As we see our nation falling into the lawless and immoral abyss, amazingly many are wondering how these things can be? They are all pointing fingers at each other but who is truly the engineer and one behind the controls of this madness which is sweeping our land and world? The key to comprehending the day and hour in which we live is to see things by faith from Almighty God’s HEAVENLY and ETERNAL perspective (John 17:17, Eph. 6:12, Col. 3:1-2). The world in which we live in is governed by a highly fallen intelligent order of supernatural beings (called fallen angels) that have been expelled and sentenced to Almighty God’s ETERNAL prison called the Lake of Fire (Matt 25:41, Rev, 20:10). In the outworking of unbelieving and unrepentant men (progressive-conservative) you can see their agenda revealed (Rom. 1:18-32, 2 Cor. 4:3-4, 2 Cor. 11:13-15 Eph. 6:12). I'm sure to average person this biblical insight sounds like the ramblings of a crazy man, but it is not. The greatest deception by Lucifer is to get you to believe that he does not exist (2 Cor. 4:3-4,1 John 4:3).
Lucifer (Satan) knows if he can destroy the American family unit that he can put out the Gospel light that has shined forth so mightily from this nation like none other before it.
Planet earth has become a great battlefield between the fallen angelic host in which humanity has followed suite after Lucifer and his angelic hordes (Matt 25:41, Rev. 20:10-15) Lucifer (Satan) - the god of this fallen and cursed world (2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph. 2:1-3) - knows if he can destroy the American family unit that he can put out the Gospel light that has shined forth mightily from this nation like none other before it. Once these ends are achieved, nothing will stop Satan from his vain grand design, the global reign and worship of himself under his Anti Christ (2 Thess.. 2:3-12, Rev. 13).
The key to comprehending the day and hour in which we live is to see things from Almighty God’s HEAVENLY and ETERNAL perspective.
As these days and hours rapidly come to a grand conclusion and we see the EXPONENTIAL evaporation of moral absolutes right before our very eyes – the chief of these being rejection of the Divine institute of marriage - remember what God has stated must be! All things are headed to the world’s final war against its Creator at Armageddon! (Psalm 2, Matt. 24, Rev. 16:13-16).
The chief questions one must ask themselves in this ever changing social climate is, "Do I truly believe Almighty God's Biblical perspective and revelation and do I have a personal saving relationship to my CREATOR as the Bible – God’s infallible Word - clearly teaches (John 4:24, Act 4:12)?"
As America and this world heads into the Day of the Lord, may you be sure that you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior! He indeed is our ONLY hope!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Bible Study on Marriage
Take the Gospel of John Challenge!
What is Sin?

Amen dear brother! The old dragon only has a time...and then our Lord will reign forever! I long for that day.
AMEN MY DEAR I.F. SISTER! and we with Him!! Glory FOREVER!
The Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand!
To have a personal relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ, one must first BELIEVE on The Lord Jesus Christ. To believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross as a sacrifice for all our sin and that God raised Him up on the third day is what saves. Without that faith in Jesus Christ it is impossible to have a personal relationship with The Lord, let alone please God The Father.
Why is it so hard for so many who believe on The Lord Jesus Christ to tell others to BELIEVE on The Lord Jesus Christ to be saved? When the Philippian Jailer asked Paul & Silas, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" Paul & Silas did not say, "Well, you must have a personal relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ." No. This is what they said, " And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Acts 16:31
Before you tell people about having a personal relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ, would you mind too terribly to tell them HOW to have that personal relationship?
Whoa... Franky... my brother.... you can't be real! The IFB is pack loaded… cup to over flowing with the Gospel, info on how to be saved and how to have a "personal" relationship to Jesus Christ. It’s all there son. My dear brother... Let individuals do a little searching, check out the links and allow Almighty God to lead THOSE who are searching. My dear friend, no offence, but you need to learn how to fish for souls and protect that which is holy. Seekers will seek and scoffers will... not seek (scoff).... Trust me my dear friend... I have been doing this a while and Almighty God the Holy Spirit is a good teacher! The Word is going out my friend around the world!
God speed!
Eph 5:16-17!
David I.F.
Please accept my very sincere apologies for that post I made back in October 2011. I made a serious mistake, and I am very sorry for that.
Very Sincere,
Frank Ebell
Frank, no big deal my friend it all good my brother. Thanks for your apologiy and God speed!
bI read very good comments but what can we do to bring about God's favor to this great nation again ?
I believe that if we put aside days of fasting and prayer with a sincerer hart God in His mercy will bring a new revival before the rapture.
My friend, We are past all that now. I'm not saying God would not allow that but... America wants what America wants (conservative and liberal). What they both have in common is that they both do not want to repent and be saved and to receive the Savior (Rom. 10:2-4). That is why the Day of Wrath is at hand and the 4 Horsemen are about to ride!
My dear friend, if the Lord is doing a great work in your heart then you redeem the time my friend till the trumpet blows! That is our day. Those who will hear God's call and labor for Him will find their joy and fullfillment in the Savior and the well done thy good and faithful servant in that day.
God speed my friend!
Eph 5:16-17!
David, the battlefield is the family. What we are seeing now are broken families. Unbelieving or backslidden parents have divorced and the kids are now acting out. They are lost, angry and hostile heading down a dangerous path as they are now captivated by what this evil world has to offer. Grandparents who are Bible believing Christians are now either being called to help or feel that at this point they must do something to protect their grandchildren. Here is the problem, many of these well intentioned grandparents are fighting a spiritual battle in the flesh. They are either not equipped spiritually to handle the battle or physically. This is serious stuff and Satan is a formidable foe. It is a tragic thing to watch an entire family being dragged down. Again, the battle can be won BUT it cannot be fought in the flesh.
Indeed as you stated the family unit is the Satan's target.
A possession of the truth of God is ETERNALLY far greater than an "intellectual" understanding. Many are choosing moral conservatism while rejecting God's will for their lives and the practical application of spiritual truths which only come by applying these spiritual truths in our lives (Eph. 1:3, 2:6, Col. 3:1-4, Eph. 6:12).
The battle is spiritual as you stated!
Good reply my friend!
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