All these are the beginning of sorrows (birth pangs) Matt. 24:8
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The official commencement of this horrific seven year period will be the breaking of the 1st seal (i.e., the "Confirming of the Covenant" - Dan. 9:27) by Almighty God’s Lamb (i.e., The Lord Jesus Christ) in Heaven (Rev. 6:1). It is at this precise moment that the man of lawlessness (i.e., the anti-Christ) will be revealed unto the entire world (2 Thess. 2: 3-12; Rev. 6:2).
This revealing of the Anti-Christ and the commencement of this seven
year tribulation period will begin when this man (i.e., the Anti-Christ)
adds his position of great power and authority to a covenant with
Israel on the behalf of Israel’s defeated enemies (Ezek. 38:8,11-12, Dan. 9: 27). Israel will sign this covenant from a position of strength, not weakness (Ezek 38: 8). Israel will then have rest and dwell in their land in safety because they have eradicated their border enemies (Ezek. 38:8,11-12, Rev. 11:3-7). This position of power does not mean that Israel's heart is right with Almighty God, for it will not be (Ezek, 39:26, Rev. 11:8). Israel at this time will also have the super natural protection of Almighty God’s two witnesses (Moses and Elijah)
who possess Almighty God's Divine authority and are extremely more
powerful and than the anti - Christ and his global confederacies (Rev. 11:3-6).
revealing of the Anti-Christ and the commencement of this seven year
tribulation period will begin when this man (i.e., the Anti-Christ) adds
his position of great power and authority to a covenant with Israel on
the behalf of Israel’s defeated enemies.

Israel will sign this covenant from a position of strength not weakness.
It will be also at this time - at the beginning of this seven year period, while Israel dwells in their land in absolute safety (Ezek. 38:8,11,12,14) - that the WHOLE GENTILE WORLD will be trodden down by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Rev. 6:1-8). It will be after their catastrophic ride through out the entire world that the world will lose ¼ of its total population (1.75 billion) to war, famine and pestilence and will cause global markets to be wiped out and implode (Rev 6:1-8).
Following the Four Horsemen’s ride of doom and the opening of the fifth
seal will be the opening of the sixth seal in which a GREAT GLOBAL
EARTHQUAKE will gain the world’s full attention. As the heavens depart
as a scroll and EVERY mountain and island are moved out of their places
it will send absolute terror into the hearts of every human being alive
(Jew and Gentile) on planet earth (Rev. 6:12-17).
will be after their catastrophic ride through out the entire world that
the world will lose ¼ of its total population (1.75 billion) to war,
famine and pestilence and will cause global markets to be wiped out and
For it is now - at this time - that the inhabitants of the world will
FULLY comprehend indeed that they are now in the long predicted “Day of
the Lord” and His “Day of Almighty God's Wrath"! (Rev. 6:15-17)
The Trumpet Judgments

As we shall see, the first four of the seven Trumpet Judgments shall
strike the earth and its inhabitants with EXPONENTIAL unparalleled
global cataclysmic destruction. Let us take a look!
The First Four Trumpet Judgments
The First Trumpet Judgment destroys 1/3 of all trees and grass upon the face of the earth with fire! (Rev.8:7). That comes to roughly 133 billion trees. 7% of all land mass is covered with grass. This area covers 9.93 million sq/km or 3.8 million sq/miles. This total area
- which is given over to fire - is roughly a little bit bigger then the
total land mass of the United States which would include Alaska. Can
you even imagine the smoke which is generated from this global inferno?
The Second Trumpet Judgment will cause 1/3rd of all the seas of planet earth to turn to blood (Rev. 8:8-9).
The fall out of this catastrophic global devastation will also cause
1/3 of all the sea creatures to perish and 1/3 of all the world's ships
and their crews to perish also! Some facts:
1. 70.8 % of the earth’s surface is covered by water. 68% of that 70.8%
is salt water. 1/3 of the seas or 22.6% of the world’s surface area or
122 million sq/km or 47.1 sq/miles will be decimated and turned into
blood! That is roughly the size of the Pacific Ocean! (How horrific!!) Ocean info link
2. The number of sea creatures destroyed by this trumpet judgment will be too innumerable to number. From the smallest creatures to the giant whales it must be in the trillions.

The Third Trumpet Judgment will cause 1/3rd of all fresh water
to be poisoned with wormwood and become bitter. The effects of this
judgment will cripple society and multitudes will perish because of
their ingestion of these bitter waters (Rev. 8:11).
In this period - due to the horrific consequences of the Seal and
Trumpet Judgments - drinking water will be very scarce to come by.
3% of the entire world’s water is fresh water. 1/3 of this water supply
(33% of the 3%) will be poisoned killing multitudes of the world’s
inhabitants during this period.
The Forth Trumpet Judgment will cause the celestial lights (sun, moon and stars) to dim their light 1/3rd of their normal strength (Rev. 8:12)!
Up to this point, try to comprehend - if at all possible - the
unimaginable and exponential ravishing affects upon the face of the
earth by these Seven Seal Judgments and the first four Trumpet Judgments.
Remember, that these judgments were ordered upon the inhabitants of the
earth and their planet because of their exponential godless rebellion
and violence against the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God (Gen. 1:31, Isa. 24:5-6, Rom. 1:18-32).
These horrific global catastrophes - including the unimaginable
devastation incurred by the Four Horsemen and the wrath of man - in
which 1/4th of the world’s population was slain - will bring to the fore
front the unbridled passions and uncontrollable violence of humanity's
godless and evil fallen heart (Ps. 7:9, Jer. 17:9-10, Matt. 15:17-20, Jude 1:10).
Nothing manifests the human heart as tribulation does and reveals to
all, our utter godless depravity with out the RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty
God (Jer. 17:10, Matt 15:18-19, Gal. 5:19-21, Rev. 9:20-21).
These cataclysmic events will reveal and bring to the forefront
humanities utter hatred and disdain for their Creator and His ETERNAL
sovereignty (Rev. 9:20-21).
As these events intensify, the world will outwardly manifest their ever
hardening position towards Almighty God by their godless deeds and war
against His redeemed. These will become absolutely callus, cold,
hateful, unfeeling and violent towards one another (Matt. 24:12, 2 Tim. 3:1-7).
Self preservation and individual survival during this time will make
men violate and transgress Almighty God's absolutes and moral laws o
places which they though never imaginable. Instead of repenting and
crying out for Almighty God’s mercy and pardon, these will continually
harden their hearts as Pharaoh of old and instead of looking into God's
perfect mirror of righteousness (Psalm 19:7, Rom. 10:2-4), they will seek a scapegoat and a villain for their entire calamity (Matt. 24:8-13).
Since Israel – at this time - is unaffected by these horrific Seal and
Trumpet judgments that take place during the first half of this
tribulation period, the world’s inhabitants will seek lash out after
Almighty God’s people (i.e., Israel). Israel has always been the world's
most favorite scapegoat and during this time, this hatred will reach an
all new exponential level. The WORLD - at this time - will greatly
unite as one man and seek to destroy Almighty God’s two witnesses (Rev. 11: 4-6) and the apple of His eye (i.e., the nation Israel) (Deut. 32:10, Psalm 17:8), but again, all to none avail (Ezek. 38:8, 11-12, Rev. 11:3-7).
these events intensify, the world will outwardly manifest their ever
hardening position towards Almighty God by their godless deeds and war
against His redeemed.
Just when the inhabitants of the earth thought that it could never get
any more horrifically worse, they are about to be visited by a host of
ferocious conquers and tyrannical oppressors that know absolutely no
mercy and transcend the limited boundaries of time and space. It will be
at this time that Almighty God will not just be passing judgment upon
the sons of Adam for their EXPONENTIAL
transgressions, but also on the fallen hosts of Heaven’s realm - the
demonic legions of fallen angels. These demonic host have greatly feared
and dreaded this present hour which is now at hand for in this time they indeed know their time is exceedingly short (Matt. 8:29, Mark 5:7, Rev. 18:2).
The Three Horrific Woes unto the Earth!
The word “Woe!”, when used by Almighty God in this alarming and dreadful
way should send ice cold shivers of fright up the spine of any
individual, sane or insane. So dreadful, so unimaginable, so fearfully
horrifying are these last series of Trumpet Judgments that an angel is
sent by Almighty God to sternly warn the remaining godless and
rebellious inhabitants of planet earth of what is yet to be!
Almighty God's Divine angelic air raid siren pierces through the world's
darkness warning all of the pending doom which is now at hand.
“And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhibitors of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!” (Rev 8:13)
The First Woe!
This First Woe has to do with the demonic legions which are held
prisoner in the bottomless pit called “the Abyss”. These demonic hosts
were placed there by Almighty God for their gross transgressions and
heavenly rebellion against Almighty God and His ETERNAL sovereignty.
They were most likely placed there after the Noaic flood for their
excessive part in leading men to global rebellion against their Creator
and his natural laws (Gen. 6, Isa. 14:12-17, Ezek. 28:12-19, Jude 1:6).
godless beings in their psychotic rage and violence will seek to – once
again - tyrannically dominate and plague man, preparing all of humanity
for the Third Woe which is to come.
These insane supernatural beings - which transcend the realms of time
and space - are EXPONENTIALLY more powerful and intelligent than man.
These godless beings in their psychotic rage and violence will seek to –
once again - tyrannically dominate and plague man, preparing all of
humanity for the Third Woe which is to come (Rev. 12:12).
These demonic legions fully comprehend the hour in which they now
occupy and know that their time is dreadfully short. These released
demonic hordes from the abyss prison hold – as insane and delusional as
they are – know quite well of the impending judgment and doom that
awaits them in the Lake of Fire for FOREVER and EVER (Matt.25:41, Rev. 20:10)!
It is their sole hateful and vindictive intention to discredit Almighty
God's Word and promises to Israel and the world and to torment and take
as many humans with them to their ETERNAL abode as possible (Matt. 8:29, 25: 41, Mark 1:24, 5:7, Luke 4:34).

These demonic hordes are lead by a demonic general named Abaddon, whose name means destroyer!
These tortured inhabitants of planet earth - who are also part of
Lucifer’s satanic rebellion against Almighty God - are now being
violently oppressed by Satan’s legions of fallen angels and are now
driven as cattle by Satan to serve his destructive diabolical plan in
his final war of this age against Almighty God (Rev. 16:13-16). Since these individuals out right reject the Divine revelation revealed to them by Almighty God (2 Thess. 2:8-12), His two witnesses and His ministering angels, they have now opened themselves to the demonic influences and possession of their minds (2 Cor. 4:3-4, 2 Thess. 2:9-12).
Remember, by this time – the seven Seal Judgments and the first four Trumpet Judgments have passed (Rev. 6-8).
Multitudes of millions (i.e.,1.5 billion) of the earth’s inhabitants
have been slain by global war, pestilence and famine, not to mention the
global environmental devastation that has ravished 1/3rd of the earth's
natural resources, elements, sea creatures, shipping commerce,
celestial lights etc... It is now - after all of this global devastation
- that millions of enraged demonic hordes are released from their
prison hold of the abyss and will now commence terrorizing and torturing
countless millions of the surviving masses of unsaved mankind for five months.
Could things get any more horrific than this? Oh… Yes! EXPONENTIALLY WORSE!!
At this time, one might ask himself, “Could things get any more horrific than this?” For in this brief time period since the Covenant of Peace was confirmed - which was suppose to usher in world peace and a new global age for all mankind (Dan. 9:27, 1 Thess. 5:3, Rev. 6:2) - the whole world has been ravished beyond imagination and humanity is laid waste on a scale unparalleled. Vexed and tormented beyond belief by man’s transgressions and demonic oppression, could things get any more worse than this? Oh… Yes! EXPONENTIALLY WORSE!!
At this time, one might ask himself, “Could things get any more horrific than this?” For in this brief time period since the Covenant of Peace was confirmed - which was suppose to usher in world peace and a new global age for all mankind (Dan. 9:27, 1 Thess. 5:3, Rev. 6:2) - the whole world has been ravished beyond imagination and humanity is laid waste on a scale unparalleled. Vexed and tormented beyond belief by man’s transgressions and demonic oppression, could things get any more worse than this? Oh… Yes! EXPONENTIALLY WORSE!!
The Second Woe!
The Second Woe!
The back ground (Rev. 6, 8; 9:1-12:1) - has now been set for introduction of the sixth Trumpet “the Second Woe!”
As the multitudes of earth’s inhabitants feel the horrific judgments and
plagues of Almighty God, the destructive out working of evil men and
the oppressive tyrannical torture of the demonic devouring locust of
First Woe (Rev. 9:1-12),
the remaining world’s inhabitants will have to brace themselves for the
Second Woe which is at hand! A demonically induced and preconceived
second Global War that will set the stage for Lucifer's (Satan's) Anti
Christ and 666 global state (Rev 9:15; 13).
will be preparing the human soil to make way for Lucifer’s last
offensive plan and push, the Abomination of Desolation and 666 global
, .
, .

Dear friends, just look at what it will take to establish and get Lucifer's anti Christ upon the world's throne! How many biblical scholars see this position as we have revealed to you. Not many... if few. Many today hold a very shallow of what is to be and provide little to no biblical depth and substance for God's people. My dear friends may we all be slaves and students to the Word of God in these days!
Now... These four mighty demonic angels of the Euphrates river prison hold are commanded to stir up a stupendous and mighty army of 200 million demonic riders to destroy the remaining world’s population by 1/3. So STUPENDOUS and FRIGHTENING are their description and vision that it takes the breath away from the reader of this text (Rev. 9:16-19).
Dear friends, just look at what it will take to establish and get Lucifer's anti Christ upon the world's throne! How many biblical scholars see this position as we have revealed to you. Not many... if few. Many today hold a very shallow of what is to be and provide little to no biblical depth and substance for God's people. My dear friends may we all be slaves and students to the Word of God in these days!
Now... These four mighty demonic angels of the Euphrates river prison hold are commanded to stir up a stupendous and mighty army of 200 million demonic riders to destroy the remaining world’s population by 1/3. So STUPENDOUS and FRIGHTENING are their description and vision that it takes the breath away from the reader of this text (Rev. 9:16-19).
we rattle off these horrific statistics of this period one has to
shudder and try to grasp the vast carnage and devastation of this first
three and a half year period. How do any of the haters of reality even make it to Armageddon at all?
During their monstrous campaign another BILLION plus or 1/3rd of the world’s remaining inhabitants will be destroyed (Rev. 9:15)!
As we rattle off these horrific statistics of this first three and a
half year period, one has to shudder and try to grasp the vast carnage
and devastation of human life of this time period. How do any of the haters of reality
even make it to Armageddon at all? How do any survive to the end? Note
that after all of this vast devastation and global carnage that the
heart of the world has not grown softer towards Almighty God, but
adamantly and violently harder (Rev. 9:20).
"And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not
of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and
idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which
neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries (drugs), nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts" (Rev. 9:20-21).
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not
the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God
shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That
they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness (2 Thess. 2:10-12).
As the Second Woe comes to a horrific and devastating conclusion, one
may ask himself, “What can ever top that?” It has been now exactly forty-two months and three and one half days since the Anti Christ’s confirming of the covenant with Israel and the world (Dan. 9:27, Rev. 6:2; 11:7-14) and since then, it has been absolute hell on earth (beyond one's comprehension) and a non stop global blood bath.
It is at this time that Almighty God will now remove His hedge that has protected Israel for these last forty two months.
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As we are now about to see, Israel (the hosts of unbelieving Jews (Rev. 11:8)
will now begin to feel the chastening hand of Almighty God, the global
ravishing of Satan’s hatred and the world’s wrath. As the Second Woe
comes to a near completion, so does also the mighty Two Witnesses of Almighty God’s ministry (Rev. 11:7).
Their 1260 days are now fully accomplished and NOW the Anti Christ will
own the next remaining 1260 days or 42 months of this tribulation
period (Rev. 11:3; 13:1-5). The Second Woe has now come to a horrific conclusion following the Two Witnesses' resuscitation and ascension into Heaven in front of the newly reigning Anti Christ (Matt. 24:15, Rev. 13:1-5) and ALL of their global God hating enemies (Rev. 11:7-14).
The exceeding terror and reality that now permeates ALL of the world's
godless inhabitants because their dreaded enemies - which were destroyed
by their new "savior and hero" (i.e., the Anti Christ) - have been
resuscitated and have ascended into Heaven (Rev.11 :7-12).
The accumulated EXPONENTIAL catastrophic events of these first 3 1/2 years have now set the stage and tilled the ground for Lucifer's global "666" ultra fascist state.
The accumulated EXPONENTIAL catastrophic events of these first 3 1/2 years have now set the stage and tilled the ground for Lucifer's global "666" ultra fascist state.
The “Great Tribulation" also called "Jacob’s Trouble”, HAS NOW BEGUN! With the institution of the Abomination of Desolation (Jer. 30, Dan. 12, Zech.11. Matt. 24:15, Rev. 11:1-2, 12:9-17, 13), events
for Israel and the godless world’s inhabitants will get even more
EXPONENTIALLY worse, to the point of unimaginable proportions (Dan. 12:1, Matt. 24:21)!
It will be now that Lucifer and Hid angels will be confined to this
puny planet until Messiah's return and WOE unto the inhabitants of the
earth (Rev. 12:12).
My dear friend, please try to comprehend that ALL current global events in our nation and in our world are heading to this destination and EXPONENTIALLY beyond (Rev. 19:11-21)! There is absolutely NO hope for mankind apart from their Creator and Savior (John 3:16-17, Gal.1:4). My dear friend, do you have a personal relationship to Jesus Christ? All your ETERNAL future depends on this very union.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
The Gospel of John Challenge
What is Sin?
My dear friend, please try to comprehend that ALL current global events in our nation and in our world are heading to this destination and EXPONENTIALLY beyond (Rev. 19:11-21)! There is absolutely NO hope for mankind apart from their Creator and Savior (John 3:16-17, Gal.1:4). My dear friend, do you have a personal relationship to Jesus Christ? All your ETERNAL future depends on this very union.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
The Gospel of John Challenge
What is Sin?