godless Left in America at this very moment are beyond ecstatic with with the apathy of the majority of Americans and all the opportunities which stands before them. In
the Left's heart of hearts they cannot believe how easy it has been to
continually lie and be believed by dummkoff Americans, who would sell
ALL of their freedoms and liberties in a heart beat for a bowl of soup,
birth control and an Obama phone. Oh how these elitist Marxist have
waited ever so patiently for this very moment when all the doors would
be opened for the plunder of the American culture, society and people.
The Secular tsunami is ripping across America and truly what can stop it? The stench of the Marxist fragrance of the Left's American Utopia dream
is ripe in the air and happy days are indeed here at last. With a
spineless social liberal/moderate GOP in Washington you can bet your last deflated dollar that
there is nothing to hold back the Left from making all of their Marxist dreams
come true, but they (Obama and the Left) have better be careful for that
which they wish for; for in their lawless endeavors little do they know
they are setting the global stage for the EXPONENTIALLY HORRIFIC period
call the Day of the Lord!
(1 Thess. 5:3,Rev. 6-19).
Truly my dear friends, who will hear TRUTH today (societal and spiritual) and even more so, who will walk in it?
a day of great national and global uncertainties, oh how we need
DIVINE REALITY! This technological age in which we live has EXPONENTIALLY accelerated and exposed the absolute
bankruptcy and godlessness of our nation and fallen world. We are indeed at the
very precipice of our world’s collapse. Words alone are infinitesimally
inadequate to describe or explain what is at our very door and to get
people to even listen to the Divine warning sirens and Biblical shofar blasts is even
infinitesimally more so
(Rev. 6-19). Truly my dear friends, who will hear TRUTH today (societal and spiritual) and even more so, who will walk in it? Our nation's conservatives today are on maximum suicide alert in light of the last five years and their "Christianity" is failing them because some are ignorant of the Holy Scriptures and many do not have a saving relationship to the Creator in Spirit and TRUTH
(Matt. 7:21-23, John 4:24, Rom. 10:2-4, 2 Tim. 3:5-7, Rev. 3:14-22).
Only those
who possess a saving relationship to Almighty God in Spirit and TRUTH and by faith in Almighty God's Word possess a heavenly objectivity and perceive of these
matters from a heavenly and biblical point of view will be able to see our critical
status as a world and a nation and find security and comfort in Almighty God's ETERNAL plan
(Rev. 21-22:1-5). Jesus said in ALL TRUTH and AUTHORITY, that one must be born again
to see the Kingdom of God (literally and spiritually –
John 3:3-7, Rom. 8:5-8, 1 Cor. 1:9-16, 2 Cor. 5:17-21, Col. 3:1-4). O how true He is!
Almighty God has already given this nation over to judgment and once
this is happening who can stop it? In our dire hour DO NOT seek to pray for
our nation any more, for we are well pass the point of no return and
Almighty God the RIGHTEOUS Judge is now our RIGHTEOUS Adversary.
No doubt our message here at the IFB concerning our nation is becoming very repetitive and "blah, blah, blah" to our visitors, but was not this also the same message in Jeremiah's day before Babylon came in to level and ravish Jerusalem
(Jer. 6, 7, 15:1, Ezek. 14:14, 21)? The message then was not popular and neither is this one today. Hear me my dear friends... I beg you, as a voice shouting in the wilderness, Almighty God has already given this nation over to His Divine judgment and once this has begun who can abide and let alone stop it? In our dire hour DO NOT be deceived and seek to pray for our nation any more, for we are well pass the point of no return. Almighty God the RIGHTEOUS Judge of ETERNITY has now become our nation's RIGHTEOUS Adversary and WOE! WOE! WOE unto America!
However dearly beloved, pray fervently in these hours that individuals will wake up to the REALITY of our hour and their desperate need of Almighty God's RIGHTEOUSNESS
and be saved! The upcoming seven tribulation will begin because the Age of Grace will have come to a stone hearted end - being that there are no more in this dispensational time block which will hear the global message of Almighty God's wondrous grace and mercy. All that is now left for our nation and world is Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS WRATH
(Isa. 24, Matt. 24, Rev. 6-19). Do your part as an American, May God help us... but DO NOT trust in it at ALL any more, for the Day of the Lord is at hand and who then will be able to stand and let alone stop the global EXPONENTIAL CATASTROPHIC tsunami which is heading our way
(Isa. 24, Matt. 24, Rev. 6-19).
Beloved, Be strong in the Lord and rejoice in His PERFECT salvation and RIGHTEOUSNESS!
God speed for Almighty God's glory!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!