Lucifer, God’s greatest of all God's creation (Ezek. 28:12, 15), in ETERNITY past enjoyed a relationship to Almighty God. I truly believe
there was a point in his existence that he adored and loved the Triune
God with all his heart. He had the chief place as Protector of the
Holiness of God (Ezek. 28:14) and was the worship and choir director of Heaven (Ezek. 28:13). Lucifer
enjoyed all the heavenly blessings of his rank and position. As events
proceeded, though, there came a time when he became proud, arrogant,
envious and bitter. In his foolish heart he sought the place of his
ETERNAL Creator and Sovereign for himself, and he led a delusional
rebellion against Almighty God in which he and his followers were cast
out (Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezek. 28:15-18; Jude 1:6; Rev. 12:4).
He is known
as the Prince of Darkness (error, delusion and vain imagination) for
thus is his reality.
could have remained in his highly honored position indefinitely,
enjoying the eternal blessings and fellowship with His Creator. In his
madness, however, Lucifer chose rather to abandon the confines of
absolute reality and perfection for a vain existence in the darkness of
make-believe and delusion. In his attempt to exalt and preserve himself
at all cost, he rejected and abandoned all that was real, becoming a
murderer of souls, a tyrant of humanity, a despot to the fallen angelic
host and a mastermind of slander, false truths and darkness. He is known
as the Prince of Darkness (error, delusion and vain imagination) for
thus is his reality (Isaiah 14:17-17; John 8:44; Rev. 12:9).
his madness, however, Lucifer chose rather to abandon the confines of
absolute reality and perfection for a vain existence in the darkness of
make-believe and delusion.
the end, Lucifer will give an absolute complete account for his godless existence,
in which he will be damned FOREVER in the Lake of Fire. He will finally
and ultimately have to face the reality of absolute truth and righteousness for ALL ETERNITY (Matt. 25:41; Rev. 20:10). This REALITY which he will be subjected to will torment him FOREVERMORE! In the end, all his evil efforts and grand delusions add up to a big fat zero and full vanity.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
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