Rush - since the 2012 election victory of Barack H. Obama - has been very steadfast in trying to keep the conservative faith of "eternal optimism" alive, but by the tone in his voice at many times he knows within that huge heart of his that the jig is up. As a a 24/7 member and a big Rush fan for many years, one thing that has always bothered me about Rush is his "eternal optimism" ideology which seems to always get in the way of the ETERNAL REALITY of this nation's future. Rush's "eternal optimism" leaves out ETERNAL REALITY and is a subjective world view which is confined and chained to the utter temporal state of time and this fallen world (John 3:3-7, Rom. 8:5-8, 1 Cor 2:14). Without Almighty God's ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE all that is seen in this world is vanity and all is futile no matter how optimistic one's appraisal may be (Eccl.).
Rush's "eternal optimism" leaves out ETERNAL REALITY and is a
subjective world view which is confined and chained to the utter
temporal state of time and this fallen world.
Now don't get me wrong... it is true that Rush is the mayor of Real-ville and is always real about the state of our nation, giving warnings and preaching the failure of big government in the lives of Americas. Rush is also quite real when addressing the realities that are at our nation's door and what lies ahead if we continue down this socialistic and secular path; but the tragedy of it all is that all of Rush's ideas, solutions, appraisals and insight are confined to this world and have no ETERNAL weight to them. America will NOT abide FOREVER as Rush believes for there is a BIG BAD EXPONENTIAL Day of tribulation such as this world has never seen at our door and all the "optimism in the world will not stop this REALITY from coming to be (Jer. 30:7, Dan. 12:1, Matt. 24:21, Mark 13:9, Rev. 6-19). My dear friends this is where we are in at present on history's time line, for we are at the end of days.
Rush's "eternal optimism" is a reactionary reflex that takes place
whenever utter ruin and despair seem to engulf him and conservative
Now... you might be asking yourself, "Well then... what's your beef about and what do you mean by Rush's optimistic delusion? My friends, the issue is with Rush's optimistic appraisal that NEVER sees outside the end of this age and NEVER will face the REALITY of a world without an America. Rush's "eternal optimism" is a reactionary reflex that takes place whenever utter ruin and despair seem to engulf him and conservative Americas. Whenever these sobering realities that pertain to America's social and fiscal total collapse seem overwhelming to Rush he then will go into a 20 minute pep talk injected with "eternal optimism" about how our nation will rebound or conservatism in the end will win the day or the American youth will turn back to morality or America will come around one day or America will always endure etc..etc... blah...blah... blah... Whenever I hear these optimistic delusions I truly feel burdened for the man for he is truly a prisoner trapped in the subjective prison of this world's existence and a slave to this fallen world and to time. Without a saving relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ and a healthy objective Biblical REALITY based on Almighty God's ETERNAL Word... like it or not Rush and other conservative media types are slaves to sin (Rom. 3:23, 10:2-4, Eph. 2:1-2), slaves to mortality (Prov. 27:1, Eccl. 1-12, Luke 12:20, James 4:14), slaves to this life's very temporal existence (Eccl. 1-12, Luke 12:20) and may I be so bold to say... and slaves to the god of this world and his godless anti Christ agenda (Rom. 10:2-4, 2 Cor. 4:3-4, Eph. 2:1-2).
My dear friend,
conservatism without Christ is bankrupt! What will it take for conservatives and El-Rushbo to humble their hearts and see
things from Almighty God's ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS perspective?
My dear friend, conservatism without Christ is bankrupt! What will it take for conservatives and El-Rushbo to humble their hearts and see things from Almighty God's ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS perspective? It is most crucial that they for the days are at hand for the Day of the Lord's arrival in which global tribulation which cannot be comprehend will engulf the world (Rev. 6-19). By then it will be most likely to late for you for your mind and heart will be set in doom's ETERNAL concrete. Today my dear friends while we still have light may you cast aside your self delusions and self righteousness and turn to the Savior for ETERNAL pardon and ETERNAL Life (John 1:12, 3:16-17). May it be so!!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
The False Prophets and Teachers of the Right
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