Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Fool And Slave of ETERNAL Damnation

Dear friend's, while there is yet time, let go of your foolish pride, self righteousness and lawlessness and allow Almighty God to deliver you from sin's ETERNAL HORRIFIC ruin (Rev. 20:11-15)! Do not be one of the fools and countless billions that will chose to die in their transgressions (John 3:16-7, Rom. 6:23). My dear friends, ALL have transgressed and sinned (conservative-progressive)! ALL have fallen short (virtuous-vile) of the RIGHTEOUS ETERNAL STANDARD of Almighty God's RIGHTEOUSNESS (Isa. 1:18, Rom. 3:23, 7:11-25)! ALL need Almighty God's REDEMPTION and PARDON!

Almighty God ETERNALLY LOVES YOU in RIGHTEOUSNESS and TRUTH, that He sent His ETERNAL Son, to pay the ETERNAL price for your transgressions and your ETERNAL consequences, that you might be ETERNALLY pardoned and have ETERNAL LIFE, that you may ETERNALLY enjoy your CREATOR in spirit and TRUTH FOREVERMORE!!

Only an absolute fool and slave of one's ETERNAL perdition and ruin and lawlessness and ungodliness would REJECT such a pardon! How tragic that countless millions have and countless millions shortly will.

Dear friends, there is nothing more wonderful than the ETERNAL LOVE of the Father towards all His fallen creation and enemies of RIGHTNESS (John 3:16-17, Rom. 5:10, 1 Peter 3:18). Almighty God the Father reaches out to you today in His ETERNAL LOVE to repent and be delivered from the wrath which is to come and O my dear friends it is surely coming (Matt. 24:21-22, Rev. 6-19, 20:11-15)! Only an absolute fool and slave to Satan, ETERNAL damnation and ones unregenerate humanity would say NEVER! Only an absolute fool and slave of ones ETERNAL perdition and ruin would say NEVER! Only a fool and slave to lawlessness and ungodliness would REJECT such a pardon! How tragic that countless millions have and countless millions shortly will (2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 6-19). The Day of the Lord will absolutely manifest the godless heart of mankind as no other time EVER has in the 6000 year history of the world and will manifest to angels good and bad and man redeemed and lost that godless man WILL NOT repent nor choose to be saved (2 Thess. 2:8-12, 9:20-12, 16:9,11).

For we know not what tomorrow will bring! Dear friends if you know not the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior be sure that you do business with Him today!

Today my dear friend is the day of salvation! Now is the time! For we know not what tomorrow will bring! Dear friends if you know not the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior be sure that you do business with Him today! We have countless resources to help you come to a saving knowledge of the Savior of the world and to grow in the grace and knowledge of Him. Dear friend, may it be so, for you will NEVER EVER be the same!

Indeed! The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


What Must I Do To Be Saved!



Anonymous said...

Jesus does not imply, suggest, or affirm a secret are exponentially misinformed.

The Ignorant Fishermen said...

My friend, that is your position and you are free to it however you are EXPONENTIALLY, EXPONENTIALLY wrong....

(John 14:3)
