Monday, February 25, 2019

What You're "Left" With

My dear friends, when Americans outright reject Almighty God's Person, RIGHTEOUSNESS, people and moral absolutes for time and for a healthy society, we are "left" ONLY with Satan, tyrants, thugs, reprobates, immorality, tyranny and its horrific consequences, violence and their godless selves (Rom. 1:18-32). How much "peace" do you actually think that mindset and lawless drive will bring to our fallen and crumbling nation?
My dear friends, lose the optimistic delusion that we will save America, for that is the greatest demonic lie of our hour and open your hearts and minds to Almighty God's saving solution, His Word and ETERNAL future of RIGHTEOUSNESS.

The key to surviving today is to face the REALITY of our day and hour and to see things rightly from Almighty God's ETERNAL perspective! My dear friends, lose the optimistic delusion that we will save America, for that is the greatest demonic lie of our hour and open your hearts and minds to Almighty God's saving solution, His Word and ETERNAL future of RIGHTEOUSNESS (Mark 13:31, John 3:16-17, 36, 1 John 2:15-17, Rev. 21-22:1-5)! My dear friends TRUE PEACE will only come when one acknowledges one's dire need for the Savior of the world and abandon one's fallen subjective worldly perspective and have faith (believe/receive) in Almighty God, His Son and His Holy Word (John 3-7, 16-17, Gal.1:4). See the ETERNAL picture!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

DJP I.F. Share


  1. Just came across this blog yesterday and have read several posts including today's. I love the things you are saying. You don't mix words and try to play it safe you just give biblical truths. Awesome!

    God Bless you all

  2. Amen my friend!!! To God be the glory!


