My dear friends, a few more key points and challenges I would like to make to Bible scholars is for them to see how many times the person of the "anti Christ" is found in the first half of the seven year tribulation period in comparison to the second half. The passages referring to the anti- Christ in the second half of the seven year tribulation are much more abundant and display him in a place of total global dominance and authority, while in the first half he is lightly esteemed. The Anti Christ/Messiah does NOT come to ABSOLUTE TOTAL power UNTIL AFTER the 1260 day ministry of the Two Witnesses is completed which will start the second half of the seven year tribulation period - (Rev. 11:3-7,13:1-5); thus he will be absolutely no match for Almighty God's Two Witnesses' ministry nor the dominant man of power as many make him to be during the first half of the seven year tribulation. There are only a few places in which we find the Anti Christ in the first half of the seven year tribulation period and in all cases it is a place of secondary standing (Dan.9:26-27, Rev. 17:8, 10, 11, 2 Thess. 2:3, 6-8).
The Anti Christ/Messiah does NOT come to ABSOLUTE TOTAL power UNTIL AFTER the 1260 day ministry of the Two Witnesses is completed which will start the second half of the seven year tribulation period.

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Half Anti Christ Workings
Half Anti Christ Workings
Dan. 7:8,11,20,24,26; Dan. 8:23-25, Dan 9:27; Dan 11:36-45; Dan. 12:11; Matt. 24:15,Mark 13:14, Luke 21:20; John 5:43, 2 Thess. 2:4-10; 1 John 2:18, 4:3, Rev.11:7, Rev. 13; Rev. 14:9-10; 15:2, Rev. 16:2,10,13, Rev.17:3,8,10-17, Rev. 18:2
Anti Christ's Doom

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