My friends, we are living on the very precipice of
seven year tribulation period (Rev. 6-19). The war raging in America at
present will be and is being won by lawlessness. It must be! Social conservatism is now rejected
by both parties and the majority of the American people. Just look at the
Left's massive advances in the last 50 years! How can we stop that godless,
secular erosion of our Judeo/Christian values? How will we ever get back all
that lost ground? We cannot and we will not! To think other wise is a delusional
fantasy void of ALL reality and soundness of mind. That is the reality of this
hour and it is about time that Americans, especially so called "conservatives"
wake up. No
false optimism will do. The Tribulation is
coming and NOTHING will stop that now. The
Four Horsemen are ready to ride and
no Tea Party will prevent that from happening.
As Almighty God pointed out to Isaiah when Judah at the height of their lawless
and godless state and condition, so are we today here in America
(Isa. 1). Receive it or not!
How will we ever get back all
that lost ground? We cannot and we will not! To think other wise is a delusional
fantasy void of ALL reality and soundness of mind.
The key is for everyone to see ALL things from
Almighty God’s
heavenly and biblical perspective (John 17:17, Heb.11:1, 6). This is the
position of reality, liberty and freedom
(John 8:32).
As the godless and lawless
slander EXPONENTIALLY intensifies - especially now - may you be sure that you
personally know the Lord Jesus Christ as your
personal Savior. It is absolutely crucial, not just for this world but also for
the world of ETERNITY that is to come. Have Faith in Almighty God! The Lord
Jesus Christ is the ONLY hope for deliverance from this fallen world and the
wrath of Satan and his human followers
(John 3:16-17,Gal. 1:4 Rev. 19:11-21, 21,
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Gospel of John Challenge
The end of the USA and the flood of tyranny -
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