who truly believe the Bible, profess faith in Almighty God, cry out to a lost world to turn to their Creator in repentance and be saved and the invoking of Name above all names, Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. That there… is where, you will find their ultimate primal scream
(Rom. 1:28-32).
If intolerance, bigotry, hate mongering and fear ever exist to their fullest potential, it is found among those who totally abhor Almighty God, His Word, His - spiritual and natural - absolutes, moral absolutes and those who adhere to them.
Those of the "base left" love to use the words intolerant, bigot, hater and add the term "Phobia" at the end of their baseless practices as they seek to slander and put their enemies on the defensive. If intolerance, bigotry, hate mongering and fear ever existed to their fullest potential, it is found among those who totally abhor Almighty God, His Word, His - spiritual and natural - absolutes, moral absolutes and those who adhere to them
(Psalm 14:1-3, John 3:19-21, Rom. 1:28-32, 1 John 2:18-19,22, 4:2-3, 2 John 1:7 Jude 1:8, 10). These cannot contain their subjective rage when confronted with these realities and truths. In an ever waging vain attempt to rid the world of these followers of Christ, these
“haters of reality” lash out with their 24/7 media artillery violence, baseless slander and hatred, seeking to destroy all who adhere to the God ordained truths of the Bible (Almighty God’s infallible Word to fallen humanity) in a vain attempt to preserve their godless illusion and delusion. These have (consciously or unconsciously) linked up and have surrendered their personal sovereignty to the tyrannical despot of this world (i.e., Lucifer) in their rebellion against their Creator and against His redemptive program for Adam’s fallen race
(John 8:44, Rom.5:12-21, Eph. 2:1-2).
The 666 Intolerance of Almighty God
As the tribulation exponentially intensifies, so will their transgressions against man and against their Creator Almighty God.
During this horrendous time of tribulation instead of repenting and honoring the very One who breathed the breath of life into them and sent His Son to be their Savior and propitiation
(Gen. 2:7, John 3:16-17, 1 John 2:2, 4:10), these godless masses of unregenerate humanity will fully manifest their hearts of rebellion and exponentially transgress Almighty God’s spiritual, natural and moral absolutes to new exponential levels. As the tribulation exponentially intensifies
(Matt. 24:21-22, 1 John 2:18-19,22, 4:2-3, 2 John 1:7, Rev. 6-19), so will their transgressions against man and against their Creator Almighty God
(2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 9:20-21, 16:5-6). They will slander those who honor Almighty God and Almighty God Himself with the most horrendous blasphemes (slander) imaginable
(Rev. 13:5-7).

It will be when the
“Abomination of Desolation” takes place and the 666 tyrannical global empire of the Anti Christ is established upon the prior ravishing wake of the “seal” and “trumpet” judgments
(Rev. 6-9) that the world’s intolerance, bigotry, hate mongering and Christophobia (Messiahaphobia) will reach its violent crescendo
(Rev. 11:7-11;12:12-17; 13:6-7; 17: 13-14). All of the bottled up accumulated and instilled hatred and hostility towards Almighty God and his true followers will be unleashed to its absolute fullest
(Matt. 24:21-22). It will be an all out global War on the Lamb and his followers by the newly earth bound imprisoned Devil and his followers
(Rev. 11:7-11; 12:12-17; 13:6-7; 17: 13-14). At this time it will be absolutely clear cut. You will not have any distractions or delusions before you. You will either follow Satan in his rebellion or repent and follow your Creator, who loved you and gave Himself for you
(John 3:16-17).
You will either follow Satan in his rebellion or repent and follow your Creator, who loved you and gave Himself for you.
Those who out right reject Almighty God at this time will join Lucifer’s godless rebellion and surrender their hearts, minds and souls to
Lucifer’s Anti Christ
(2 Thess. 2:8-12; Rev.13:4,7-8, 16-17; 14:9-11). These godless global secular lawless subjective hate mongers will reveal to all their unbridled passions and hatred. It will be on full display for all to see and the wrath of Almighty God will be upon all of them until the
At the Very Precipice

My friends, we are living on the very precipice of the
seven year tribulation period (Rev. 6-19). The war raging in America at present will be won by lawlessness. It must be! Social conservatism is rejected by both parties and the majority of the American people. Fiscal conservatism can NEVER replace the absolute bedrock that a nation needs to survive in this fallen world that social conservatism (moral absolutes) can bring. Just look at the Left's massive advances in the last 50 years. How can we stop that godless, secular erosion of our Judeo/Christian values? How will we ever get back all that lost ground? We cannot and we will not! To think other wise is a delusional fantasy land void of reality and soundness of mind. That is the reality of this hour and it is about time that Americans, especially so called "conservatives" wake up. No
false optimism will do. The Tribulation is coming and nothing will stop that now. The
Four Horsemen are ready to ride and
no Tea Party will prevent that from happening. As Almighty God pointed out to Isaiah when Judah at the height of their lawless and godless state and condition, so are we today here in America
(Isa. 1). Receive it or not!
The Four Horsemen are ready to ride and no Tea Party will prevent that from happening.
As the godless and lawless slander of those on the left exponentially intensifies -especially in this 2012 election cycle - and many are fearful of what will be, may you be sure that you
personally know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. It is absolutely crucial, not just for this world but also for the world of ETERNITY that is to come. Have Faith in Almighty God! The Lord Jesus Christ is the ONLY hope for deliverance from this fallen world and the wrath of Satan and his human followers
(John 3:16-17,Gal. 1:4 Rev. 19:11-21, 21, 22:1-5).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!