Dear friends,
I am sure that you saw the Drudge Report
today and other news outlets which stated that Connecticut's new gun laws have passed and will be signed by Gov. Malloy this afternoon. My dear friends, this is only the beginning of such a law... that there... you can bank on!
My dear friends, this is only the beginning of such a law... that there... you can bank on!

This administration and progressive leaders in power are hell bent on
making secular progressivism the law of the state and outlawing the
The Left here in Connecticut have totally exploited the Newtown tragedy and are
totally seeking to expand their CONTROL and POWER by it and THEY WILL. Again, this is ONLY the beginning! That is the heart of this new legislation... POWER and CONTROL. Newton was the
perfect storm in which the Left had patiently waited for for years to get their hearts desire on gun legislation. They have fully exploited this tragedy and have used its victims as legislational tools and that in its self is a great evil. The overwhelming violent acts and murders caused by guns are committed by lawless, godless, violent men and women whose very traits are those which are found in the lawless and moral relativistic ideology and actions of the Left.
The overwhelming violent acts and murders caused by guns are committed by
lawless, godless, violent men and women whose very traits are those
which are found in the lawless and moral relativistic ideology and
actions of the Left.
The tragic delusion of today is that man believes that by more legislation and more control they can create a utopian world of harmony and peace (Isa. 48:22, Rom 3). This embraced delusion of our day is in complete opposition to rightness and REALITY (Isa.5:20, Amos 5:7, Matt 6:23, Luke 11:34). Lawlessness and man's tyranny will NEVER and can NEVER bring about an utopian world as history has so violently demonstrated. However to the blind (2 Cor. 4:3-4) they in their delusion perceive that they are all part of making things better as they work out their vanity under the sun with no comprehension that ETERNITY is EVER before them (Eccl. 9).
In such days where we see lawlessness ever abounding and moral relativism making drunk the minds of men and women and God given common sense near vanished in our land there is only one place alone where one can find safety and surety in an unstable world. That place is found in the presence of Almighty God and in His infallible Word by faith in Jesus Christ (John 1:12, 3:16-17, 17:17). My dear friends, this little Connecticut gun legislation though troublesome... totally pales when we look at our world where war pigs and madman reign and nuclear war and doom crouch just at our door (2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 6-19). Do not be distracted and get caught up in the little things which when placed on a global scale are less than micro. Dear friends, the Day of the Lord is at hand in which the world will be thrown into global tribulation which will full manifest mankind's lawless heart and their complete hatred for Almighty God and RIGHTEOUSNESS.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
Related Links
What Is More Deadly, Guns or Secular Liberalism
The Secular Left’s Intolerance and Spirit of Anti Christ