This Good Fight Ministries documentary is very powerful and provides great insight into the movement of the day. Beyonce and her husband are big supporters of Obama's American vision and close friends with him and the first lady. This documentary reveals who and what is working through the music world today and the message these tools of Satan are projecting out to billions!
WARNING: For mature audiences. Some footage may be inappropriate to some viewers.
Beyonce is one of the hottest artists on the scene today. But as we'll see, there is something sinister behind her success, as Beyonce even admits, and millions of fans are clueless as to who they are actually "worshiping."
Good Fight Ministries
Good Fight Ministries well done!
God speed!
If you want to be in the entertainment industry (singer, musician, actor (movies and TV), author, model and athlete) you will have to sell your soul to the devil. Even those who remain in the industry who do not profess their allegiance to satan (by selling their soul for fame and money) but rather simply say nothing and go along with it are just as guilty and sold out. All of these people are satan's puppets, and when he is finished with them and they have served his evil purpose, he will destroy them. Look at Whitney Huston, Heath Ledger various Rappers, and athletes (drug overdose, shootings, car accident, suicide, etc.). The list of names goes on and on. They are all tools used by satan to create bondage to him in this evil world, which is the matrix. Praise God! There is a way of escape from all of this evil. It is in the name and the power and the blood of Jesus Christ. Call on Him!!!! (and turn off your TV's)
My friend we totally agree! Check out this IFB link.
I Praise the Lord for your good work. We are living in the last days. I pray that Christians in Christ may awake those foolish virgins whose lamps are not filled. The Bride is almost on the doorstep.
I was looking at CDs recently in a major chain store and I was shocked to see how many there were that were openly satanic. Parents, watch your kids entertainment purchases closely. Many children who buy this stuff are at an age were God will hold them accountable for their actions. The enemy is on the attack, and where better place to start than corrupting our youth. God help us.
Thank you and To God be the glory!
Dean, more than ever my friend it is the hour...!
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