We must FULLY comprehend and possess that our war is NOT with flesh and blood (the physical tangible things of this physical fallen world) but with the arch fallen angel Lucifer and his demonic disciples who ARE working from an ETERNAL position and his godless fallen sheep of this age (Rom. 1:18-32, 2 Cor. 4:-34, Eph. 6:12). My dearly beloved may I say it again, we MUST FULLY comprehend and posses that our standing and position in Christ is SURE and REAL (Eph. 1:1-23, 2:1-12, Col. 3:1-4). Beloved, our position is as sure as two plus two equals four and water is wet! However... Until we FULLY allow Almighty God the Holy Spirit to teach us and lead us in the Father's will for our lives here in time (John 16:13, Rom. 8:26-39, 1 Thess. 5:19) and ourselves apply the wondrous sound ABSOLUTES (spiritually and morally) - which are found in Almighty God's INFALLIBLE Word - we will NEVER possess these REALITIES and TRUTHS and be subject to the chains and shackles of this physical temporal world and it's god (2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph.2:1-2, 1 John 5:19).
Until we FULLY allow Almighty God the Holy Spirit to teach us and lead
us in the Father's will for our lives here in time and apply the
wondrous sound ABSOLUTES (spiritually and morally) which are found in
Almighty God's INFALLIBLE Word we will NEVER possess these wondrous
REALITIES and TRUTHS and be subject to the chains and shackles of this
physical temporal world and it's god.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!!

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