When the seven year tribulation period commences with the "confirming of the covenant" (Dan. 9:27), the only words for one to use to describe this period will be EXPONENTIAL and BEYOND CATASTROPHICALLY HORRIFIC! The GLOBAL war and carnage just in the first 3 1/2 years of this time period (Matt. 24: Rev. 6-9) will be unprecedented in the history of the world - since Babel to the present (some 4300 years) - and will make the total sum of the history of war casualties pale in comparison!
From the ride of the Four Horsemen, to the release of the demonic legions, to the Quad Demonic War
- a 3 1/2 year span - one half of the entire world population will be
absolutely decimated by despotic demonic activity and global war!
From the ride of the Four Horsemen (Rev. 6), to the release of the demonic legions (Rev. 9:1-12), to the Quad Demonic War (Rev. 9:13-21) - a 3 1/2 year span - one half of the entire world population will be absolutely decimated by despotic demonic activity and global war! That statistic of global casualties from this demonic and human "war pig" onslaught will result in one out of every two of the world's inhabitants or about 3. 5 BILLION of the earth's inhabitants slain from all nations of the world! What is SUPER ASTOUNDING... is that the Lord Jesus called this time period just the beginning of sorrows or birth pangs of the coming Kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 24:4-8, Rev. 6-9)! Oh my dear friends... if these are just the birth pangs (Matt. 24:4-8, Rev. 6-9)... what will the end of these things be? for GREAT is the WRATH of this Day and its EXPONENTIAL global DEVASTATION (Isa. 24, Matt 24:21-22, Rev. 6:8, 9:18)!!!
The images from this HORRIFIC CATASTROPHIC DEVASTATION from the fall out of these two global wars will be etched with a searing iron sword into the hearts and minds of the earth's remaining inhabitants!
The images from this HORRIFIC CATASTROPHIC DEVASTATION from the fall out of these two global wars (Rev 6, 9) will be etched with a searing iron sword into the hearts and minds of the earth's remaining inhabitants. The suffering and carnage from these global events will be so imprinted and so ingrained upon humanity's hearts and minds that the remaining inhabitants of planet earth will go mad and will put all of the blame on ALMIGHTY God and His Two Witnesses, their followers and unbelieving Israel (Matt 24:4-9, Rev. 9:20-21, 11:3-12)! Such will be the wrath of the darkened and hard heart of this fallen world at this time.
All anyone has to do is study the HORRIFIC affects from World War 1 and World War 2 on those surviving war torn generations and multiply it EXPONENTIALLY to project what will be at that time. The world's surviving inhabitants of these two EXPONENTIAL and HORRIFICALLY CATASTROPHIC global wars will have SUPER ingrained in their hearts and minds the present pungent smell of global death, the horrific images and violence of global death and the screams of the world's helpless wounded humanity echoing as a warning siren at full volume in their minds. Mankind in their godless delusional utopian aspirations will STILL NOT comprehend - after ALL of this HORRIFIC global carnage (Rev. 6-9) - the ABSOLUTE FUTILITY in their hell bent desire to seek a worldly godless existence and "utopia" without ALMIGHTY God's moral absolutes for time and its dire need for ETERNAL REDEMPTION (Isa. 53:6, John 3:19-21, Rom. 1:18-32, Gal. 5:19-21, 2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 9:20-21).
The godless world at this time will be so UNBELIEVING and so FULL of
WRATH and HATE against their Creator that they are absolutely committed
and willing to follow Satan head first into the abyss of ABSOLUTE
DARKNESS and ETERNAL perdition.
The godless world at this time will be so UNBELIEVING and so FULL of WRATH and HATE against their Creator that they are absolutely committed and willing to follow Satan head first into the abyss of ABSOLUTE DARKNESS and ETERNAL perdition (Matt. 24:15, 2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev 13). The world now - after these two EXPONENTIAL CATASTROPHIC WARS is FULLY ready for Satan's global reign and his master minion, (i.e. the Man of Lawlessness , the little horn, the Beast, the anti Christ - Dan. 7:8,11,20,21,24,25, Dan. 9:26, 11:36-45, 12:10-11, John 8:44, 2 Thess. 2:3-12, 1 John 4:3, 2 John 1:7, Rev 13, 17:8-17, 19:19-21).
The remaining majority of the world's population at this time will seek to find peace and hope in an old "god", a new man, a new image and a new world order; one that they must give their souls as an ETERNAL down payment for their commitment to the god of this world (Matt. 24:15, 25:41, 2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 13:11-18, 14:9-11, 20:10-15).
Almighty God the Holy Spirit cries out to a lost world, "Be saved from the Wrath which is to come!", but who will hear it?
My friends, these things MUST be and WILL BE! and ... you do not need Almighty God's INFALLIBLE WORD to see that we as a world today are headed this way at break neck speed! We have run out of room as a world with no where else to go but global tribulation.
Almighty God the Holy Spirit cries out to a lost world, "Be Saved from the Wrath which is to come!" - John 3:16-17), but who will hear it? If the world today, which is in a somewhat turbulent time now will not hear the Spirit's call... what then?
Dear friends, now is the day of salvation! Call upon Him now while you may! ETERNITY is before us all, will you be ready to stand before the ETERNAL KING of RIGHTEOUSNESS?
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
That was very spirit filled. God bless you keep fishing.Love Nikkip.
To God be the glory!
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