Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

The godless reprobate mind is filled with violence, moral relativism and lawlessness designs and its actions have ravished this nation beyond all recognition of what the founding fathers envisioned. It is a sewer of godless thinking and if we could visualize this mind with an image the picture at the top of this post best represents it (Jer. 17:9, Matt. 15:16-20, Rom. 1:18-32, Gal. 5:19-21. Jude 1:10). This post's picture is graphic... but it best parallels the lawless reprobate mind. A picture is indeed worth a thousand words!

Let us first look at the barbaric act of abortion. Since 1973 there has been 55 million abortions of our American children. May I say that NO gun has ever achieved that statistic not even all the combined arsenal of WW2! The abortion agenda of the Left is the holy grail of their godless ideology. The abortion ideology is a narcissistic ideology, which at its core is rooted in pure death. Of all issues that liberalism promotes and seeks acceptance for none is more championed and protected by these barbarians then abortion. Oh the hypocrisy of the Left!

We as a nation have received the Left’s critical theory as absolute today and our family unit, men, women, children and every aspect of our society in the name of “liberation” and personal freedom have reaped the whirlwind upon our culture and society.
Another deviant practice of the liberal mind is that of sexual deviance. The lawless liberal mind seeks to legitimize and promote all unnatural acts of sexual perversion which has reaped absolute devastation on our American culture and society. Sodomy, pedophilia, adultery, pornography, nudity, immodest dress, deviant sexual promiscuity etc. have all been legitimized and pushed on our Judeo/Christian culture by our 24/7 media, Hollywood, the music industry and Internet. We as a nation today have been dumbed down and placed under a demonic hypnotic stupor. We as a nation have received the Left’s critical theory as absolute today and our family unit, men, women, children and every aspect of our society in the name of “liberation” and personal freedom have reaped the whirlwind upon our culture and society (Isa. 5:20, Rom. 1:18-32, 1 Cor. 1:18-31).
Aids, sexually transmitted diseases, abortion, death, many faceted philological problems, violence, oppression, tyranny, slavery, addiction, damnable dependency etc… etc… have all come to be and now have their jack boot on the neck of our nation all because of the reprobate mind which has now become legal and mainstream (Isa. 5:20).
My friends it is not too hard to see for those who adhere to light and right (John 3:19-21, 8:32, 36), but our day has become so dark, so deviant, so lawless and yes relativistic that the average Joe or Sally is totally oblivious to Divine REALITY and moral absolutes. Today absolutes are so twisted out of proportion, words and morals are redefined to legitimize lawlessness. Good is called evil and evil good (Isa. 5:20)! Such were the days in which Isaiah the prophet spoke about and here we are today with the very same spirit at work in our nation.
 Godlessness, decadence, lawlessness and moral relativism are now the dominant ideologies of our land.
My dear friend our day is only going to get worse until we as a nation finally implode upon ourselves. Godlessness, decadence, lawlessness and moral relativism are now the dominant ideologies of our land. We indeed as a nation have apostatized not just from Almighty God and His Word but from moral absolutes as well. The result of this apostasy is very evident today throughout our U.S. culture and society.
Do not let reprobate minds who are saturated with godlessness and lawlessness deceive you and dictate to you what is right and what is wrong. So subtle are their lies that many today are being deceived and allowing their emotions to do their “thinking for them as they dismiss sound absolutes and people who adhere to them.
It is easy to deduce that the Liberal mind - void of Almighty God and moral absolutes is the exceedingly far greater evil and threat to our culture and society than any nation, terrorist, natural disaster or gun.

My dear friends the inmates are now running the asylum, Washington and the media and Satan is more powerful then ever (Eph. 2:1-2, 6:12). May choose Almighty God’s Word to give you the light you need and keep your rooted and grounded as we as a nation and a world head strait into the Day of the Lord. I know that this message is a repetitive one... but how many people actually will receive the REALITY of our hour and the ETERNAL TRUTHS of Almighty God's Word? A horrifically sobering not many....

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


A Note: This post's picture is graphic... but it best parallels the lawless reprobate mind. A picture is worth a thousand words!


Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Nugget Net Newline - Prophetic Cutting Edge News Outlet!

To all of the Ignorant Fishermen (and women) out there in the good Lord’s world and to those especially of the Ignorant Fishermen brigade, Greetings in the Name of the Only Savior and Hope for this fallen and doomed world – the Lord Jesus Christ!

My beloved and fellow prophetic seekers of the Lord Jesus Christ’s glorious Second Coming, I must encourage you all – if you have not done so in the past - to be sure to visit the Nugget Net Newsline on a daily basis. This site has about 140 to 150 posts a day from many different authors and news agencies which provide more than an abundant crop of cutting edge information pertaining to the pre-trib Rapture position, the nation of Israel, the Last Days, biblical prophecy, global events and sound biblical teaching on salvation and much more. I personally tell many that the Nugget Net Newsline is the Drudge Report for the believer in Christ who wants to be kept on the cutting edge of prophetical evolution.

Nugget Net Newline is the Drudge Report for the believer in Christ who wants to be kept on the cutting edge of prophetical evolution!

The editors of the NNNL have been posting the Ignorant Fishermen Blog’s posts for a few years now and we are grateful for them doing so. In it all... the bottom line for all who know the Savior is NOT to get hits on our web sites but to proclaim from our Internet pulpits the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ and His soon coming. We must keep Almighty God’s people on the cutting edge, alert and always ready to give and account of the biblical program of Almighty God, His Word and the glorious hope that He offers to all in these wicked, lawless and decadent last days. We are indeed debtors.

So my beloved, keep all those who are about getting Almighty God’s precious Word out in your prayers for ALL of God’s highest and best, which is for Almighty God’s will and way for each one for His wondrous glory! Be redeeming the time for your labors are NEVER in vain and always remember, that the Kingdom of Heaven is truly at hand!

God speed Christ's beloved!

Eph. 5:16-17!



Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Boy Scouts Choose Suicide, and Homosexual Activists are Still Outraged!

The Boy Scouts of America present a gift to Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates after presenting a copy of their "Report to the Nation" at the Pentagon, Feb. 26, 2007. Defense Dept. photo by Cherie A. Thurlby

Surely the national leadership members of the Boy Scouts of America didn’t believe this ungodly, profoundly stupid vote to allow openly homosexual boys to be Scouts would somehow appease the tools of the radical homosexual movement.  Surely these leaders who voted against all common sense and against the very principles their organization professes didn’t imagine that the homosexual alphabet soup militia would be happy with the vote and just let things be.

The yeas and nays of the vote had barely been counted when the screeching and wailing commenced from Sodom’s ranks—the Scouts didn’t go far enough!  In an abundantly dark-minded statement, anti-Christian, homosexual activist, Wayne Besen, of the misnamed “Truth Wins Out,” immediately called for the Scouts to take their decision further and allow homosexual men to be Scout leaders and volunteers.  Besen called the Scouts’ decision “cowardly, incoherent, and mean-spirited” and an “outrageous and offensive policy,” because homosexual men were still excluded.
He also wrote, in part:
Today’s Boy Scout’s decision was insulting and pandered to ignorance and bigotry at the expense of gay people and their families. Allowing gay scouts but not adult scout leaders was a compromise – only in the sense that BSA compromised its integrity and decency. Let’s be clear — this was not a step forward, but a step backward, because it reinforced the most vile stereotypes and misconceptions deliberately peddled by anti-gay activists.
While Besen’s statement could not be further from the truth, a couple of his lines are “technically correct” when we apply their true meaning.  The Boy Scouts of America most certainly did compromise its integrity and decency.  Both were shattered on the altar of the bully homosexual movement.  They left behind their “morally straight” ways for the crooked road to perversion, selling out the boys’ safety and well-being for thirty pieces of corporate sponsorship silver.
And, it was indeed a “step backward,” because as Dr. Scott Lively wrote in his column, “Satan Wins Back the Scouts,” the scouting movement has homosexual roots in nineteenth-century Germany.  It was started by homosexuals—pederasts—who desired sexual relationships with young boys.  In part, Dr. Lively wrote,
Like so many evils in our modern world, the homosexual roots of scouting go back to Germany, where a pair of pederasts, Karl Fischer and Wilhelm Jansen, and homosexual youth leader Hans Blueher turned a small newly-formed hiking club of adolescent boys into a nation-wide scouting organization called the Wandervogel (Wandering Birds).
Dr. Lively points out the distinction between the German scouting movement and the English one later founded:
Eighteen years after the German scouting movement began, Lord Baden Powell formed the English organization in 1908 that our Boy Scouts is based upon. Powell is often accused by “gays” of having been a homosexual himself, but their evidence is very flimsy and I don’t believe they are correct. In fact, I think Lord Powell was successful only because he built his organization on Biblical values. It is only these values that have protected the Boy Scouts of America from following the example of the Wandervogel…
Of course, when Wayne Besen said the Scouts took a “step backward,” this is in no way what he meant.  But it’s true that with this insane vote to admit homosexual boys, the Boy Scouts of America is surely moving backward—back in time to a man-boy sexual scouting movement of the late nineteenth century.  It is also certain that the homosexual radicals will persist in harping on the Scouts and filing lawsuits until they see homosexual men admitted as scoutmasters and volunteers.

We know that there have long been homosexuals under cover inside the Scouts, as Dr. Lively points out: 

There are no doubt many hidden and very cautious pederasts already lurking in the Boy Scout leadership who are now salivating over the prospect of having in their care self-declared “gay” boys whom they can approach sexually with far less fear of exposure. “Gay” boys who can also help to recruit their peers into intergenerational “gay” relationships.
It shouldn’t surprise anyone that pederasts naturally gravitate to all-male societies. Consider the Roman Catholic priesthood. Look at their list of victims and you will see that the priesthood scandal was not about pedophilia, but pederasty, a form of homosexuality. The Boy Scouts of America is no different, except now the organization itself will do most of the work of recruiting the victims, and is also likely to try and cover up all evidence of the problem so as not to admit their policy change was to blame. (The latter phenomenon seems to be occurring in our military, vis a vis male-on-male rapes, since the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.) But there’s nothing new under the sun. The world has seen open homosexuality in scouting before, as well as its consequences.

Yes, there will be consequences, and the Boy Scouts of America will not like them.  This will be a devastating blow to its membership numbers, because “morally straight” families will not permit their boys to be exposed to the dangers of this sinful, degenerate behavior.  And, there will certainly be a new, morally straight, American scouting movement to take the place of the Boy Scouts.

The Boy Scouts of America has just voted “yea” to its own demise, and the homo-radicals like Wayne Besen are still not happy, but of course, they never will be.

Gina Miller
(Printed with permission)


Americans Do Not Fool Yourself About Our Day!

What is truly insane about our day is that many conservatives and countless Americans are deceiving themselves into thinking that we can REVERSE this fiscal and decadent tsunami that has and is sweeping over and deluging our nation these last 60 years. Oh my friend, do not deceive yourself! We are far past the point of no return here in America. Our culture and society today is near the brink of implosion by the secular and decadent practices which now permeate our once Judeo/Christian culture.

We as a nation are flying off of the world's cliff at highway speeds and our national mindset is a cautious optimistic "all will be well!

We as a nation are flying off of the world's cliff at highway speeds and our national mindset is a cautious optimistic "all will be well!" Oh delusion!! Is not our American family unit is ravished beyond comprehension? Does not godless immorality dominate and reign over our U.S. culture today? Has not its wake left its destructive and ravished landscape for all to clearly see. Horrifyingly, countless Americans are blinded and tragically holding on to a delusional optimistic appraisal of our nation's culture and society, which has become a wasteland of lawlessness. My friends, the Day of the Lord is at hand and countless Americas think it a fairy tale. Optimism is the madness of the blind!

Oh my friend, do not deceive yourself, we are far past the point of no return.

Thank God for the Tea Party movement which once slowed down our destructive fiscal bent a tiny microcosm but sadly this movement DOES NOT address the social conservative causes that are crucial for a society to survive. Fiscal conservatism can NEVER replace social conservatism. As one of our founding fathers John Adams stated so clearly, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious (God fearing) people.” He never stated that fiscal conservatism was the way to a sound and healthy society.

We as a nation are far past the point of no return (socially and fiscally).

As lawlessness permeates our society and country, our time is growing ever shorter. We must do all we can to help preserve our once great nation, but sadly we should not trust in our efforts at this point. We as a nation are far past the point of no return (socially and fiscally). This reality is not a surrendering fatalistic thought, but an appraisal rooted in sound truth and reality.

We must do all we can to help preserve our once great nation, but sadly we should not trust in our efforts at this point.
Americans - more than ever today - need to see the world in which they live objectively and comprehend that all circumstances and events - nationally and globally - are headed to the final global climatic time called “the Day of the Lord” (Isa. 24:4-6; Matt. 24; Rev. 6-19).

One must ask, “Do I have a saving relationship to Almighty God in spirit and truth as the Bible – Almighty God’s infallible Word – clearly teaches. Almighty God’s Word states;

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matt. 6:33)

“For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth” (Rom. 10:4)

“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24)

To obtain true RIGHTEOUSNESS and PEACE one must KNOW the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ. Only through Jesus Christ can this possibility become a reality, in this world and in ETERNITY future (Eph. 2:15; Col. 1:20).

 Only through Jesus Christ can this possibility become a reality.

In these turbulent days of uncertainty and unrest here in America and in our world, may you abandon your and society’s social delusions and solutions and put your faith and total trust in Almighty God's ETERNAL solutions that are ONLY found in the wonderful Person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 1:20)! You will be set free from the shackles of this fallen world and you will NEVER be the same!

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



Monday, May 27, 2013

Because of the Truth

We here at the Ignorant Fishermen Blog wanted to share this absolutely POWERFUL audio message with you on Memorial Day in light of ALMIGHTY GOD and ETERNITY'S perspective. This message sets in light the right way to comprehend and understand TRUTH, LOVE and VALOR from Heaven's ETERNAL perspective. You will truly be blessed, encouraged and inspired as you draw closer to the Savior and His Word (John 3:32,36, 17:17).

This Memorial Day we do indeed remember ALL of our service men and women who have paid the ultimate price in securing our freedoms for TRUTH, JUSTICE and the American way as our founding father's envisioned our nation to be. Their deaths were not in vain and have preserved our nation and have allowed the Gospel light to shine forth into a dying world (John 3:16-17).

This Memorial Day may Almighty God help us all if we do not remember what this day is all about.

This Memorial Day may Almighty God help us all if we do not remember what this day is all about. Have a blessed Memorial Day. Enjoy your friends and families but remember that it is because of the fallen that we have these remaining  freedoms to do so.

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Because of the Truth - link to audio