Today I saw that Sarah Palin is releasing in November 2013 a new Christmas book called, A Happy Holidays IS a Merry Christmas. When I found out that Sarah was writing this book about Christmas and that it mentioned "Christ"... I had to at brake neck speed see what the Left had to say about this book release and its beloved conservative author. The first thing I did was to Google Sarah's book title and what I found funny right off the bat was that the Google search results for anything Sarah Palin listed all Left wing news agencies and blog commentaries on her at the forefront. As I began to check out many of these sites and their video commentary they all had the same anti God, anti conservative, anti Palin message. As I knew with all of my being these haters of all that is good could not contain themselves and their hatred for Sarah. Their slander, defamatory remarks and character assassination came out of their mouths faster than rounds from a 50. cal in a Rambo movie! These hater's of the "Christ of Christmas" and lovers of lawlessness took every possible oppurtunity to beat her down within an inch of her life, including stomping on the Christ of Christmas. It was a secular progressive feeding frenzy in which these hounds of hell and lovers of the butchery of unborn babies lost their minds and it was bizzare and quite sobering to watch. I find it also amazing that just the mere mention of Sarah Palin's name will send these godless and lawless reprobates into a demonic howl (John 3:9-21, Rom. 1:18-32).
As I knew with all of my being these haters of all that is good could not contain themselves and their hatred for Sarah. Their slander, defamatory remarks and character assassination came out of their mouths faster than rounds from a 50. cal!
Ever since Sarah Palin entered the national political arena almost five years ago as the Republican VP nominee, she has caused sheer panic in the hearts and minds of the Leftist Liberals and Republican Moderates in America. Accordingly, the Leftist media has been hell-bent on doing all they can to discredit Palin’s accomplishments and destroy her character at every opportunity and at any cost. Even now, much effort and energy is being expended to deceive the American people regarding Sarah's considerable political achievements. Her popularity among Tea Party and conservatives is astounding, and many believed that she would run for the presidency in 2012. Another example of the Left wing hatred for Sarah came when Sarah's books were flying off of the shelves; the progressive Left in their rage and hatred were attacking and trashing her Amazon book review section, which I fully suspect that they will begin to do again with the release of Sarah's new book. The mainstream progressive media outlets and their publications have taken more than their fair share of shots at Sarah, targeting her character, her family, her role as a proud mother, her pro-life stance, her great influence with conservatives and Sarah being a voice for evangelical/conservative women. Sarah has been always in their cross hairs since day one and public enemy number one with the lawless Left here in America.

This destructive and slanderous tactic worked so well against GWB that the Left has been applying the same politics of personal destruction against Sarah Palin; Although with Palin, the Left have a fight on their hands and they totally know it.
This destructive and slanderous tactic worked so well against GWB that
the Left has been applying the same politics of personal destruction
against Sarah Palin. Although with Palin, the Left have a fight on their
hands and they totally know it.

The Bigger Picture
As a "deranged fundamental Bible believing Christian myself"... one
only needs to think “outside the box” of this world system and believe
Almighty God and His Word to see more clearly the bigger picture. The Word
of God teaches: "For we wrestle not
against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12). It is far much bigger than just you and me!
Here is the heart of the matter. There is now a Great Spiritual War for the hearts, minds and souls of men. Satan's desire is to remove the United States from the World Stage along with its Judeo/ Christian heritage. Also included in his diabolical plan for the country’s demise is the removal of any remnants of Christian testimony and support of Israel. At the present time, Satan's Minions abound everywhere in the American Mainstream Media. They unknowingly do his will and fully embrace it (see 2 Corinthians 4:4) . Satan’s goal is to destroy any semblance of "Rightness" and that which threatens his godless evil agenda which is heading towards his 666 global state (Rev. 13).
Here is the heart of the matter. There is a Great Spiritual
War for the hearts, minds and souls of men. Satan's desire is to remove
the United States from the World Stage along with its Judeo/ Christian
heritage. Also included in his diabolical plan for the country’s demise is the removal of any remnants of Christian testimony and support of Israel.
We here at the IFB are not seeking to exalt Sarah or put her on some kind of pedestal as being a sound fundamentalist believer in Jesus Christ, however we do respect her boldness (past and present) to stand for what is moral and right for America. However we do want to provide a biblical perspective into why the Left and moderates despise this woman. All things political and spiritual today that REJECT Almighty God's ETERNAL absolutes and Savior are the vessels used by the god of this world and are driving this world into the Day of the Lord (Eph. 2:1-3, Rev. 6-19) and this is the TRUTH in which we seek to communicate to all (Eph. 5:11, Heb. 11:1, 6).
When one enters the arena of politics and speaks their mind for the truth that is one thing and commendable but when one publicly speaks out for the Lord Jesus Christ and the ETERNAL realm of ABSOLUTE RIGHTEOUSNESS, one best be rooted in the Holy Scriptures and not seek to generalize or try to make Him (Christ) relative in a secular, ecumenical or "religious" way.
However a word to the wise to Mrs. Palin about her upcoming keeping "Christ" in Christmas book. We from a worldly perspective truly appreciate Sarah's strong social conservative convictions and her stand for our Founding Father's vision for America here in time. When one enters the arena of politics and speaks their mind for the truth that is one thing and commendable but when one publicly speaks out for the Lord Jesus Christ and the ETERNAL realm of ABSOLUTE RIGHTEOUSNESS, one best be rooted in the Holy Scriptures and not seek to generalize or try to make relative the King of kings in a secular, ecumenical or "religious" way (Matt. 7:21-13, 24:4-5, John 1:1-3, 14, 1 Cor. 15:1-4, Gal. 1:4-8, Eph. 2:8-9, 2 John 1:7); for in doing so an individual will heap upon themselves greater condemnation and judgment for causing confusion and deception to who Almighty God the Son is and His ETERNAL plan of salvation for all humanity (John 3:16-17, Acts 4:12, Rom. 6:23, Eph. 2:8-9). Catholics, Greek Orthodox, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses and liberal and conservative protestant denominations all have their "own " Jesus' which DOES NOT line up the Biblical outline of the Holy Scriptures. To promote this relativistic Jesus to the masses of apostate conservative Christians and to change the TRUE message of Christmas that a Savior is born is to be used as a tool of Satan in opposition to the will of the Almighty God (Matt.1:21, 16:23, Luke 2:30-35, Phil 2:6-11, Heb. 2:14-15).
To promote this relativistic Jesus to the masses of apostate conservative Christians and to change the TRUE message of Christmas that a Savior is born is to be used as a tool of Satan in opposition to the will of the Almighty God.
From Sarah's own mouth she has said that she has a saving relationship the Savior of the world and if that is so may she stay with in the framework of the Holy Scriptures as she writes her Christmas book.
The Bible is very clear that every idle word which one makes (saved or unsaved) against Almighty God's written authority will be held fully accountable (Matt. 12:36, 1 Cor. 3:11-15, Col 1:22). I do not doubt Sarah's sincerity and genuineness in this project but may she in these last days take a stand for the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit and Truth and put aside conservative politics; for conservatism is about to come to an end here in America and the Day of the Lord will EXPONENTIALLY arise (2 Thess. 2: 3-12, Rev. 6-12).
I do not doubt Sarah's sincerity and genuineness in this project but
may she in these last days take a stand for the Lord Jesus Christ in
Spirit and Truth and put aside conservative politics, for conservatism
is about to come to an end in America and the Day of the Lord will
My dear friends, Hear the heart of the Christmas message even when it is April. Almighty God loves you and sent his Son Jesus Christ to be your Savior, and to save us all (conservative and leftist) from the wrath which is to come (John 3:16-17, 1 John 4:10, Rev. 6-19). That statement is absolutely TRUE and woe to any who seek to take away or diminish that REALITY (conservative or liberal). I do not know anything more wonderful than the TRUE message of Christmas! Dear friends, you don't have to hide from Almighty God and you do not have to compromise Who He is to reach the world. Dear friends just let Almighty God be ALL that He is and enjoy Him as that in Spirit and Truth (John 4:24) and Almighty God will honor you and your joy will be FULL (1 Sam. 2:30, John 12:26, 16:24, Phil 4:7)! God the Father is there to receive you as you receive His precious Son (John 1:12, Heb. 11:1,6), and to love you and deliver you from the judgment and consequences of your transgressions against ALL that He is (John 3:16-17, Gal.1 4, 1 John 4:10, Rev. 1:5).
Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? If not my dear friend, trust Him today! Quit hiding in fearfulness and compromise and receive Him today. Only Christ of the Holy Scriptures can CHANGE your life and you will never be the same!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
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