Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Destroyer and the SAVIOR

 How many people today are oblivious to the continued raging spiritual war that is in full engagement all around us (Eph. 6:12)? This great war is ever raging for the hearts, souls and minds of mankind and will climax at the Battle of Armageddon (Eph. 2:2-10, 6:12, Rev. 16:13-16). Lucifer the dragon is EVER seeking to devour, deceive and destroy while ALMIGHTY GOD the ETERNAL Creator is EVER seeking to REDEEM and SAVE (John 3:16-17)! No wonder the multitudes of angelic hosts rejoiced that night 2000 years ago when the Savior of mankind was born (Matt. 1:21, Luke 2:8-14, Rom. 5:17). Almighty God gloriously and wondrously fulfilled ALL His promises to mankind in sending His dear Son the Messiah in the light of Satan’s continual opposition. My dear friend even now God has protected and kept us from the FULL WRATH of this raging dragon and has given us ALL the opportunity to be delivered from this tyrannical monster, our fallen nature and the ETERNAL JUDGMENT of Almighty God on our transgressions against His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS ABSOLUTES (John 1:12, Acts 16:29-31, Eph. 2:2-10).

The Dragon still is EVER seeking to devour, deceive and destroy while Almighty God the ETERNAL Creator is EVER seeking to redeem and save!

May you be sure that you truly know the Savior that Almighty God has provided for you (John 3:16-17). Lucifer the raging dragon is still seeking to destroy and devour as he did 2000 years ago on that first Christmas night (John 10:10, Rev. 12:4), but Almighty God is MIGHTY  TO  DELIVER ALL who come to His promised Savior and Messiah! Oh beloved! That is truly what Christmas is all about! A Savior was born that we may be set free!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!




Monday, November 30, 2015

Americans Looking For A Savior?

This Christmas millions in the United States are crying out to Government to do more and more to fix our social ills. Instead of Americans honoring and placing their trust in Almighty God as our founding fathers did, secularism, bureaucracy and the god of the state (i.e.,"Big" Government) has become our nation's false Savior and bedrock (Prov. 14:34, Matt. 7:24-27). The notion that “Big Government” has all of the answers and solutions we need in this very chaotic and unstable world is a fairy tale. It is one that is rooted in the mistaken belief that “fallen man” - through and by the efforts of Big Government or Socialism - can establish a Utopian society that will bring about security and comfort to all of its citizens. We as a world this Christmas need a Savior who is bigger than ourselves and who has the power to deliver PERFECTLY and RIGHTEOUSLY for the now and for ALL ETERNITY (Isa. 9:6-7, Micah 5:2). But horrifically we as a nation do not want Him!

We as a world this Christmas need a Savior who is bigger than ourselves and who has the power to deliver PERFECTLY and RIGHTEOUSLY for the now and for ALL ETERNITY. But horrifically we as a nation do not want Him!

The truth of the matter is that ALL Americans – whether conservative or liberal - must see the BIG PICTURE and see it from ETERNITY’S perspective. Fallen mankind - apart from Almighty God and His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS - no matter how sincere he is, can ONLY bring upon himself the consequences of his own unrighteous doings (Rom.1:18-32; 5:12-21).
Conservative values - which are based on the natural laws and moral absolutes) are tried and true and are thus the best ideology for containing the unbridled passions of mankind and preserving society for a healthy existence here in time. However, adhering to these values in this fallen world can NEVER bring about a Utopian state, even here in American.

One must see the “big picture” and rightly view the world in which we live today from Almighty God’s ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE. There are absolutely NO solutions or remedies for this fallen world (liberal or conservative) outside of Almighty God’s saving solution, which is ONLY found in His Son, Jesus Christ (John 14:6; Acts 4:12)!

Our culture and society today is near the brink of implosion by the secular and decadent practices which now permeate our once Judeo/Christian culture.

What is truly insane about our day is that many conservatives and countless Americans are deceiving themselves into thinking that we can reverse this fiscal and decadent tsunami that has and is sweeping over and deluging our nation these last 60 years. Our culture and society today is near the brink of implosion by the secular and decadent practices which now permeate our once Judeo/Christian culture. Our American family unit is ravished beyond comprehension. Godless immorality dominates and reigns over our U.S. culture today, leaving in its wake a destructive and ravished landscape for all to clearly see.

Thank God for the Tea Party movement which has slowed down our destructive fiscal bent a little; sadly this movement DOES NOT address the social conservative causes that are crucial for a society to survive. Fiscal conservatism can NEVER replace social conservatism. As one of our founding fathers John Adams stated so clearly, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious (God fearing) people.” He never stated that fiscal conservatism was the way to a sound and healthy society.

As lawlessness permeates our society and country, our time is growing ever shorter. We must do all we can to help preserve our once great nation, but sadly we should not trust in our efforts at this point. We as a nation are far past the point of no return (socially and fiscally). This reality is not a surrendering fatalistic thought, but an appraisal rooted in sound truth and reality.

We must do all we can to help preserve our once great nation, but sadly we should not trust in our efforts at this point.
Americans - more than ever today - need to see the world in which they live objectively and comprehend that all circumstances and events - nationally and globally - are headed to the final global climatic time called “the Day of the Lord” (Isa. 24:4-6; Matt. 24; Rev. 6-19).

One must ask, “Do I have a saving relationship to Almighty God in spirit and truth as the Bible – Almighty God’s infallible Word – clearly teaches. Almighty God’s Word states;

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matt. 6:33)

“For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth” (Rom. 10:4)

“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24)

To obtain true RIGHTEOUSNESS and PEACE one must KNOW the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ. Only through Jesus Christ can this possibility become a reality, in this world and in ETERNITY future (Eph. 2:15; Col. 1:20).

In these turbulent days of uncertainty and unrest in this "Christmas season" here in America and in our world, may you abandon your and society’s social delusions and solutions and put your faith and total trust in Almighty God's ETERNAL solutions that are ONLY found in the wonderful Person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 1:20)! You will be set free from the shackles of this fallen world and you will NEVER be the same!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



Saturday, November 21, 2015

Islam: 1400 Years of Fear- A Must See!!

Found this very insightful video at the American Clarion. A must see to understand how our present day world has been shaped and the stage being set for the upcoming Gog of Magog war (Ezek 38-39, Eph. 2:1-3, 6:12).

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



Thursday, November 19, 2015

What One Lawless Man Can Still Do!

One lawless man can destroy a nation which took millions to preserve and grow. One nuclear bomb can wipe out a city of millions which took centuries to construct. One iceberg can sink and unsinkable ship which took thousands upon thousands of man hours in its building. Obama has at his allegiance his godless, lawless, "low info" violent supporters, his "slavish" media sycophants and his bureaucratic legions in key positions of power in Washington. When subjective, narcissistic, godless, lawless egomaniacs are in power, they are more dangerous than ever and there are no limits to their vindictive rage and evil designs.

When subjective, narcissistic, godless, lawless egomaniacs are out of power, they are more dangerous than ever and there are no limits to their vindictive rage and evil designs. 

Think it through my friends and do not let your foolish optimism get in the way. Absolutely no GOP election victory if achieved in 2016 will stop this nation's implosion. I hate to be a bummer, but there it is. Man the Life boats! The Four Horsemen are about to ride (Rev. 6-16)!!

 Do not deceive yourselves America, the Four Horseman are about to ride! And nothing will stop that ride from coming to pass! 
My dear friend, may you abandoned your subjective world view and assessment of our current dilemmas and receive the REALITY and ETERNAL TRUTH of Almighty God’s Word and love for you in these very troubling days. Things are only going to get worse. Do not deceive yourselves America, the Four Horseman are about to ride! And nothing will stop that ride from coming to pass! In these last months, days and hours may you come to trust Jesus Christ as your personal Savior; for such is the REALITY of our hour!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Conservative Free Republic - You Need REALITY and the Savior

My dear friends, I know I'm going to get it for this post but in love I must say it (2 Cor. 12:15). Someone has to and it might as well be me. For the past 8 years I have been feeling the spiritual temperature at Free Republic and other conservative forums and have found that moral and biblical relativism, biblical ignorance, conservative optimism, Christian ecumenicalism and the outright rejection of the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12, Rom. 10:2-4, 1 Cor. 15:1-4, Eph. 2:8-9) nearly dominate this and other conservative forums. Thank God for Free Republic, they do a great job, are sincere and mean well and are a great group of people who truly love America and conservatism as I do, but... that in itself is not enough to aid us in this dire hour. An individual today has to see the complete ETERNAL picture and that includes biblical REALITY and the reception of it. Conservatism without a saving relationship to Jesus Christ as the Holy Scriptures clearly teach is ETERNALLY bankrupt.

 American conservatives of today are no different from the Pharisees of Jesus day. These were conservative, moral, go to "church" to put it in our day language and were quite familiar with the Old Testament, but when push came to shove they outright rejected Almighty God's righteousness and saving solution for their souls in SPIRIT and TRUTH and held their traditions and conservatism above the Word of Almighty God.

Thank God for some God fearing, Bible believing, evangelical presence at Free Republic, who help point America's conservatives to the Gospel, the REALITY of the hour and Almighty God's biblical perspective, but sadly these are usually scoffed at and laughed to scorn by American conservatives who are lost and without a saving relationship to Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Israel (Isa. 53, Matt. 7:21-32, Rom. 10:2-4, 1 Cor. 2:14). Tragically the dominant spirit there is one of unbelief, subjective conservative optimism, spiritual delusion and ETERNAL blindness (Rom. 10:2-4). The temperature and pulse of American conservatives who actually believe the Bible and its saving message is near dead and ice cold. That is a heart breaking reality that God the Father has had to show me these last five years and with tears in my eyes I wish I could change that but I cannot choose for an individual to receive the Savior. American conservatives of today are no different from the Pharisees of Jesus day. These were conservative, moral, go to "church" to put it in our day language and were quite familiar with the Old Testament but when push came to shove they outright rejected Almighty God's righteousness and saving solution for their souls in SPIRIT and TRUTH (John 4:24) and held their traditions and conservatism above the Word of Almighty God (Matt. 15:1-20, Rom.10:1-4).

The temperature and climate of American conservatives who actually believe the Bible and its saving message is dead and ice cold and that is a heart breaking reality that God the Father has had to show me.

My dear friends, oh how we need Divine REALITY today and not delusional optimism and worldly solutions for our EXPONENTIAL global crises. Almighty God cries out to you all day long but will YOU receive Him and His ETERNAL solutions for your life? That is the biggest question ALL must ask themselves in these last days. All these current events and crises of our global community are self induced by the lawless and godless works of fallen man and are driving this world straight into the Day of the Lord (Rom. 1:18-32, Gal. 6:7, Rev. 6-19). These products or fruits of evil men and their consequences are left in place to bring us to the brink of our delusions so that we may come out of our subjective selves and show us our desperate need for the Savior, His pardon, and His RIGHTEOUSNESS.

My dear friends, WHAT WILL YOU DO? Will you continue to look for worldly solutions and conservative human saviors or will you finally come to the end of yourself and receive the KING of kings and LORD of lords who is the WONDERFUL COUNSELOR and PRINCE of PEACE.

My dear friends, WHAT WILL YOU DO? Will you continue to look for worldly solutions and conservative human saviors or will you finally come to the end of yourself and receive the KING of kings and LORD of lords who is the WONDERFUL COUNSELOR and PRINCE of PEACE (Isa. 9:6-7, Rev. 19:11-16). All ETERNITY is before us and our brief existence in this fallen world is about gone. See the ETERNAL, see the Savior, see the REALITY and you will find the liberation and peace of Almighty God that will calm your hearts in America's last hours.

"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved!" (Acts 16:29)!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


 Conservatism Without the Righteousness of Almighty God is Bankrupt.


Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Progressive Coup Has Already Taken Place America!

The Progressive coup has already taken place here in America and has won the day, and I challenge anyone anywhere to prove what I am saying is wrong. However the poetic justice in all this is that the Left's delusional godless Utopian visions are heading them straight into the Day of the Lord (Rev. 6-19) with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ready to greet them (Rev. 6). O Fools!! There can NEVER be a Utopia where lawlessness super abounds and apart from the saving grace of Jesus Christ and His RIGHTEOUSNESS (Dan. 2:43-44, 7:13-14, Rev. 21-22:1-5).
However the poetic justice in all this is that the Left's delusional godless Utopian visions are headed straight into the Day of the Lord with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to greet them.
While Conservative talk show hosts such as Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Jim Vicevich etc.. panic and try to offer some optimistic hope and rally conservatives in our last moments, do not trust in them for they are false prophets of optimism and offer ZERO ETERNAL remedies for one's soul, for they themselves reject Almighty God's saving grace as defined by the Word of God and are headed also into America's implosion and most likely into the Day of the Lord.
 What you need today is ETERNAL REALITY and not subjective optimistic delusions from fallen men who call themselves "conservative".

My dear friend, may we get right down to the real nitty gritty of our hour... Do YOU personally know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior as the Holy Scriptures teach. In death everyone will give a FINAL account to Almighty God whether conservative or progressive (John 3:36, Rom. 14:11, Phil. 2:10, Heb. 9:27, Rev. 20:11-15). What you need today is ETERNAL REALITY and not subjective optimistic delusions from fallen men who call themselves "conservative". Here me, I love America and its noble aspirations at our founding but the gig is up and the Day of the Lord is at hand. May you choose to want to see the REALITY of our hour.

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Common Denominator Throughout America Today

What is REAL and REALITY today in American politics and in Washington D.C.? Well... that's a good question, but in all honesty, who will "really" hear the ETERNAL REALITY?? The constant bickering, lying, slandering, lawlessness and politics of the Left is now become dominate and has overtaken the American people. The dominate Left with their media has greatly intimidated and cowered those in the Moderate run Republican party. What about conservatives? Well... they are fighting with a great passion but it is not enough to turn the tide and are losing the battle as did those of the Alamo. Oh that American's today would objectively see the BIG ETERNAL picture and what doom lies at the world's door, then would there be a great turning to Almighty God... or would there be (Matt. 24, 1 Thess. 5:3, 2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 6-19)? But... today ignorance is bliss, the Kool-aid... delish, the darkness delightful and delusional optimism rife (John 3:19-21, 1 Thess. 5:3). No wonder the Day of the Lord cometh as a thief in the night!

 Though many profess to "know" Almighty God, they personally reject Him and the simple Biblical message of salvation in Spirit and TRUTH.

The common denominator across the American political spectrum  and America's population is the OUT RIGHT rejection of Almighty God's Heavenly summons to repent and to be saved (John 8:24, Acts 4:12, 17:30-31, 1 Tim. 2:3-4). Though many profess to "know" Almighty God, they personally reject Him and the simple Biblical message of salvation in Spirit and TRUTH (Matt. 7:21-23, John 4:24, 5:38-47, 8:24, 16:2-3, Rom. 10:2-4, 1 John 4:1-5). No matter what political party you belong to or political ideology you adhere to, if you REJECT Almighty God's ETERNAL Heavenly summons to repent and be saved - as God's Word clearly teaches -  you will indeed die in your transgressions (John 3:16-17, Rom. 10:2-4, Eph. 2:8-9, Rev. 20:11-15).

No matter what political party you belong to or political ideology you adhere to if you reject Almighty God's ETERNAL Heavenly summons to repent and be saved - as God's Word clearly teaches - you will indeed die in your transgressions.

Do you as a progressive, liberal, moderate or conservative have the RIGHTEOUSNESS required to enter into Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS and PERFECT Heaven (Isa. 53:6, Acts 4:12, Rom. 3:23, 10:2-4)? That is the ETERNAL bottom line and the great ETERNAL question one must ask themselves. Almighty God the Son knocks on your heart today; will you hear Him and answer Him (Rev. 3:20)?

May you truly consider and make knowing God's TRUTH the most pertinent passion of your life. We have 1000's of Bible studies and a special challenge for you to take if you truly would like to know. May it be so!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



Friday, October 23, 2015

Americans Will Not Let Go


As America continues in its death spiral, Americans will not let go of their godless bent and self willed passions (Gal. 5:19-21, 1 Tim 4:1-4, 2 Tim 3:1-7, 2 Thess. 2:10-12). Whether one be a left wing progressive or a squishy moderate or even a conservative, all seek an existence here in this fallen world apart from a saving relationship to Almighty God which is found in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12, Rom.1:18-32, 10:4)

 Almighty God is already allowing this nation to reap the horrific lawless consequences from our nation's unrighteous doings.

It is my personal belief that Almighty God is already allowing this nation to reap the horrific lawless consequences from our nation's unrighteous doings. How can anyone not see that Almighty God has already given us over to our base and lawless desires, has taken down our nation's protective hedge and given us leaders who hate and despise Him and our Judeo/Christian founding (Isa. 3:1-7, 2 Tim. 3:1-7). When America finally does imploded - which has been this world's restraint of evil for the last 240 years - that the dam holding back the world's lawlessness will break and the global flood of HORRIFIC tribulation will commence (Rev. 6-16)

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Evangelicals Drinking the Kool-Aid

Today, many so called "conservatives" and "Evangelical Christians" are aligning themselves with the fiscal side of conservatism, while ignoring, compromising  and rejecting its sound moral position (Matt. 6:24, Luke 16:13, Rev. 3:15-22). These godless dreamers (unsaved conservatives) and believing worldly evangelicals are drinking the kool -aid and greatly deceiving themselves (2 Tim. 4:3, Rev. 3:15-22). These believers have willingly put aside the Word of Almighty God and have chosen to grieve the Holy Spirit, live with a guilty conscience for temporal worldly mammon's sake (Matt. 6:24, Eph. 4:30, 1 Thess. 5:19, 2 Tim. 4:10, James 4:4). These - as they walk away from Biblical REALITY - are being used, blinded and deceived by the god of this world and his lawless minions (2 Cor. 4:3-4).

There is always a price to be payed when we seek to leave the ETERNAL protective hand of Almighty God and His wondrous will for our lives her in time for Satan's rancid scraps.

There is always a price to be payed when we seek to leave the ETERNAL protective hand of Almighty God and His wondrous will for our lives here in time for Satan's rancid scraps (1 Cor. 3:11-16, Gal. 6:7, 8). Tragically, these are only looking at their personal temporal pleasures that this fallen world offers and not their ETERNAL estate and reward for God's children (Luke 19:17a, Eph. 2:5-7, 1 Cor. 3:11-16, 2 Tim. 4:8). They have chosen to become salt-less, complacent and oblivious to the immoral tyranny and lawless consequences they are now helping to sow throughout our land in their compromising worldly stance (Eph. 2:1-2, 2 Tim. 3:1-7,13; 4:1-4, Jude 1:10). My dear friends, our Heavenly Father NEVER stated to make this world our home (John 17:8-21, 1 Cor. 2:2, 1 Peter 2:11). That does not mean that we can not enjoy the things of this world in the boundaries of Almighty God's moral and RIGHTEOUS absolutes (1 Cor. 7:29-31, Phil 4:11, James 1:17). We are of course to be salt and light (Matt. 5:14, Phil 2:15, 1 Tim 4:3-4) but in the process of our pilgrimage we are to - for the Glorious Gospel's sake - be His disciples and bearers of the Good News (Mark 16:15, Acts 4:12, 16:29-21).

This nation is filled with Bible believing Christians who put politics first and the ETERNAL Son of God, the very Savior of their souls and the Glorious Gospel of ETERNAL redemption a way distant second.

This nation is filled with Bible believing Christians who have dusty Bibles and have put politics first and the ETERNAL Son of God, the very Savior of their souls and the Glorious Gospel of ETERNAL redemption a way distant second. These are by no means stopping the bleeding of our nation's woes by aligning themselves to the moral relativism of the Left; as a matter of fact they are collaborators in feeding and fanning the fires of decadence. These are more than willingly to join in on the abandonment of Almighty God's ordained moral absolutes to seek an acceptance with a decadent nation and her unbridled passions (2 Tim. 3:1-7). These are deceiving themselves and placing ALL of their trust in the wrong ideal and are accomplices of the demise of our nation, as prophetically predicted by our Founding Fathers. It is one thing for unsaved "conservatives" to do this, but when God's people start drinking the kool-aid and doing the RINO jig, WOE unto them!

This nation - due to her abandonment of moral absolutes and soon Rapture of the body of Christ - will finally implode on herself, thus opening the door to the entrance of the Day of the Lord!

Tragically, it will be this complete abandonment of social morals that will be America's final demise. My dear friends we are all ready there! This nation - due to her abandonment of moral absolutes and soon future Rapture of the body of Christ - will finally implode on herself, thus opening the door to the entrance of the Day of the Lord (Rev. 6-19). My dear friends, it is absolutely crucial for all individuals to be sure that they personally know the Savior (John 1:12, 3:16-17, 1 John 5:10-13). This world is headed into the final showdown between lawlessness and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Between Lucifer the fallen angelic creature and the ETERNAL GOD and CREATOR of ALL that is in the heavens and the earth (Rev. 16:13-16). My dear friends, the Kingdom of Heaven is TRULY at hand! Be redeeming the time! (Eph. 5:16-17)


Servants of Christ First - Conservatives Second
Conservatism Without the Righteousness of Almighty God is Bankrupt.


Monday, October 12, 2015

How's That "Conservative Optimism" Working Out For You?

My dear friends, how is that "conservative optimism" working out for you today? Not so well huh... Hey, I remember all the scoffers back in 2007 to present - who on Free Republic etc... - who would slander us with every name in the book because we pointed out the REALITY of our day and that the jig was up for America. My dear friends, we take NO joy in such an appraisal and are not seeking to gloat at all but are still seeking in all sincerity to reach out to conservative America to turn and be saved from the wrath which is soon to come (Acts 16:28-30. 1 Thess. 1:8-10). We have been right all along in God's leading, so how much more so now about what we have stated about the End Days.

 My dear friends, we take NO joy in such an appraisal and are not seeking to gloat at all but are still seeking in all sincerity to reach out to conservative America to turn and be saved from the wrath which is soon to come!

Dear friends, Hear me please! There is absolutely NO future in optimistic conservatism or in America in this hour but only in the REALITY of the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world (John 3:16-17)! America is done and the Day of the Lord is at hand... and that there... you can bank on! You must see the ETERNAL in the light of your very temporal life as great and full as it has been (Luke 12:15-21). May Almighty God in His grace and mercy open your eyes to the FULL REALITY which stands at your door (Rev. 3:20). It will be you in the end that will have to CHOSE to receive Christ or reject Him (John 3:36). Rush is not alone in this position in this hour. Many dear conservatives are trusting their conservatism in place of the FINISHED work of Jesus Christ which was done on our behalf (John 3:16-17, Rom. 6:23, 10:2-4, 1 Peter 1:19).

My dear friend, conservatism without Christ is bankrupt.

My dear friend, conservatism without Christ is bankrupt! Oh what will it take for you humble your heart and see things from Almighty God's ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS perspective? It is most crucial that you see this now for the days are at hand for the Day of the Lord's arrival in which global tribulation which cannot be comprehend will engulf the entire world (Rev. 6-19). Now is the day of salvation my friend! May you do business with the Savior and receive the gift of Almighty God this CHRISTmas (John 3:16-17)!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Progressive Coup D'état of America

Today in America there is a coup d'etat underway to overthrow our nation's Declaration of Independence, our founding charter, our nation's constitution, republic form of democracy, to destroy our Founding Father's vision and most horrifically the overthrow of Almighty God. The aggressor and agitator in this subtle on going civil war of ideologies is the progressive Left, who absolutely hate and abhor any Divine rule over them (Psalm 2, Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:8-10) let alone the Judeo/Christian absolutes which established our nation. Liberalism - for the most part - rejects outright the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. The root and source of the rejection of these crucial moral laws and realities is their subjective hatred towards the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS reign of Almighty God the Creator of the heavens and earth (Romans 1:18-32). This base lawless ideology is expressed and manifested in their disdain and hostility towards the American blue print drawn up by our Founding Fathers, which was based on the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. This demonic ideology has been raging its war throughout the last 125 years but since the 2006 elections with the progressive take over in the House and a controlled progressive Senate; progressivism has become mainstream now in America (social and moral) and on FULL parade for all to see if one even cares to pay attention in our self absorbed New America.

The aggressor and agitator in this subtle American on going civil war of ideologies is the progressive Left, who absolutely hate and abhor any Divine rule over them let alone the Judeo/Christian absolutes which established our nation.

Since 2008 President Obama and the Progressive Left have done whatsoever they have wished in furthering their lawless ideology and euphemistic change with very little opposition. President Obama is the fulfillment of all prior progressives dreams and aspirations.  With the American people ripe for the picking this progressive ideology has finally done its damage and has rung the death knell of our nation's Constitutional America.

To the average narcissistic, pleasure seeking low info American voter and dependent slaves of the State - for which there is no shortage of - Obama and his progressive army are the saviors; hip and cool, liberators from moral absolutes and from those who seek accountability which help preserve and maintain our nation's societal order (Psalm 11:3). With a 24/7 demonic media (News, Hollywood, music industry, print, internet etc..) which is fully controlled by god of this world (Eph2:1-2, 6:12) and its tool, this White House; the media's assignment is to preserve, protect, slander, agitate, divide the masses, wage a propaganda war and destroy all its enemies. In the light of these last 6 years Obama and his army have been absolutely victorious and successful in his coop d'etat, fulfilling and winning the progressive civil war against our nation's founding.

The Tea Party has failed and I was there at the very beginning of this movement here in CT as and American citizen and I saw first hand the heart of this movement. What was the heart of this movement...? Fiscal conservatism with a relativistic approach and rejection of sound moral absolutes.

Now my dear friends, here is the reality of the hour if you can handle it and where I always lose a lot of conservatives who are caught up in the fray and delusional optimism who are oblivious to the overwhelming realities at hand. The Tea Party has failed and I was there at the very beginning of this movement here in CT as and American citizen and I saw first hand the heart of this movement. What was the heart of this movement...? Fiscal conservatism with a relativistic approach to sound moral absolutes. Here in CT and nationally the Republican motto is, "Let's abandon moral absolutes for fiscal accountability and soundness". My dear friends. how in the world can you have fiscal soundness when moral absolutes and principles are abandoned and despised? Many of us saw this in the early Tea Party movement and we were sick to our stomachs for we knew where this would lead.  This is why the Progressive Left has endured and won the American Civil War of Ideologies.

Progressives have been allowed by a-moralist "conservatives" and moderates by their incremental compromise to destroyed the American family unit, breed lawlessness and immorality, sex up and legitimize lewd behavior, divide and cause racial divisions in our great American melting pot, wipe out millions of our children via abortion, desensitize our society, redefine moral absolutes, our society, culture and people to a callus, lawless citizenry which now dominates the American mind.

Progressives have been allowed by a-moralist "conservatives" and moderates by their incremental compromise to destroyed the American family unit, breed lawlessness and immorality, sex up and legitimize lewd behavior, divide and cause racial divisions in our great American melting pot, wipe out millions of our children via abortion, desensitize our society, redefine moral absolutes, our society, culture and people to a callus, lawless citizenry which now dominates the American mind. Social corruption will only grow more corrupt and accelerate once the salt is gone and today it is truly gone. The corruption of the American people is so vast and unrepentant that there is only now judgment to come. What is the unregenerate conservative's evil in all of this? They are today seeking to create a conservative utopia which excludes a saving relationship to Almighty God in Spirit and Truth (John 4:24, John 15:1-7, Rom. 10:2-4). They are only ever looking at the brief moments of their earthly existence, trapped in a subjective temporal box  while trusting in their human morality and their fallen humanity to deliver their souls in the Day of Judgment (Matt. 7:21-23, Rom 10:2-4, Rev. 20:11-15). The key to seeing our day in all its REALITY is to see the ETERNAL and then look at our nation and world's EXPONENTIAL race to destruction.

The Progressive coop has already taken place and has won the day, and I challenge anyone anywhere to  prove what I am saying is wrong.

The Progressive coop has already taken place and has won the day, and I challenge anyone anywhere to prove what I am saying is wrong. However the poetic justice in all this is that the Left's delusional godless utopian visions are headed straight into the Day of the Lord (Rev. 6-19) with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to greet them (Rev. 6). O Fools!! There can NEVER be a Utopia apart from the saving grace of Jesus Christ (Dan. 2:43-44, 7:13-14, Rev. 21-22:1-5).

While Conservative talk show hosts such as Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Jim Vicevich etc.. panic and try to offer some optimistic hope and rally conservatives in our last moments, do not trust in them for they are false prophets of optimism and offer ZERO ETERNAL remedies for one's soul, for they themselves reject Almighty God's saving grace as defined by the Word of God and are headed also into America's implosion and most likely into the Day of the Lord.

My dear friend, may we get right down to the real nitty gritty of our hour... Do YOU personally know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior as the Holy Scriptures teach.

My dear friend, may we get right down to the real nitty gritty of our hour... Do YOU personally know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior as the Holy Scriptures teach. In death everyone will give an account to Almighty God whether conservative or progressive (John 3:36, Rom. 14:11, Phil. 2:10, Heb. 9:27, Rev. 20:11-15). What you need today is ETERNAL REALITY and not subjective optimistic delusions. Here me, I love America and its noble aspirations at our founding but the gig is up and the Day of the Lord is at hand. May you choose to want to see the REALITY of our hour.

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



Tuesday, October 6, 2015


My friend, there is a BIG BAD GLOBAL TRIBULATION headed our way and with the Four Horsemen ready to ride nothing is going to stop that event from transpiring. Many professing Christians have set their “tent pegs” deep in the world reasoning and system and have given a distant second status to their position in Christ (Eph. 2:6, Col. 3:1-4) and the Gospel proclamation to all the world (Matt. 28:19-20; Rom 1:16). They have lost their ETERNAL vision and focus, and the Heavenly calling given them by Almighty God, which is needed so drastically for today for our nation and world (1 Cor. 2:5; 2 Cor. 5:17-21; Eph. 1:3; Col. 3:1).

Our Hope and future expectations are not to be found in this passing world, but ONLY in Almighty God and His ETERNAL promises.

Our Hope and future expectations are not to be found in this passing world, but ONLY in Almighty God and His ETERNAL promises (1 John 2:15-17).

Our Holy admonition from Almighty God is that we are to be Christ’s servants (slave) first for Almighty God's GLORY and HONOR, and conservative patriots second. This is the proper order for the child of God (John 1:12) today.
Remember my Evangelical Conservative friends, The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand and a big bad tribulation (Matt 24) is at our door step called "The Day of the Lord" (Rev. 6-19). May the Lord Jesus Christ have first place in our lives and may His glorious Gospel message be proclaimed in these Last Days (1 Cor. 10:31, 2 Cor. 5:17-21).

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



Thursday, October 1, 2015

If You Are For Receiving Obama Now.. What Then?

My friends, if half of America has zero problems receiving such a man as Obama and the godless Left's agenda, what is ever to stop them under greater squeezing and tribulation (Rev. 6-9) from receiving the Man of Lawlessness who is to come (2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 13). We have seen just in the last three years of Obama's second term that those behind Obama and Obama himself are NOT slowing down their lawless agenda at all! Conservative leadership, the moderate GOP and even moderate Democrats are finally waking up to this reality. There is no stopping Obama and the Left in their progressive push and even if the Republicans win the 2016 elections... do you really think that they can stop the agenda that Obama, his media minions and his progressive bureaucrats have set forth? If you really believe so my dear friend and are trying to be optimistic, then you yourself also fit into this category of "low-info" and fools.

Do you really think that they can stop the agenda that Obama, his media minions and his progressive bureaucrats have set forth? If you really believe so my dear friend and are trying to be optimistic, then you yourself also fit into this category of "low-info" and fools.

My dear friends, this reality of our hour ought to scare one to death. Is it not funny that every generation that has found its self at this pre-war or pre-collapse state always denies that such evil will fall upon them, but it always does... does it not (Jer. 6:14, 8:11-12, Ezek. 13:10, 1 Thess. 5:3, Rev. 6-9)? With the fall of America will finally come the fall of this world and global tribulation which cannot be comprehended (Dan, 12:1, Joel 2:2, Matt. 24:21, Rev. 6-19).

 With the fall of America will finally come the fall of this world and global tribulation which cannot be comprehended.

Beloved, Do not let your hearts be troubled, believe in Him and place ALL your trust in Him, for it is in Jesus Christ ALONE that there is EVERLASTING HOPE and FULL ASSURANCE (Acts 4:12, Rom. 1:16, Col. 2:2, 2 Tim. 1:12). Do your part to the fullest as an America in these last days all the while knowing that NOTHING will stop the Day of Lawlessness, the Lord Jesus’ glorious second coming and the establishment of His 1000 year reign in TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS! Be sure to see the BIG PICTURE first then all will fall into place! ETERNITY with our Savior is our future, NOT this fallen demonic wasteland called planet earth. The TRUTH will indeed set you free from the bondage and tyranny of Satan and his many faceted straw men, which are set up out there to distract you from the Savior and what is at hand (John 8:32, 36, 2 Cor. 4:3-4, Col 3:1-4)! Beloved use all of these things to draw you EVER closer to the Savior and never let your heart be troubled, for you safe as can be in His hands FOREVERMORE (Matt. 28:20, Luke 12:7, John 10:28, 14:18, Rom. 8:28-39, Rev. 1:17-18).

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!