Americans needs to wake up to the horrific realities which are at hand
and until they do they will be continually swept away by the
catastrophic floods of our nation’s calamities.
Americans needs to wake up to the horrific realities which are at hand and until they do they will be continually swept away by the catastrophic floods of our nation’s calamities. My dear friends, I say this with no joy and with tears in my eyes that we are finished as a nation. The fat lady has sung! The jig is up! Put the fork in it! The curtain has closed! The Camel's back is broken! The final buzzer has just rung! For the Day of the Lord is at hand and NOTHING can stop it from coming! It is now time that we as a nation look beyond the limited confines of this world and put aside all of its false saviors and focus on the Creator and Redeemer of all mankind.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!