As the WARNINGS go out INTO THE HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS of America and the world, do not DECEIVE YOURSELVES into thinking that Almighty God’s Day of reckoning will NEVER come. For indeed, it is at the very door! ALL signs today point to the global tribulation spoken of by the Jewish prophets and Lord Jesus almost 2000 years ago (Matt. 24). Once America falls off of the world stage, who or what will hold back the godless masses, the tyrannical despots evil desires and murderous rampage through out the world? Do not listen to me, but see for YOURSELVES what Almighty God’s Word has to say about this time.
ALL signs today point to the global tribulation spoken of by the Lord Jesus almost 2000 years ago.

My friend, if you know NOT the Lord Jesus as your PERSONAL Savior, please see that you do business with Him today, for He is your ONLY means of deliverance from the RIGHTEOUS judgments of Almighty God on mankind and this world’s godless rebellion (John 3:16-17, Gal. 1:4). The warning signs and data are OVERWHELMING! You must ask yourself, “Do I have the courage to face these ETERNAL realities and deal with them as a responsible individual.” The choice is YOURS my friend! What will you choose?
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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