My dear friends, I must "wax" strong here just as the Savior did to those religious leaders before His crucifixion and murder, for these lawless women leaders of America today are ravishing wolfs in sheep's clothing seeking to destroy and cripple (Matt. 23). The absolute hypocrisy displayed by these women leaders of the women's liberation movement makes me sick to my stomach! Every time I hear lawless, narcissistic, godless reprobates like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wassermann Schultz, Terry O' Neill, Sandra Fluke etc... etc... talk about women's "lawless rights" and their fight and battle for the godless liberation for women from the moral absolutes of time and ETERNITY I see Satan's agenda being put forth. These women reprobates very fight is against Almighty God and His instilled moral absolutes placed into this creation by Him at the founding of this world and universe (Gen. 1, Rom. 1:18-32). Oh GODLESS LAWLESS fools! You are the very ones who DO NOT bring "liberation" to women but ONLY Satan's chains of bondage, his evil tyranny and ETERNAL damnation (Rev. 20:11-15)! You have sold yourselves and given yourselves over to lawlessness and now in your vanity have become the very tools of Lucifer in his delusional fight to overturn the ETERNAL reign of Almighty God!
Oh GODLESS LAWLESS fools! You are the very ones who DO NOT bring
"liberation" to women but ONLY Satan's chains of bondage, his evil
tyranny and ETERNAL damnation!

You are like your father the devil who is a murder of souls and a hunter
of the weak and blind! Who will lie in wait seeking to devour,
annihilate, destroy and corrupt anyone or anything so that you can be
established and worshiped on high.
Near the end of America's journey we have FULLY seen where these leaders of this extreme and harmful secular feminism has taken us to and who and what it has produced. This godless ideology has infiltrated all aspects, genres and traditions of our once great American society and those who have joined its legions have been a fifth column sabotage unit in a war to destroy America and all that has made her great. Tragically these godless women of America have been co-labors right along with fallen man’s lawless bent, sexual rebellion, unbridled passions and have raised the bar of depravity to levels unimaginable, even to the point of succeeding in their mission to redefine and legitimize the demonization of America’s once healthy social order, morality and even Almighty God (Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:7,10).
Tragically here in America these women leaders have gone right along redefining
morality, virtue and etiquette and have sold themselves to be willing
accomplices with godless man in the indoctrination of a whole entire

They have been raised and bred with an instilled hatred of true
Americanism in them and in their heart of hearts are in a continual war
with our nation’s founding principles, conservatism, the Constitution,
moral absolutes and absolutely despise all that Almighty God (the
Creator) stands for.
My dear friend, Satan is no dope or buffoon. He is a diabolical genius
who fully comprehends the inner workings of Adam’s fallen race and knows
how to perfectly play humanity like a fiddle to fulfill all of his
demonic anti-God agenda (Isa. 14:12-15, Matt. 4:9, Eph. 2:2-3, Rev. 13:4).
He is a human hunter and a destroyer and knows exactly what bait to use
to bring down a culture and society which has had the Bible and
Almighty God in its beginnings and founding (John 8:44).
As one reads through the biblical account of Adam’s fallen race one
satanic tactic is always used and tragically is 95% effective. That
demonic tactic is to corrupt the woman's moral bearings and use her
sexual appeal to seduce, corrupt and bring down a godly or even a
godless social order and to render that society useless for Almighty
God’s plan and out working for it (Rom. 1:18-32). The woman was used in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3). She was used to corrupt the holy seed of Seth in the pre-flood world (Gen. 6), She was used to derail Sampson (Judges 16), David (2 Sam. 11, 12:1-13), Solomon (1 Kings 11:1-11) and the nation of Israel (Numb 25, Ezra 9:1-2) and the Church (Rev. 2:20-22).
Almighty God’s Word gives ample warning for the man to guard ones heart
and fallen nature from the ways and traps of the godless women (Proverbs 6) while instructing the man to find a godly and virtuous women for the health and betterment of a society (Prov. 31:10-31). We have seen – in the last 50 years
- with our own eyes the horrific ramifications and social fallout that
has taken place here in America when the woman has abandoned and
forsaken her Divine calling (Prov. 31:10-31). One of these horrific results has been the murder and barbaric infanticide of 55 million unborn children since 1973 under the euphemistic title of "choice"(Gal. 6:7,8). We have seen since the beginning of the social and sexual revolution
here in America that the American man has been made base, feminine and
weak by the subtle charms of the lawless intellect, licentious behavior,
dominating spirit and position in the new social order of our post
Judeo/Christian culture. Satan’s hand is all over this. Tragically with
this rise of the godless woman and the promotion of secular feminism
here in America there has come a ravishing price tag for this delusional
“liberation”. The American woman of today is plagued with compounding
guilt, personal unfulfillment, sex, drug and alcohol addiction, plaguing STD’s, physical abuse, deep dark depression, psychological trauma,
rage, hatred, bitterness, a vindictive spirit and emotional instability.
They are personally unfulfilled and spiritually vacant /
demonic tactic is to corrupt the woman and use her sexual appeal to
seduce, corrupt and bring down a godly or even a godless social order
and to render that society useless for Almighty God’s plan and out
working for it.

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!