Now that the 2014 mid-terms are over and the Republican Party has taken the Senate and still holds the House with greater numbers, do not expect the Obama administration to slow down their destructive policies one bit. Expect the war to intensify and Obama to go full bore with his scorched “anti-constitutional” Marxist policies; understanding that the end of his reign over the American people is at hand... or is it?. Dear friends, when a vindictive, subjective, lawless narcissistic cannot get or have what he wants, then it becomes time to lash out and destroy! In light of the 24/7 conservative media, hundreds of conservative blogs, national Tea Party rallies, the 2010 election Republican victories, American’s calls and letters to our elected representatives etc... etc..., Obama has continually moved his secular, lawless, Marxist and socialistic football down field well inside the 10 yard line of America's Constitutional Republic. The Obama administration has openly shown their hostility towards their Creator, the constitution, moral absolutes, conservative Christians, Israel and the rule of law for the past 6 years here in America and what is to stop him now.
.Dear friends, when a vindictive, subjective, lawless narcissistic cannot
get or have what he wants, then it becomes time to lash out and destroy!
It is always the trait of a full blow subjective narcissist who cannot have his way to continually accuse others while justifying himself no matter how absurd and lawless his narcissist’s agenda is. Expect Obama to demonize any opposition like never before and continually point his fingers at others. A narcissist can NEVER be wrong in his own mind, only the victim of his follower’s incompetence. One great example of this is Hitler, who single handedly brought down Germany to complete ruin and defeat by continually inserting his incompetent will over his politicians and general staff. Hitler's godless foolish pride caused the fall and horrific defeat of Germany by the enforcing of all his own personal evil dreams and godless aspirations. In the end, Hitler (in his Berlin bunker) blamed everyone for Germany’s defeat and fall except the man in the mirror. Hitler in his vindictive estate hated and blamed the German people for all his failures. He allowed the German armies and people to reap the horrific whirlwinds of war and his agenda; and in his last vindictive temper tantrum took his own life.
A narcissist
can NEVER be wrong in his own mind, only a victim of his follower’s
Obama is also a narcissist in the same manner but not to as extreme or will he be? Only time will tell. He and his administration fully comprehend better then anyone that they are in deep trouble with the American people. There is only thing for these to do; that is to divide and conquer and go completely full bore radical and do as much damage and destruction to America as possible. The subjective narcissist knows no limit to their vindictive rage. It is what motivates them and gets them out of bed in the morning. It is fully gratifying to them to destroy and ruin all if they cannot have their way. I truly believe Obama sees that he has not been able to fully implement his socialistic secular state dream for America and that his reign will run out too soon for him to complete it. What is absolutely tragic is that how many people in America are truly deceived by Obama and are ignorant of his deep destructive hatred for the American Republic. My dear friends, this is not my own opinion or point of view, but an objective observation and evaluation of Obama’s life through and by his very words and deeds. Obama has always had this vindictive "Anti American" rage blazing in his heart and in the last two years of his presidency expect him to hold nothing back. Obama knows his time is short and he will break and destroy as much of America as he can before his power expires. In the end Obama will despise and hate the American people and his supporters because they have failed him in his own mind and could not understand his “greatness”, “genius” and “vision” for America. My friends, that is how a narcissist thinks and that is what a full blown narcissist always does.
has always had this vindictive "Anti American" rage blazing
in his heart and in these last two years of his presidency expect him
to hold nothing back as his presidency comes to a massive defeat.

Be not deceived by this national Republican win! It is my own personal
opinion that this Republican win will now open the doors to a dividing
of America like we have never seen since the civil war.
My friend, in these dire days ONLY Almighty God has the solutions to deliver us from this present evil age safely into ETERNITY (Gal. 1:4). May you know the wonders of Almighty God’s saving grace if you do not and if you do, EVER be rejoicing in the Lord, the Savior and Redeemer of your soul (Phil. 4:4).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
This statement below was released after this post was posted.
WHAT LANDSLIDE? Obama threatens vetoes and executive orders – including immigration reform THIS YEAR – after Americans reject him by giving Republicans historic gains in Congress