Over the last 75 years the secular socialistic seed has been planted,
watered and nourished and the time has now finally come in our history to
reap this secular socialistic harvest
and Obama has been the man to "git R done". Obama's policies, euphemisms and twisted justifications of his lawless actions have cut through the rotted
America social core
as a hot knife through warm butter. Fifty years of lawless
indoctrination, critical theory, secularism, moral relativism and
socialistic kool-aid has dumbed down and made drunk this nation's
citizens and has made this nation's inhabitants ripe for the pickings
and dumb as a rock.
As the U.S. frog has been slowly
cooked over 75 years so have our nation's inhabitants.

America's clueless pleasure seeking narcissistic inhabitants (Right,
Moderate and Liberal) and governmental program addicts have all been
mentally and morally passed out and at the wheel for years, while
America has been stealthily taken over. As the U.S. frog has been slowly
cooked over 75 years so have our nation's inhabitants. Many have
finally woken up since the Lefts (in 2006) and Obama's (in 2008) take
over of America, but it has been a little to late; for the damage has
long been done and the lawless reapers now have come.
American Lefts fascism, which has hid behind a smiley face for many
years has now revealed its self to be the consuming Dragon of old.

This 4th of July the Left rejoices in a new "lawless revolution" that
has finally taken over the Founding Father's vision of America. This
4th of July the Left celebrates a new nation born to REPLACE our old one
which was founded on
the Laws of Nature and of Natures God.
This 4th of July, Almighty God has been finally ousted from our three
branches of government and a secular agenda and government is now the
new god of America. This 4th of July we look back at what once was
America and understand that we are now in a new era, a new realm, a new
estate ever evolving now into fascist tyrannical state of despotism and
anarchy. The
American Lefts fascism, which has
hid behind a smiley face for years has now revealed its self to be the
consuming Dragon of old
(John 8:44, Eph. 6:12, Rev. 12:9). Make no mistakes my friends more is at work here then the hands of lawless man
(2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph.6:12). The Master politician
has now set the stage for his soon reception and
666 global state
(2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 13) in which none shall escape
(1 Thess. 5:1-4, Rev. 6-19).
Make no mistakes my friends more is at work here then the hands of lawless man. The Master politician has now set the stage for his soon reception and 666 global state in which none shall escape.
nation's ONLY hope in this dire hour is for each American to turn to
Almighty God and to His saving grace.
For that is what this little existence here in this fallen world is all
about. Almighty God has provided a Savior for time and ETERNITY may it
be that you know Him
(John 3:16-17).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
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